Patagonia WHY you may want to go there!

in patagonia •  7 months ago 

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Patagonia is divided between Western Patagonia (Chile) and Eastern Patagonia (Argentina)
Several territories are still under dispute and claiming their rights.
Mapuche people came from the Chilean Andes and voted to remain in different sides of Patagonia.

The official language of Patagonia is Spanish but there are small pockets of indigenous communities within Patagonia who speak Mapuche.

a member of an ethnically diverse Indigenous people of Chile and Argentina.
Also called Map·u·dun·gan [mo-poo-, doon, -g, uh, n]. the Araucanian language of the Mapuche people, spoken in parts of Chile and Argentina.

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See the Fowler, aka Zach Fowler.

Who he is
his story
how he got his skill set
winning on survival store Alone season 3 in Patagonia
he went to boat crafting school at a young age
started learning with his dad during final year of high school
he made the schooner for Blackbeard that they blew up
[he was hoping it was cgi so that his craftsmanship wasn't actually blown to smithereens]

Check it out if not familiar,
The Fowler Origin Story -1979 to Winning $500k On History's Survival Show Alone Season 3

He also has a channel where he gives sling shot and tips for other skill sets,

Fowler's Makery and Mischief

Here is his shop

I have purchased some of his bands and slingshots for gifts!
I can attest to the fact that they are Awesome!

The bands are superior to others I have used.

I have also shot arrows with my slingshot, as a slingshot is smaller for hiking and carrying than my recurve bow.

#Patagonia, #Survival, #SurvivalShows, #Alone, #TheFowler, #ZacharyFowler, #ZachFowler, #SparrowSlingshot, #slingshot, #Slingshotbands, #Slingshotammo, #ammo, #theraband, #thescoutslingshot, #slingshotskills, #shootingaslingshot

Home channel for my practice is here
under playlist titled,
Bow, Arrows and Slingshots

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