Lore Within Lore: An Affliction Path of Exile Narrative

in pathofexile •  last year  (edited)

(Length of time to read: 5 mins)

Some undisclosed chat channel somewhere...

urmomafan03: bro have u hear about the new league? it looks sick

1Kings1023G: By what do you mean? Are the patch notes out? Don't plan your egg before hatching. Or whatever that means... lol

urmomafan03: no dude, look its like a woods or something. looks dope.

1Kings1023G: Damn, this league looks pretty sick. But you seriously can't do anything until we have the fucking patch notes dude.

urmomafan03: i'm gonna play rf again. i don't care, it just so comfy for me

urmomafan03: lol

1Kings1023G: I'll probably play Detonate Dead, I hear its really strong for HC and a good all-rounder.

WowBaked91: WOW

WowBaked91: Look at THIS guy over here. Fucking try hard lmao, just play cold bv with hh and have some fucking fun dude!

WowBaked: uhh, you guys? league start is in a few hours. i have no idea what i want to play lol.

urmomafan03: yo, g have you decided what to play yet? i'm fucking sad they nerfed rf but i'm watching Lance right now and he's saying it's ok. what do you tink bro?

1Kings1023G: RF is strong if you go health/es stacking and invest heavily into top end gear. I myself am playing TS Deadeye for the 7th league in a row. It hasn't been nerfed and looks really strong still.

WowBaked91: Come on dude.

WowBaked91: Just wing it and get past acts on a 2 hr kitava. U can decide where to go from there, it's easy dog lmao.

urmomafan03: lol

1Kings1023G: We'll see who's laughing when I fund your fucking build from 3 days in. I'm going to make a mirror this time dude. Gonna buy a mirror bow from Sushi and make so much fucking cash money that I can learn meta-craft this time and sell mirror gears and shit.

urmomafan03: i'm still playing rf but maybe i should farm blood acqueduct to get humility card bro. G, wat do you think about it?

WowBaked91: Lmao

WowBaked91: Fan, you have to actually get to maps to get some good shit and sell it and buy ur own basi rasi dude. I'll help you out once I get home from work. We'll go through acts together.

1Kings1023G: What's Ziz and Steel playing man? I'm a sub in Ziz's channel but He's not responding to my essay on the integrated power dynamics of the poe economic market.

WowBaked91: Shut the fuck up G, we know the only mirror your gonna get is when u look in the mirrar and are sad about how much currency me and baked are gonna make.

urmomafan03: dude, G have u hear about the Fubgun guy? I hear he has like 7 mirrors and like mirror stuff and shit. i wish i had that kind of cash money lol.

WowBaked91: What? Really?

1Kings1023G: Yeah, he's got the diamond strat or something for navigating the wood. I'm looking more and more into it but it seems like my HH isn't as good for the wood when looting. Thinking of selling it for a Mageblood but you need both for getting through quick. One for killing and one for looting.

WowBaked91: Fucking work sucks dude

WowBaked91: I wish I could play more but it's really hard lmao. Fucking life stuff sucks sometimes but I'm making REAL money this time you guys. Just with I could hang with you guys a bit more.

1Kings1023G: Damn.

1Kings1023G: I have my vacation coming up soon you guys. I really want to play this league for the whole duration but the mirror I have does nothing for me when I'm in Boracay doing Jet ski shit and having fun with my family.

urmomafan03: yeah..

urmomafan03: the guild bank is dry and theres no currency in the wood. i don't drop shit and it makes me feel really bad about it. i wish i had a headhunter like you g,

urmomafan03: you always taught me how to play and stuff and i really liek u for that

urmomafan03: lol

WowBaked91: I've had it dude, I finally have time off work to play. Fucking one month in and I finally get my two week break. Just sad to see G go on his vacation in the Philippines. That guy has a mirror from running some secret strat that I don't know about.

1Kings1023G: Damn, I'm really going to miss you guys on my vacation.

1Kings1023G: I'll be in Discord though and talk you through some stuff if you need help.

WowBaked91: I finally got my HH bro. I'm finally enjoying the league and omg the wildwood is so much fucking fun. let's run a map G, I want to show u my secret strat on the new LA/iceshot build I got from Havoc, when u do damage to urself you actually shoot more shit. It's so much fucking fun.

urmomafan03: i think i found it guys, i'm done rerolling 20 times now and i finally found the build i wanna play.

urmomafan03: its a conversion trap eb mom trickster with emphass on abyssal jewels and utilizing the new gloves.

1Kings1023G: I leave tomorrow guys.

1Kings1023G: I left my Mageblood for baked and fan you can have my other HH. I'm going use my mirror to mirror that Sushi bow and give it to you, fan. You can have anything from my gear in the stash that I'm leaving it in the guild funds.

WowBaked91: Bro, G are we still on for movie night in discord? Try to clean up friday schedule so we can watch that Dune movie that you love so much. I haven't seen it yet I heard it's pretty sick.

urmomafan03: omg

urmomafan03: thank you g, i don't know what to say. i'm going to use the Mageblood to fight boss and make alot of money for the remaining of this league. when u come back i'll buy you back that mirror bow u gave me. your make me so happy bro.

urmomafan03: your like my best friend.

WowBaked91: Lmao

WowBaked91: fan, let's run a map. If your still getting through acts I'll boost you through acts so you can play your new build with that Mageblood and I can show you how fucking fun HH is in the wood.

1Kings1023G: Bye guys.

1Kings1023G: My wife is calling me down for dinner. I'll hit you guys up on general and we can shoot the shit on my plane ride to vacation.

urmomafan03: gomg

urmomafan03: yo g i did it! i finally got mh HH and the wood is so much fun now! baked is showing me more secret strat so that i can be like u and get mirror this time. you guys are the fucking best.

WowBaked91: I'm chatting with Belton now, looks like he's going through something about TFT, but i wanted to become his beast farmer next league so he can introduce me to some more secret strat.

urmomafan03: lol

1Kings1023G: I'll send you guys a picture of me on the jet-ski so you guys can enjoy my vacation with me. I miss you guys so fucking much that even my kids are getting annoyed that I can't stop thinking about the game.

WowBaked91: We miss you too dude,

WowBaked91: fan is always talking about you in voice and how u are like, his inspiration to learn about game more bro. My vacation is up and I'm back to my warehouse job at Amazon. fan is going to e lonely because all he does is play poe by himself,

WowBaked91: he has no one in chat to talk to anymore

1Kings1023G: What?

1Kings1023G: I'm already prepping for the new league you guys,

1Kings1023G: Have you heard about Necropolis? I'm so fucking excited that I want to come home already and work on my new markdown tool that will influence all of the markets from not just the new POE league, but ALL leagues in the future to come.

WowBaked91: Shut the fuck up G, lmao

WowBaked91: we all know I am going to make more shit than you. your coding or whatever, it's not going to help you through acts. Just have fun and enjoy the new league bro.

urmomafan03: there's a new league you guys? i still dont know what to play. i'm having soo much fun with the new league tat i didnt know there was a newer one coming out...


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