Have a pattern. Impulse is the devil. Don't let unstable emotions affect you.

in pattern •  6 years ago 


The mood is not good, but the pattern is too small.

There is a story in Chuang Tzu Shan Mu: a man crossing a river by boat, and a boat is about to hit him in front of him. The man shouted abuse and scolded the other party for not looking long.

Waiting for the ship to hit, but found no one on the opposite ship, is an empty ship, just full of anger, instantly disappeared without trace.

It's not the collision itself that gets angry, it's whether there's anyone on the other side.

One thing does harm to you. It doesn't matter whether you are angry or not. It doesn't depend on the thing itself. It depends on the person on the other side.

There is such a person in the world who ignores me! This man actually hurt me! No, I want to ask him for justice.

Emotions exploded here.

But the problem is: when the forest is big, there are all kinds of birds.

We can encounter all kinds of wonderful flowers in our life. If we all want to hold our breath with them, it will never be over.

Chuang Tzu said, "No right or wrong, no secular place." Don't argue about right and wrong. In life, people and things are unavoidable. Just relax and laugh.

The more people and things a person is unaccustomed to, the smaller the personality situation.

Really powerful people treat those bad people and things as "empty boats".

Others are unintentional, things are unintentional, rather than thinking of revenge.

In this way, people can quickly adjust themselves and constantly enlarge their own pattern.


When you are in a bad mood, you think too much of yourself.

Chuang Tzu also said that if a man can travel around the world in a vain way, what can harm him?

If a person does not take himself seriously, then no one can make him angry and make him angry.

A person's self-esteem is too strong, self-awareness is too strong, others slightly offended, he immediately rebounded


Everyone has their own way of life, try to put down the "I", stand opposite to the point of view to consider, to

understand, to forgive.

When the two boats collided, your first sentence was not swearing, but asking: Are you okay?

Then you give each other the feeling of an empty boat, in this case, where will there be any dispute?

In order to avoid harmful things and harmful things, we should travel around the world and forget ourselves, selfish

desires and prejudices.

Put aside my persistence, you can naturally ignore everything, everything can be seen.


Bad mood is what you want too much

If you want too much, you will intersect with the world, and you will have too many disputes and divergences.

Human desire is infinite. If we base happiness on the satisfaction of desire, then once desire can not be satisfied,

happiness will disappear.

So ancient sages also told us that excessive desire is the source of all pain.

When Chuang Tzu's wife died, he sang in a drum bowl.

When he was about to die, his disciples would bury him. He said, "What's the deviation between feeding on bird kites above and feeding on ants below?

Chuang Tzu even looked down on life and death when everyone was crowded up and wanted wealth, fame and wealth.

Life is simpler and lighter.

Many people struggle for fame and fortune and are exhausted.

What's the use of those things that life does not bring and death does not bring?

Chuang Tzu said: Is there any bliss in the world?

There is supreme happiness in the world, but it is not the joy of fame and wealth, the joy of desire.

"No pleasure, no reputation".

Real happiness is the unity with nature, with heaven, earth and one. This kind of happiness, material and status can not

be given. It depends on one's wisdom and realm.

After a painful night, you are a hero after dawn.

Today's entrepreneurs not only need to keep abreast of the times, management wisdom and extraordinary personality

charm, but also need a big pattern of daring to face failure, making full use of knowledge, insight, courage, and absorb

the strongest energy to meet the challenges of the world.

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