An Actors Minute June 21, 2018 - An actors life... what does that mean?

in paulcaraway •  6 years ago 

An Actors Minute - Paul Caraway June 28 2018

I hear people say oh your an actor... that must be easy! You just go to be filmed and just talk to people. It is not really quite that easy... close... but, no cigar. :) In reality, you go to acting class, you look for work, your agent looks for work, you update your headshots. you do auditions and you do more auditions.

You might wait a week or weekend for a call back. I have had times when I was called back 3 months later. Then you do your callback, sometimes and interview by a client, if it is a commercial, sometimes interviewed by the director with your acting coach. Then you finally make it to set. Depending upon your role and your call time... it might be 6:00am (or earlier) plus drive time, or 6:00pm for an evening shoot. In both, cases it you could be on set for an hour or all day and all night. Now don't forget about hair & makeup, wardrobe, and props.

One of the shows I worked we had a 4pm call time, went through hair & makeup, went to wardrobe, then we were propped up. We went to our holding area around 6pm. We waited in holding all night long... then told us sorry guys... we are out of time we have are releasing you for the night (6am). In short, they ran out of time. The next day we went through the same process. Then around 2am they called us to the squad cars and we rode with the stunt team into the shot. They released us after we did this a few times. It was not until the 3rd night when we actually exited the squad cars and did our work. This does not happen all of the time... this was a pilot and the director wanted it to be perfect! AND IT WAS! :) Pilots take longer than a traditional TV show because it is directed like a feature film. Once the pilot is over for the "proof of concept" the cast & crew have been through the drill, they know each other, wardrobe has everything setup, etc.

You learn in acting that you need to hurry up and wait! When you have those quick turn around events feel blessed and enjoy it. :) So what does it mean to be an actor? Be prepared and memorize your lines (even for an audition & classes), I did not include table reads, character development, bits of business, or rehearsals. Those are just a few of the items actors have to do for preparation. Now you have a little better understanding what "An Actors Life" is all about. By the way, I submitted for a role earlier today where I will be out of the country for 5 months! Oh yay, an actors life! :)

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