RE: PCHAIN (PAI) Weekly Progress Report(28/7/2018-3/8/2018)

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PCHAIN (PAI) Weekly Progress Report(28/7/2018-3/8/2018)

in pchain •  7 years ago 

Why you said it was none sense? Unless you have a proof there :) But seems you don't have it, Only this article has. I also know more about Pchain, Actually last days, Pchain lead as the top 1 among its competitors by crypto tracker bot poll. Many users choose Pchain even its competitors is already well known in the market. You may also check CMC almost 7% increase to Pchain as of now. I might say that it will still continue to rise because of its usefulness and users choice. Pchain only needs another exchanges to be listed. Just like Okex, Cointiger or even Kucoin. It could help Pchain to develop it's popularity that may result to new users + achievements.

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Thank you for this info, I don't know more about pchain but as I've read your comment I'd rather say I have a good decision that I invested this project even if I new in this business I know pchain has something that will lead to the top soon.