"Peace descends like a blessing", a good night post.

in peace-poetry •  5 years ago 

quino-al-hXOCAmFMpVw-unsplash Playa De Huelin, Málaga, Spain.jpg

The light fades, clouds changing;
Embers become cinders.
Quiet, but for the gentle susurration of
Waves, ululating against the shore.

Peace descends like a blessing,
Seeping in to the cracks and
Crevices left by the torrents of
The day, healing and soothing.

Sleep, the final fulfillment of the
Day, comes to restore, then the
Cycle begins anew.

“Peace Descends Like a Blessing”

Jerry E Smith
Playa De Huelin, Málaga, Spain

These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks

Self Portrait from about 1978

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