Humanity's Systems Upgrade

in peace •  8 years ago  (edited)


Remember Mother saying "it's just growing pains" as our bodies stretched and ached as we grew? Not to diminish the impact and import of the wrenchingly painful reality our societies are experiencing now, but seeing it all as growing pains can help. It helps put a perspective on our trials and tribulations that actually has an exit out the other side. Consider that we are in the initial phases of a systems upgrade into "Humanity Grows Up 2.0 - Realization & Implementation of Adulthood". Tah Dah!

Were it so simple. How do we do this growing up thing? First, realize that the old system is not working...duh, look around.

Let's take one of the buzz topics to illustrate. Not enough Jobs. Jobs do 1 thing...create Security . They get work done - which provides for the general security of all and they allow people a way to provide for their basic individual security. Our current security system boils down to employment for money. Money provides security. So why change a longstanding system? Because it ain't working. People feel less secure than ever. And the system will continue, with technological progress, to degrade further. We have outgrown it. Just look at population and technology. There will never be enough jobs for the increasing population, especially as technology replaces humans. (Seriously question anyone who says they can return us to full employment, i.e. security within this system.)

Need to see results/proof that this system no longer fits us?....greater and greater stress over too few jobs (less and less security). Stress forces people to react from the reptilian fight or flight portion of their brains, thus increasing the stress, greater insecurity, more need for hoarding, fighting for seemingly scarce resources, competing, money.....see where this inevitably goes? Round and round and down and down.

We can lie all day long about this system of jobs and job creation as though it is in our power to fix the situation. It is not. The best we can do, is upgrade to a new system. Like moving from a size 6 to a 12 when we inevitably outgrow our old duds. We basically need a system that addresses the needs of getting things done and of people being secure. From our fight or flight brains a new belief system is unattainable. It is only when we move to the mammalian reasoning portions of our brains that we can bring logic in order to create solutions. Adulthood demands reason.

And let's not confuse reptilian reactions of fight or flight with stupidity. People can be incredibly smart, brilliant even, but if motivating from the pool of fear or anger as the emotions generated from fight/flight reactions, any mental brilliance will ultimately continue the system. Revolution goes in circles, resolution actually ends the issue and allows growth beyond.

Secondly identify the issue needing attention and address it. The real issue is security; alleviation of stress and the functioning of getting work done. The very technology that is replacing jobs can take more and more of the 'getting stuff done' part. That leaves safety and security. The new upgraded system of beliefs could include: 'Every human being deserves at least their basic survival needs met of Food, Water, Shelter, Healthcare and Education' 'Peace begins with enough for all' and 'An advanced civilization measures itself by how the least of its citizens are doing, not the best.' A world using this system of beliefs would feel pretty damn safe and secure. Why would anyone ever go to war?

The new Humanity 2.0 would function on cooperation toward a common goal, security for all. Once we feel safe and secure, compassion could flower as our many, many miles walked in our many, many shoes and barefeet would finally find a convergence point of shared destiny, Peace. Divisions could melt in the warmth of the knowing of our shared dreams and common goals while marveling at our individuality as a kaleidoscopic species. Our current system of false beliefs, with 'There is not enough ' the lynch pin lie holding it all in place; fosters lying, cheating, violence and domination. You choose.

What do we have to lose?

  • the myth that any of us do it all alone
  • the lie that there is not enough (just imagine the brain power alone of a united humanity, not to mention the heart that would shake the very universe with our ability to love each other as the tribe of Earthly Humanity)
  • people needing to do work they despise
  • the need for drugs to alleviate & escape the very pain of living in such an unfair system
  • the illusion that any of us are fundamentally better or less than another
  • the need to feel better or less than another

I've heard it said that on advanced planets, people line up to collect the garbage because of the desire to be of service. There will always be plenty to do, the fear that with all our basic needs met we would turn into a planet of couch slugs is just not true. We are an industrious and creative species, just look at all we've done in the last century, (the good stuff). We have skills.

And we have an unquenchable desire to grow, progress and explore more. Imagine what we could do, how far we could go once we get adulthood and basic 'Peace for All' under our belts.

Dare to imagine that with safety...we could even remember how to love each other again.

It is silly to blame ourselves for growing up and needing a bigger belief system. We don't blame a 12 year old for needing new jeans because last's year's are 2 inches too short. It may be a pain in the ass, but it is just growing pains. Wow, what a species we will become!

Not rocket science, just pure, simple logic. We are enough to become more.

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the myth that any of us do it all alone

I love this. So much wisdom in this post. I could quote it all. Wonderful.

Thank you...pass it on.