A good time for a conversaton on peace and what it means and how we can achieve it.

in peace •  7 years ago 

Ill admit it im pretty old, 48 to be clear. I dont know what its like for a kid today to walk into a school and not know if that kid will be able to walk out. Terrifying thought! Although I know what its like to be bullied by other kids in school, I was in a special education class and paid dearly for it. I was different and different isnt cool in school. Was also pretty poor compaired to other kids in my class. I couldn't buy the latest and newst fashions, caught hell for that too. Today, I'll post something online and catch hell for it with death threats and labels. It seems that high school has never ended online. We really are divided more than ever. Now different has become lethal.
whether in a school or on a street, doesnt matter Your in danger! we cant trust anyone and told constantly that we shouldn't, reinforced by the local news reports that we are all exposed to on a daily basis. Why? Why has the world gone so violent? Why can't a kid walk down a street without worrying am I next?
We can have the gun disscussion but you know boys love their toys at least that's the message from the NRA. The arguement becomes pointless with them in the room and unfortunatley they are in every room ever built. They dont care about our kids. period. So when need to try something else, something even more radical than trying to talk sense to stupid(NRA). We need to change the climate on our own. Here's some ideas that I came up with-

  1. Lose your judgements. Never judge and always engage people from all walks of life. Possess no pre concieved nothions of what a person is based on apperance. Talk first judge later.
  2. Don't fall for marketing. the ad companys dont care about you and would sell you out in a minuet to make a buck. Fashion is fleeting along with technology. Here today bigger and better tomorow. Theres always tomorow.
  3. Isolation is your real enemy. Never let yourself remain alone for too long. We all rely on each other were built that way.Co-dependance, although viewed as a negative now, is really how the world works and needs to. We need each other thus language we have it to use it! Don't hold back EVER from saying hello! If you come upon a person that is alone be the hero and talk to that person. Most people that commit the most heinous of crimes are loners, don't let them be one. Get invovled in everyones life. Love can and will fix this. We all live here like in a war zone adopt the no man left behind additude, you might save a life. Your own.Never ever DISREGARD anyone, it will come back to haunt you.
  4. Never cast a single ballot for yourself, always vote on behalf of your neighbor. Everyone is really angry at the politicians right now and for good reason, nothing seems to be getting done. The only reason things arent changing is because WE haven't changed until we do then suddenly we expect an instant evolution from people that may have been consistent with the issues that they were elected by. e.g. a memeber of the GOP being pro gun. That person has recieved actual donations by the gun lobby, maybe not you, who are they going to represent? thats easy the gun lobby! Maybe you just lost your kid or a friend and you think you can make a differance but you failed too think of ALL the parents and ALL the friends in the past that have. Vote on THIER behalf and not yours. You could be next if you dont.
    Maybe this is a start of a different kind of conversation that a few will agree with having as this will cost alot of people alot of money (FYI- Italy used to press all their money with the face of the devil printed on it for a reason) but tough! I think all options are on table right now. Weve lost too many not just in schools but on the streets too, it all needs to stop.
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