Father is a weird word to me.

in peaceful-parenting •  6 years ago 

Grandfather I get, 'cause I had a SOLID one of those!

But father... brings this ghostly thing to my mind:


Nothing. Void.

No image, relation, or legacy.
But also... no abuse, or asserted mistreatment.
So let's call the paternal thing a wash.
Not particularly helpful. Not particularly hurtful.

But I have been exposed to EXTRAORDINARY fathers, and wow...
I can and do esteem honor to you Dads out there
who are present, and doing your best...
who are not screaming and beating,
but are hugging and high-fiving.

Thank you, nurturing and responsible men.
You are the good seed of our species.
Your happiness is important.
That you feel appreciated, is important.

I appreciate you occupying your fatherly space,
because your presence adds tenor to the home.
The song is not as good, when sung without you.
Thank you. Happy Father's Day. 😊


And to the group that always FIRST comes to my mind on Father's Day... SINGLE MOMS + AWESOME AUNTIES!!!

Mom, I don't know how you did it. 🧡

I don't know how ANY single mom does it,
because even the partnered moms I know still seek additional help.

Lots of single moms can't afford the help they need. Catch-22.

If you want to see extreme resourcefulness and inner resolve,
look at a single mom... doing the impossible, often with a fraction
of the emotional and economic resource that would be ideal
to have, while stewarding another human life.

You wonderwomen get it done.

The older I get, the more I appreciate what it took
to raise another, on your own. Thank you.

You didn't abort. You didn't give away. You didn't run away.

You stay, and face the days.

You tell yourself "No," so you can say "Yes" to your lil' one.
(Or big one, as the case may be).
But please remember your kids also derive pleasure
and confidence from seeing YOU content.
So I hope you get loads of that. Contentment.
And not just today!


Please check out, and share, this great parenting resource!

Because fewer screwed-up childhoods now = fewer adult whackos later. 💐


A l s o . R e c e n t l y . P u b l i s h e d .

🖤 Stateless Documentary Update + Second Trailer 🎬

💠 This community development project is helping South African youth choose fitness and tutoring over gangs.

💠 Narcissist

💠 Hemp = Happiness!! Fun Times In Belize With EarthAngels. 🌎😇


Understanding that it is a manufactured commercial thing, still...

Is Father's Day meaningful to you? If so, why/how?



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I love this post and would also like to acknowledge all the amazing fathers out there as well as all the wonder women who are doing it on their own.

I grew up with my father and appreciate him very much, even though we are not close and don’t often see eye-to-eye. I still love and respect the man for being there and doing his best and that is good enough for me.

Thanks for writing this post. It was thought provoking x

Thanks for sharing what your experience has been like, @dramamama.

It's great that you're able to find and appreciate... whatever is appreciatable :-), even though imperfect.

I love and appreciate my father very much!

Aw, that's so awesome, @riceowladam. He must be a great dad, goin' by you! ;-)

I like the idea but like most of these days it's just become a commercial day to spend loads of money on stuff you don't need. 💯🐒

LOL, ain't that the truth, @vibeof100monkeys! If it's a relationship I value, I really don't need an external/artificial prompt, to suddenly become attentive or generous. I aim for that to be The Way in my relationships. As default. Not as special occasion.

I don't send a card or present to my father I rang him said happy fathers and talked a normal. Not into making money for some company because they decide on and make it special buy but loads of stuff and sending it to someone 💯🐒

I can definitely relate to the paternal thing being a wash ♡ Eloquently put. The day doesn't have much to any significance to me at all.

Thanks so much for relating, @hempress. :-) One day maybe we'll swap stories about the gifts that fatherlessness gave us. xo

@erikaharris If it weren't for my Grandmother I would not be what I am now. Mom and Dad were Alcoholics, Not much in the way of parental skills there.

In the time I've 'known' you here on Steemit, I've always and only experienced you as super kind and supportive. I'm grateful that you read and engage with my posts. Your avatar pic is kinda gruesome (is there a story behind it?), lol... but I value you and your presence!

Thank goodness for your Grandmother, and for the rest of Life, and for your applied will... all of which have turned you into a WINNER.

Big hugs to you, @stokjockey.

@erikaharris Yes I am glad you asked about the Avatar. It is of course the Bruce the Shark from findin NEMO. In the movie Bruce is touched when he finds out that Marlin was looking for Nemo. The shark then breaks down into tears and confesses that he never knew his father, which in turn got him a couple of hugs from Anchor and Chum, who tried to cheer their mate up.

Although I lived with my Father for around 4 years of my Life I really never got to know him so Bruce the Shark reminds me of what it is like for a Son to Never Really know his Father.

I am pretty sure that would make sense to an understanding and compassionate Woman like yourself.......

If the world is going to have a tipping point in a more favorable direction, Western society (given its dominant culture) must be willing to make a paradigm shift from an overly consumptive, self-centered way of thinking and living, to a more selfless, altruistic way of behaving....

As the saying goes, “If we keep doing what we’ve been doing, we’ll keep getting what we’re getting,” and the planet and her people really can’t sustain its current level of unchecked consumption much longer.

The bloody mouth threw me, so I just didn't associate it with Brucey. :-)

But wow, @stokjockey... I'm glad I asked, too!

Thanks for sharing such an open and thoughtful answer. I understand its specialness for you.

And I agree 100% about allowing/inspiring ourselves to live more fully from our potential... which is capable of quite a lot more than just shopping.

We'll get there... or extinguish on the way!

I know the Bloody Mouth was menacing when I used to play a lot of Online Poker Texas holdem.......