An afternoon with a Supporter of AI and Justifier of Podesta Art seen as 'just poor taste' but not a signal of what pedophiles prefer and do

in pedogate •  6 years ago  (edited)

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This was a response from someone on my FB post desperately attempting to justify AI and a pedophile symbol used on a twitter feed.

I have to cut it into 2 parts which will likely make it easier to skim. Also fully sourced.

Off of a post which I placed in a steemit article here,

Here was the tweet from SIRISYS is a Semantic Instance Relativity Interface System. [A] Commutational Platform: [NOW] includes Synchronous and Asychronous Digital and Analog Hierarchies.

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I am not doxxing them so I will just refer to them as the commenter,

Commenter's first comment

How do you think this is taking God out of creation?
It says imagine Creator just as you - the bible says man is created in Gods image. So honestly, what's the issue? We are, according to the bible, just as God, except He is divine.
Genesis 1:26 and Psalm 8:3-8 are excellent examples of this.

My response,

A Push towards being your own God and not needing God comes Directly from satan. He is the one who took God on and imagined himself to be more powerful than God. All new age religion (God Hates religion) attempts to take God, who is the One True God out of the equation. The Bible says if possible. . .even the Elect will be fooled. It warns us to be careful and not fall for these traps.

Commenter's 2nd comment,

The image you provided says nothing about becoming your own God or removing God... is that your take away from this? It says pretty clearly the Creator is like us but a better version, as the Bible also states. It also encourages us to be more like god, as evidenced by Ephesians 5:1-2.
Do you also disregard Ephesians 5:1-2? It's very explicit - Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

My response,

I am taking this from a perspective of seeing what SIRISYS has written to people when engaging on the chans as we have seen their screens And looking at the tweets as a whole including the push for transhumanism with the AI agenda. Have you been on the chans and seen the evidence of discussions with those who write code?
You are trying to take a verse or verses and use them for One tweet and sorely using it out of context. I did a search on the page looking at all tweets as a whole. A tactic of the globalists, MSM and those they pay to go around and cast doubt is to try to nit pick a minuscule point. . .which honestly, Still doesn't hold water.

I am sorry you are misconstruing scripture to fit a Globalist Agenda and then pretending to be more knowing than God. We are Not God. He tells us to Seek Him and we will find Him. We are not automatically Like God, He gives us the choice to accept the gift of salvation offered by believing the His Son dying on the cross to save us, otherwise No Salvation, no being like God is possible without accepting the gift . Only One Way to God.

Take for example John 14:6
“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
Isaiah 55:8
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.”What verse is there for this one? Because it's a pedophile symbol for man boy lover and has been showing up since the Jonny Gosch case and likely even before like in the days of PIE. . .the pedophile exchange network where they passed out brochures right on the street and even had women helping their cause of wanting to negotiate certain relationships with children as young as 4 years old.
I'll drop some evidence in the main comments. Photo below was put in main comments to show what SIRISYS posts and NO it is NOT from God. God states Matthew 18:6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

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Commenter's 3rd comment,

The chans are full of garbage and trash. I have no desire to go there.

I said nothing about knowing more than God, I am debating your point - not His. He says to be more like him, to be more like Christ. Is that the part you're debating?

I'm not sure how your Bible versus negate the ones I support. God gave instructions to be better people, as in his image. This isn't some secret thought - this is His word, in Scripture!

As for Isaiah, I give you Romans 8:28-29. “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.”
Predestined to be like His Son. Our thoughts aren't our own in that verse; some are foretold to be as God wants. So...they're automatically like God, because that's what He decided! Not much of a choice there.
The chans are a cesspool. Why would those who God calls post cryptic, inaccurate messages on a series of sites known for their advocacy of animal and child abuse? They threaten violence and are KNOWN to be full of twisted individuals who take joy in, for lack of a better word, "pranking" people in elaborate schemes for their own enjoyment.

As a bonus to your point about Isaiah :
Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God—what is good and is pleasing to him and is perfect. (Romans 12:2)

I'm thinking What in the world. . but hey, God doesn't say what we will be giving an answer to is always logical or will make sense. We have to do so even when it's apparent they are paid trolls because after all. . .God wishes for them to find Truth also. Satan's currency will always be satan's currency.

My Response

So is FB if you're poking around in the wrong area (for that matter, all of the internet, you stay where it’s clean). How are you defending a tweet by SIRISYS that posts the man boy lover on it? God says to be DisCERNing. Just as people stick with their own on FB (all while Paid trolls come in and try to confuse and confound) so is the case on other platforms.

Have you seen the screens engaging with this AI or not? You don't have a leg to stand on unless you have seen the source code and Who is behind it. I laid it out very clearly in this posts with links and verified sources, so there is No Denying who and what backs it. Defending an agency in CA, known to be involved in this sickness, then behind programming for kids is just Sick.. No matter what verses you attempt to misconstrue to fit your own agenda. I also know trolls get paid by the amount of responses. . .so you're welcome.

This has NOTHING to do with the Chosen who are already committed to and following God, so no need to Distract. His sheep hear his voice. This has to do with SIRISYS and you defending a tweet on an AI's page and wanting to know what is wrong with it while trying to defend. Odd, except for those who are paid to troll and distract.

Is SIRISYS one of the chosen? This had to do with the Tweet on there. I can assure you AI is NOT chosen, and any site posting and condoning a pedophile symbol is NOT for God and has Nothing to do with God.

It is a free country if you’re going to condone it, but I assure you, others, many who may not even believe in God Do NOT condone that site. That pedo tweet on the AI site is Blatant! So is the verse. . .Choose you this day Whom you will serve. I for one will NOT be falling for a ploy, disinfo, leading people astray into thinking they can be gods themselves. No they can't. If you're going to a church trying to say this. need to get out. Many churches are compromised. They have been infiltrated since back in the days of Alice Bailey! I've already done many reports and articles on it, not to mention they are in a covenant with Baal as they have signed the 501c3 for 30 pieces of silver.

You don’t have to go to the chans if you don’t know how to look at source code or if you are not comfortable dealing with real info on truth, you can just go to the SIRISYS information and all the links behind the company. I already provided the info. Your MO is clearly to try to distract from verified info as I provided the source links in comments and now have an article.

If what you were saying were true, so much money and effort wouldn’t go into people like you Desperately trying to discount it.

Ban the Bible? Is this true? What is the baphomet? Are Pedo Groups really out there?

My Response

You are Still misconstruing verses and anyone who has disCERNment can see this! Why would you try to pretend AI has Anything to do with God? All new age and transhumanism is evident. Your choice though if you want to believe it. No one can make the decision for you and God doesn't force. I am praying you will have your eyes opened to the truth and the Deception God talks about in the Bible.

The fact the codes were exposed on Wikileaks has Nothing to do with the fact they Are correct and you know it. You are clearly just grasping at straws and desperately trying to distract. Why would you do that? Why would you be okay with that symbol and even Try to justify it?

I think someone trying to make people Aware of this evil as WL does should be applauded. Why would you have a problem with transparency? Only satan and his followers hate the Light being shown on such evil and attempts to expose darkness.
Wikileaks has Never been proven wrong once! They ARE the codes the FBI has put forth. So what are you arguing? Why would Anyone on the side of Good wanting children Protected even begin to justify this abuse and self gratifying sickness?

This from DM and other sources

Finally, there is the Childlove Online Media Activism logo, which pedophiles use as a symbol to promote their 'cause': that sexual relationships between adults and minors should be decriminalized.

The symbol - a triangle, a love heart and a circle merged into one - has been circulating social media, blogs and webcasts for years. It has even appeared on some children's toys.
Investigators with the FBI's Cyber Division Innocent Images National Initiative first discovered the code in 2007.
Compiling them into a PDF document, the agents sent them to law enforcement agencies around the country.
The document has since emerged publicly after it was published on WikiLeaks.

It includes pictures of the symbols etched into rings, formed into pendants, and imprinted on coins.
'Pedophilia symbols on jewelry, coins, Web sites and other effects are indicative of advertisement methods used by child sexual predators to promote their cause,' the document reads.

'Pedophile activists advocate for the social acceptance of sexual relationships between adults and children.
'These organizations seek to decriminalize sexual relationships between adults and children and to legalize child pornography based on their belief that children have the ability to consent to sexual acts.

Commenter's post in same thread,

This link shows that a vast majority of children who are victims of sex crimes are subject to these by trusted adults WITHOUT the use of covert symbols.

The symbol you show is only supported by a Wikileaks drop - which also included a survey on the last page asking law enforcement officers if they found the document credible. It cited no sources and there are no other supporting documents to verify the truth of that symbol. Furthermore, it only faintly resembles the image that was generated by SIRISYS. Triangles are a commonly made shape used in a variety of ways.

I'm saying the symbology you see is unverified. It's infinitely more likely that an AI program is just...making shapes that have been made hundreds of thousands of time by anyone who has every held a pen in boredom.

A picture posted by Wikileaks, a biased source with a criminal leadership, is NOT evidence. I can make that graphic myself, using any manner of images I decide. That is your only "evidence" of an AI project connecting to a global pedophilia agenda. Do you not see the flaw in that?

My Response
What's criminal about it? Let's pretend exposing criminals and globalist elitist pedophiles who collect This kind of art is criminal. Criminal under whose law? God's or satan's. People who are Guardians of Children know the answer. . .it is Satan who despises these pedophiles being exposed. He is a predator of children and a killer of infants. He is a liar, a deceiver and no good is found in him. Don't listen to the deception _____, God and I wish more for you.

As those of us Seeing the deception of AI understand the Source it actually comes from, this I found Very disconcerting besides the fact that she pretended Not to be belittling, but it was precisely what she was doing.

Commenter post in same thread

Oh, bless your heart, I'm not paid for this!
The reason there are so many people pointing out the flaws in your arguments are A) because there is a lot of gaping flaws and B) your thinking is tremendously dangerous to those who lack the means or ability to actually do research! That's all - your posts are shared and believed by those who can't (or won't) do the due diligence necessary to expose them for what they are. Pure nonsense.

There is no "pedophilia acceptance" in my life - of course those actions should be eradicated. But I do question the, again, unverified wiki posts claiming "symbols". Do you refute the evidence and studies that show that, again, the majority of children are attacked by a TRUSTED, KNOWN ADULT?

These are the facts, fully vetted. It's not much of a debate when you post your own links to videos and articles created by you, with shoddy sources. Sadly, critical thinking and internet literacy is not something that you seem to have learned. All my fears are that you pass on this so called "knowledge " to your followers, who in turn contribute to spreading your misinformation. That is why people are worried.

This is not a global conspiracy. These are educated, informed people who see the damage you do.
How can you say AI isn't confined by God, by the way? This isn't a point I'm passionate about by any means, but... you said we can't know the ways and thoughts of God. Ai isn't really referenced in the Bible, so how do you KNOW His thoughts on the matter?

As an aside, I'm very interested to hear how you exactly analyze this code. I don't see any background giving you any more authority on it than me. Do you, honestly, believe you are more qualified than I because you choose to believe tweets, PDFs (by the way, I am excellent at making PDF images - how about I drop some on the internet and we'll see if you can tell which are fully factual or simply nonsense?).

Have you ever heard of Occam's Razor, Melissa? His theory finds roots even with Aristotle. Do you truly belive this giant, sprawling conspiracy is the best explanation for what you find?

Anyhow, she went on forever attempting to dispute evidence or saying my sources weren't verified. Used wikipedia as a source to disparage.

I Never said what she claimed about me, "you said we can't know the ways and thoughts of God." Rather I said His ways were above ours, His ways Are not like our ways. I also said He promised if we seek Him we will find Him. So you see, this is yet another of their tactics, claiming We said things we didn't and salt and peppering it with so many distractions, it's almost impossible to attend to all of their distortions and lies. Much like what is done with msm.

She clearly didn't read the post that she was trolling and trying to cause distractions from because I wasn't the one who was engaging the AI. It was all pointed out in the post which I later put in the aforementioned steemit article as it was all laid out quite clearly. That or she didn't like the facts and exposure of evil so was desperately trying to attack.

My Response

Your sources aren't verified. I'm sorry ______, everyone knows wikipedia is Not the ultimate authority. All of their info requires vetting. Some things they get right and others are proven to be Biased just as Snopes. Remember snopes you all kept trying to use as if it were an authority?

You need to realize that Discernment means you check out the info yourself, do your own search to see if it stand up to truth. Get out there and prove to us that instagram is not being used by pedophiles. Any thinking person KNOWS all platforms are used by pedophiles, that is part of what they do. Proven over and over just like it was with Backpage and KickStart. Are you going to call parents liars who caught the pedopohiles?

Wonder why you tried to zero in on one aspect? Why didn't you answer questions concerning the pedophile rings and the FBI also taking down pedophiles on the dark web? I find that interesting. Also, nothing to say about the porn on Roblox? Still think that is a good site for kids and want to justify the AI targeting children?

Does wikipedia or even snopes perhaps have an article to claim Forbes "not verified sources?" Who is the Ultimate authority to determine that? I would say people need to start studying themselves and deciding Who is telling truth or not.

BTW, not saying wikipedia gets all wrong. They are good with dates, people's family history, career records, academic records and info you can look up to vet. Doesn't mean they get All right. They don't get to decide the Instagram debacle is not true. Guess what, parents have seen the evidence for themselves. Pretty sure they are not going to trust someone just "claiming something," in the effort to win an argument rather than care about children's well being and safety.

Commenter post

The goalposts ate just off the field entirely. Do you remember how this started? About AI bringing DOWN God himself? Why are you talking about Instagram and kik. They had nothing to do with my original statements. Literally not one thing.

Melissa, do you even have a regular thought process about this? They can use almost anything to connect - so why AI? Why would anyone following the tweets be doing this?

My Response

I believe that is what You have done. You haven't answered the questions posed. You just keep justifying pedophile acceptance and pretending what you are saying is truth.

Attempting to pretend AI is godly is a Dead giveaway to your MO. You are the distractor. This is my personal page. Why are you thinking you are in charge of me and the truth that I post? You are not. We are free.
It is repulsive not only to me, but others here when you insult their intelligence and infer they are not smart enough to discern for themselves. The people here don’t need someone else deciding what they can read, see or Vett for themselves. That is rather condescending of you. Now I am praying for you and God loves you, but He is not an advocate of bully tactics.

You ask me about God, I am God’s child, that is how I Know what He is saying and heed his warning about what satan is trying to deceive people with. AI is NOT from God. Every true child of God knows that. We can pinpoint satan’s lies , so he and his kind despise us. God gave us disCernment. An AI running a program for children is NOT a good thing especially when backed by a known compromised Agency from Hollywood. Look up what the hollywood is. Look up what was done to child actors from the 80’s. Look up Demmink, the Johnny Gosch case, the McMartin Preschool case, the McCann case, Ted Gunderson was an FBI director, is he a pdf someone can make up? Look up Laura Gayler. Then look Again at the proof from the OIG report and tell me what you see?

You are spewing put downs and degrading while giving NO Verifiable facts or cases as I have done. What I Do give that has been proven you Still attempt to discount. That is purposeful on your part on keen, intelligent people who view my content are Very adapt, capable and equipped to see through your schemes.

The fact that you keep trying to belittle shows your misplaced arrogance and how you are placing yourself above actually researching the well being of these children.

It is Far more concerning that you have Nothing to say about verified arrests and pretend this is Not a global problem when it is. You lied when you claimed I only used my own articles, then you claim all other articles aren't vetted. I noticed you had Nothing to say about the OIG pedophile information concerning the Clinton Foundation and child sex crimes and That is from a government site. You have nothing to say because you Know you can't refute it or feign to be an expert. It is a Verified report concerning people and what they found in a globalist organization.

There was a lot of back and forth, but she figured her tactic of just denying the validity would keep people away from the truth.

Another post from commenter. . .Long day

It's just a PDF Melissa. I, again, can create the same thing. Nobody has verified it is from the FBI. There is no source that says it is verified.
But again: you are choosing to believe that AI is somehow disseminating information about/to pedophiles. Right? The burden of proof is on you. So far you've shown me this PDF. That's it. Melissa, I can edit these photos easily and manipulate them to say what I would like. Does that make them a valid document from the FBI?

These are genuine questions. Yiu haven't said how you know, just that people who do know do. The burden of proof is on you to show to all the doubters this is true. And you just can't.

Let's put Wikileaks aside. If this was circulating on the internet but had information you personally don't adhere to , would you believe it or would you look for more sources?

My Response

Police officers in any local jurisdiction can tell you those symbols are verified. There have been plenty of pedo arrests. Show me the proof those symbols are not used by pedophiles. No, the burden of proof is on the creators of games that target children and have been proven by parents to be pushing a globalist agenda. If you saw pedophiles on sites using these same symbols and talking inappropriately about children, would you still justify and downplay these symbols and their actions?

Since you try to claim I wrote the pdf for the FBI declassified codes and all links, here is another link that I didn't write.

Commenter Post

A picture posted by Wikileaks, a biased source with a criminal leadership, is NOT evidence. I can make that graphic myself, using any manner of images I decide. That is your only "evidence" of an AI project connecting to a global pedophilia agenda. Do you not see the flaw in that?

My Response

_____What's criminal about it? Let's pretend exposing criminals and globalist elitist pedophiles who collect This kind of art is criminal. Criminal under whose law? God's or satan's. People who are Guardians of Children know the answer. . .it is Satan who despises these pedophiles being exposed. He is a predator of children and a killer of infants. He is a liar, a deceiver and no good is found in him. Don't listen to the deception Kate, God and I wish more for you.

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None of this is okay and it is why supporters of the Cabal despise Truth. It shows how wicked and evil they are. No one was ever saying it was just the codes that get a child abused, it is the codes that were kept hidden which have helped us identify abusers.

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What is sad is that people just give it all a Pass because of their ego and desire to win an argument. Children's lives and well being are at stake. Why wouldn't people admit.. .This should be investigated thoroughly? Why would you question an already proven pedo symbol where pedophiles communicate using these known symbols over a child's well being?

That in itself exposes the agenda. Justify and cover for pedophiles rather than start looking into the truth that someone exposed. Why wouldn't people Want evil exposed. The kind of "law" that would attempt to keep evil hidden or threaten the live of those exposing evil is Not a Law I would want to adhere to or justify. I want the innocent saved from these evil doers. Law protecting them? How sick and elitist is that?

Commenter's Post

I'm sorry, but your rational and goal-post movement have taken this wildly off track. The symbol in question is supported only by a graphic of dubious nature and nothing more. If I showed you a similar one, aledging it was from the FBI, would you believe me, especially if it refuted the symbology?
We can go on for quite a while about Julian Assange and his various criminal acts, but that has no bearing on the conversation besides the fact that he is in fact a criminal and as such the drops by Wikileaks are not neutral or given of good will. He has an agenda, and he has proven to be, besides a criminal, a person of questionable character, and that's really all there is to say.

We aren't debating symbology in art - for every painting you find I can match that. This is about the symbol on question you allege is being used by AI as some sort of a call to pedophiles and an attempt to destroy God. And you just haven't provided any evidence of that!

This didn't begin and it won't end with Podesta's creepy artwork. I wouldn't hang it up but it just isn't evidence of collective behavior. If it was, well, we would all be in quite a bit of trouble - art is pretty subjective and if it's being used as evidence, cold hard evidence of crimes, there's no stopping anyone. Very much a thought police type of situation

My Response

Nice try. . .those who Truly want to save children, care about facts. Your lie about the FBI Bulletin is just that and exposes the fact you will Lie in an effort to feign knowledge. This has been a proven FBI Intel Bulletin from 2007. Anyone with knowledge of how the DOJ works and disseminates information already knows this is verified. You trying to cast doubt because it had attention drawn to it in a source you despise for outing pedophiles and criminals does not change the Facts and this verified document from the FBI.

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My answer to another one of her attacks and complaints, bear in mind she came onto My personal page, she is not a friend of mine and is engaging on My Post.

_____no one is keeping you here, you just don't like it that I keep proving what you are saying is False. Not even MSM can dispute that this is an FBI intel bulletin. The fact that you would rather justify pedophile behavior and diminish it shows the side you support. There IS plenty of evidence. MSM just doesn't cover it. You have to be willing to Think and search for yourself. If you only stay dependent on what the corporate news overlords will allow you to hear and see. . .you will never get out of their controlled web.

You should go poke around on your own. Truth Really IS stranger than fiction. BTW it's in the OIG Report. ALL of it. This is what they were trying to hide. Not a Q post, not an article written by Anyone, it originated in this and you better believe, the podesta's sick art you are trying to downplay. . .all connected to Clinton Foundation. These people are Thick as thieves. You can try to dispute it all you want, but everyone already knows the ties to the Clintons and Podesta. So YES it shows a network. You have Yet to show Any evidence. But once again I will provide numerous links. People who downplay what is there sound alike BTW.

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Source Vetted, not conspiracy the OIG Report page 294 you should read it, tells Everything people like you and msm desperately want to keep hidden!

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Guess what it's a PDF, but you can't lie and say it's a PDF I created. Too many people know about this

Commenter's post

It's just a PDF Melissa. I, again, can create the same thing. Nobody has verified it is from the FBI. There is no source that says it is verified.

But again: you are choosing to believe that AI is somehow disseminating information about/to pedophiles. Right? The burden of proof is on you. So far you've shown me this PDF. That's it. Melissa, I can edit these photos easily and manipulate them to say what I would like. Does that make them a valid document from the FBI?

These are genuine questions. Yiu haven't said how you know, just that people who do know do. The burden of proof is on you to show to all the doubters this is true. And you just can't.

Let's put Wikileaks aside. If this was circulating on the internet but had information you personally don't adhere to , would you believe it or would you look for more sources?

As she had made mention she didn't believe the pedophile problem was a global issue I gave many examples,

This is a press release which verifies the severity of these pedophiles people claim do not exist in such vast numbers.

One of my posts on same thread
The Elysium platform, built as a forum, has existed since the end of 2016 and was only accessible via the Darknet. With over 87 000 members worldwide, the platform was used to exchange child abuse material as well as to make appointments for the sexual abuse of children. Elysium also encompassed chat groups in German, French, Spanish and Italian.

The main suspect, a 39-year-old German national, was identified and arrested after several months of painstaking investigation. He is suspected of operating the platform, providing the technical infrastructure for it to operate.

Another arrestee, a 61-year-old individual from Bavaria, is suspected of the production and dissemination of child abuse material. In addition, he is suspected of the sexual abuse of two children aged 5 and 7 years. The victims are the children of an Austrian forum member.
In Austria, a 28 year-old individual was arrested. He is suspected of having participated in the dissemination of child abuse material, of having severely sexually abused his two children for years and facilitated the sexual abuse of his children by the above suspects.
More here,

That is the end of part 1. Don't miss the rest of her responses as it shows how some of these people Really Do think and how they justify evil. I realize they likely Know not what they do, but terribly sad.

Here is a section of part 2 that shows what happened at the end and may be why she deleted everything and her account.

Commenter Post

You have proven there are pedophiles who occasionally operate via network. That was, again, not the debate.
The burden of proof isnon the accuser, Melissa. Surely your police friends have told you that? Yiu accuse these symbols of being a calling card for groups of pedophiles in the highest arches of governance. That's how this all works. Innocent until PROVEN guilty. And you have no proof.

The game developers don't owe you anything, no proof of a anti globalist agenda. They exist, and if you believe that they are pushing that agenda, you prove it. Again, this isn't complex law. Nobody has to prove themselves innocent, the law must prove them guilty.

Once again: I am not disputing the existence of pedophiles. Nor am I advocating for them. I am simply saying that a randomly drawn symbol by an AI program proves literally nothing.

So Basically just disregarding all evidence and resorting to something that was already proven, but attempts to negate it. I believe all pedo hunters know Precisely what those symbols mean!

As you saw I gave plenty of evidence, then she hits me with this again, as you know she had already claimed people weren't smart enough to think for themselves or Decide on their own, plus decided her bias and sources were better than mine. I'm not sure what is wrong with Zero hedge and other source links in the articles I write. Also how is it I'm the one writing the OIG Report. These people Expose themselves all the time, but they sure are manipulative about How they do it. Always an underlying evil in their distraction points. Of course Always with the belittling! She likely would have threatened me if I would have said to her what she said to me. Very arrogant and belittling, but I suppose that is how they all are.

That is all of part 1 for now. Will drop in part 2 as soon as I get it uploaded.

It's done and here is part 2 including information on how games, Netflix and a planned parenthood curriculum teaches sodomy and experimentation curriculum in schools. Parents are standing up against this. We need MORE to take a direct stand against this Evil!

Thank you to all who continue to #FightTheGoodFight

For now please let me know if you have similar stories and what truths you are able to get out there. Godspeed Fine Patriots!

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