Do you remember the Zion Society being raided in 1991 where 30 of the victims rescued were children? Cases of child sex abuse and exploitation right under people's noses? Here victim stories all verified by local and msm.

in pedogate •  3 years ago  (edited)

You would have thought it was a regular neighborhood.
Filled with loving families.
According to the victims and survivors it was anything but that!

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People keeping up their yards, a great community!

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Arvin Shreeve claimed he was a prophet.
He claimed that he alone had the power to save his followers from doomsday!

Where did God ever say a man was going to Save people from Doom?

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The Zion Society Compound was raided in 1991.

I don't care if it's politically incorrect. . .GAG!

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Very reminiscent of this. . .

Who were Aleister Crowley, Anton LaVey, Michael Aquino and L. Ron Hubbard? How do they all connect? How does Epstein's ranch in New Mexico tie into what some would call a cult?

I don't see Anything Biblical in this!
Yet another Tell and red flag that one should Always be #TestingTheNarrative and using their God given disCERNment as the following is NOT of God!

30 of the victims rescued in 1991 were children!

All of this happened right under people's noses!

Shreeve actually called his religious teachings the Sexual Way of Life.


People weren't holding him accountable for this or the many other obvious tells that what he promoted was a False god and not God our Creator?

Thank God prosecutors called it what it was. . .
Sexual Exploitation and Child ABUSE!

Some actually claimed he was the most caring and spiritual man they knew.

Others claimed he was soliciting prostitutes while making people follow his rituals.

#WolfInSheepsClothingMuch? You decide!

Some of the testimonies given said she was sexually abused thousands of times!

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At the age of 13 years one of these victims became one of the wives of the leader, Shreeve.

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Shreev was sentenced to 20 years in prison on 4 sex child abuse charges.

The children were told that if they ever revealed the sexual abuse that was happening to them, they would go straight to hell! #ThesePeopleAreSick has Always had Multiple Meanings!

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Amber says she now realizes they were already living in hell!

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Amber says her parents joined the Zion Society when she was about 11 years old.

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Her parents met the man calling himself a prophet Arvin Shreev

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Amber says they broke up into little groups and each of the men in the group would have their own harem of women and children and they called it a "Sister Council."

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How debased and fallen do you have to be as a father and even a mother to fall for Any of this garbage?

How was it not clear what this was all about and NONE of it is sanctioned by God or the Bible!

Amber was in Arvin's Sister Council.

She says her parents were eventually thrown out of the group because her father would argue with Arvin, but Amber was left behind.

WHY would a parent EVER allow that?

She says their daily life was planned out for them.
They would do their hair and their make up.

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They would do their chores
Read Scriptures

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Everything looked Perfect on the outside, sort of like a Stepford Wife situation.

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Hair perfect
Make up perfect
Appearance perfect

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Amber would wear dresses every day and they would all dress like they were going to church.

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When a girl joined the church, they would do a color wheel and tell you what color you were allowed to wear.

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They would tell them how long their skirt should be and even the young children wore make up.

It was supposed to portray perfection on earth.

Arvin had a company where they would sell lingerie to the local strippers as a "way to try to get them to come and join the group."

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They would sell it and the children all wore lingerie and they would even put on lingerie shows.

Amber was taught at a very young age that it was a privilege to have a sexual relationship with Arvin.

Talk about a gig made just for a pedophile! How were Grown Adults allowing their God given thinking skills to be usurped? What is Wrong with people? Under a Spell? Willingly?

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On special date nights his wife would answer the door and she would give Amber refreshments and as she explains it, "kind of warm her up" before she had to go and meet Arvin alone.

Arvin would explain that the reason it was okay for him to have sexual relationships with children because in heaven they were really older and in heaven he was really younger.

What? Even if he would have been a child in Reality since when do we okay it for children to be put in Adult Situations?
NEVER only pedophiles and a pedophile agenda does that!

For example see the lengths they will go to in order to attempt to indoctrinate and prey upon your children!


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Who allows themselves [grown adults mind you] to fall for such a load of crap?

Only those who Wish to be fooled will allow it!

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He would try to mix up the ages and make you feel you weren't the age that you really were.

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This is how he justified raping children.
Not sure what the parents told themselves to justify selling their souls.

Amber is trying to speak up for the children who are still out there and be the voice for the little girl she was.

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As soon as the families joined they separated the parents from the children.
Should have been another tell for the grown adults.
They would fragment families, even separated Amber from her sisters.
They put her in a different home and justified it as "training her" and teach her what they wanted her to know.

So isolated and taken away from the family she knew, her foundation.

Isn't that the formula used for mind control and victimize?
Number one tool of abuser. . .Isolate your victim. #ThesePeopleAreSick

This enables the abuser to indocrinate.
Indoctrination included
Main Focus, preparing for the end of the world.
Anti government, trained on what to say if they were to get caught.

The children were taught to have sex with each other and with the adults.

The adults would teach the children how to have sex, then they would put them in a room to have sex with each other.

They would at times take them out in a car then have the children dance in front of the headlights in lingerie for them claiming they were trying to teach them the sexual way of life.

This happened to Amber at 11, 12, 13 and there were children with her even younger.

They taught them how to seduce, how to set up the environment for it.

They got a lot of praise and attention anytime they would say anything sexual or do a sexual gesture.

Arvin would pick and choose who lived in which family.

He would claim he was ordained by God and God told him where to put each girl.

I guess he left out. . .
Matthew 18:6
“But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”

He chose Amber for his group.

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They were all supposed to have sex to bond with each other.

She felt he was trying to have them all sexually abused from so many different types of people that it would just become something they were numb to. Which is part of what happens for most.

This makes them more compliant.

When she was 13 and didn't even know the alphabet, she found a way to look up the letters CPS.

It was considered normal to say "hello" before going into his bedroom to be raped by Arvin.

When it happened she would lay awake all night long and just stare at the lace curtains without moving because after the abuse they would have to sleep with him for the rest of the night.

She would lay awake and wonder what life was like in the outside world.

Contact with the outside world was forbidden.
She was taken out of public school in the 3rd grade.
Her education stopped all the way up until high school.

She just had to try to figure everything out for herself.

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The lingerie shows they would also have the children dance around in lingerie so they could sell it to the local strippers.

Many were single moms from the strip clubs, broken and the Zion Society had hopes of them joining.

Amber was sent out to strip for them and do a show, then she was sent back across the street as she was not allowed to talk to anyone from the outside world.

Every child always had to have someone with them to oversee, they called Amber trouble, so she had two women with her at all times.

In the midst of her being abused by what she considered her adoptive family, someone left a rag doll on the front porch with a note that said from someone who loved you.

The rag doll meant a lot to Amber and they took it away.
When they took it away she completely lost it.
She felt stripped of everything.

She looked for the opportunity to get out, but was taught that Arvin could hear those kinds of thoughts.

So she would try to think the thoughts really fast and make a plan really fast, then try to clear her mind of it all so that he couldn't read her mind.

They kept extra tabs on Amber and would report back to Arvin frequently about things she wanted to do.

For instance, when they told her they were going to do the color wheel to see what color God wanted her to wear, she was told it was peach.
She said she hated peach and didn't want to wear peach.
Every day she would have to wear something peach.

When calling CPS she talked to them very fast.
Told them her name, address and that they were being sexually abused, how they were supposed to be having sex with each other and how they were withholding food. Told them to come quick and not to tell anyone that she had called.

Amber thought someone would come quickly to help them, but it took many weeks before someone finally did show up.

When they did come, guys came out with guns and surrounded the social worker that came to get her.

They had to call the police and have a stand off in order for Amber to get in the car and be able to leave with the social services.

Shreev's granddaughter claimed to have had a very different experience.

Coming back in when I can.
Right now working on the tunneling system verified even by CNN in Ukraine.

According to his granddaughter Natalie, Arvin Shreeve allowed his own grandchildren to be abused.
Natalie says the abuse was so horrific that to this day her own mother doesn't believe her.
She says since appearances and beauty was the most important, the more beautiful they were they were told the closer they were to God.

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She said she was always sort of a chubby kid and her mother also had that kind of metabolism.
A certain weight was the goal.
Natalie said her mother lived on carrot juice and ran 5 miles a day.

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They were told God could not reach them through layers of fat.

There was a manual that taught them specifically how to please a man with sexually explicit instructions.

Their were multiple levels of abuse Natalie says ranging from who showed her explicit pictures to who actually touched her or made her touch them.

She said sex was normalized and she doesn't remember a time not being around it.
They watched family members fornicating and they watched porn often.

She said it was put forward to them that it was fun, Godlike and spiritual.

She would watch her cousin sitting on her grandfather's lap.
She watched her be touched and kissed by her Grandpa.

When Natalie was 8 years old, her mother left and took her with her a couple of months before the group was raided.
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She told Natalie to never speak about the place again.

Natalie said kids were weighed every morning and she was told she would not be assigned a Sister Council until she lost her baby fat.

Letting her know she wouldn't be wanted by a husband or a man wouldn't find her attractive she said.
Even as 6,7,8 and 9 year olds they would be weighed.

Natalie's mother believes the children were coerced by the police when they told their stories.

This is the same type of victim blaming that went on during the Franklin Coverup in Nebraska.
See more info here if not familiar,

The Franklin Cover Up Johnny Gosch Pedophile Camps verified in IA, NV, NE, CA, WV by FBI Director

Franklin Cover up Prt 3 Johnny Gosch Ritualistic Abuse victims Pedophile rings

When Natalie would try to tell her mom what had happened to her, she claimed that wasn't physically possible and that children couldn't do that to each other.

Sadly the case stories and files from all around the world show otherwise including children being impregnated and horrible things being done when they give birth.

If not familiar check out the Hampstead Cover up. My video and channel was removed from YT, but this was reported on 60 minutes Australia.

Teresa's escape from brutal 'satanic cult' and bizarre rituals (1989) | 60 Minutes Australia

Natalie's mother didn't believe little boys could physically do that, so she accused Natalie of lying.

If you have worked cases you are well aware that little boys Can do this as pedophiles who groom make sure of it!

Do you suppose parents and other adults would rather live in a fairy tale land where all of this evil doesn't exist?

I assure you, so would everyone else, but the victims simply Don't Have such a Luxury as it Happened to them.

After Natalie's grandfather was arrested, many others who had been in power in the Zion Society came forward and started confessing.

The handbook on how to please a man and how to look was usually taught by the matriarch or patriarch of the family.

Natalie also usually had to wear dresses.
Her assigned color was red.

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The children were encouraged to play games like rape in the dark.
They were encouraged to perform dances and skits that they were told were just innocent fun.

All just a cover for the sexual abuse of children where pedophile adults took gratification from stripping away the innocence of childhood. #ThesePeopleAREsick in numerous ways.

Make no mistake these predators Make the choice to perpetrate.

Don't fall for the attempt to con society as the New York Times article titled,

Pedophilia a Disorder Not a Crime

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Remember how they praised Harvey Milk, who was a known pedophile, but they pretended otherwise.
Hero to people like Obama.

Arvin Shreeve's oldest granddaughter, Dawn said the outside world referred to the Zion Society as the Zionists.

She says they were an End of the World cult.

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She says she didn't real feel scared because they were touted to be the Chosen people and they would be safe.

Interesting how these cults very Jim Jones like [placed by certain factions] always distort and don't follow any of what God's Word says, but they claim to so others will blame God rather than the evil doers.

She said it was the women who sexualized them at very, very young ages.

There was a time where they were learning and performing sexual acts on other young girls.

They were taught that one man can't necessarily take care of and please every woman.

There were a lot of adults participating in sexual activities that the children watched.

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Shreeve's oldest granddaughter remembers an adult reading the children a story about teenage girls making out.
Then the adult would encourage them as well as a few other girls to act it out.

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There were other victims who say they were taught that no one outside of their group would understand what they did and they weren't close enough to God to understand the practices and concepts that they believed.

How sick and twisted are these people?

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Sadly too many of us know people who will condone or justify it all away.
They will stand up for the predators.

One victim says her parents were part of the Zion Society for it's religious aspect; however, she says her parents were never involved with the sexual aspect of things.

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During the trials of the people convicted, her mom got to listen to the stories of the sexual acts that happened and she spoke of many times where she had to walk out of the courtroom and throw up.

This is why I often say get a bucket, Guardians mean this Literally!

Shreeve's oldest granddaughter says, it's hard knowing the man who is supposed to be your grandfather chose instead to be a monster!

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The girls who are all women say that all of this was completely normalized.
In other words. . .that was their normal!

This is a point we try to convey when explaining how some victims sense something is wrong, but they end up believing this is what happens to every child in every family because it is all that they know.

All the children played the games together, it was just part of life and there was no reason to think something was wrong as it was taught to them from a very early age.

Some started realizing there was something very wrong.

One of the victims, Anessa said she started thinking about instances after the raid.

She said in one case they had them performing sexual acts on other young girls younger than her.
She said she remembers feeling at that point that something didn't feel right, even though they had been taught it was normal and even a good thing.

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Andrea says she was abused weekly, or multiple times a week.

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Andrea says she was weighed every day.
They had a 103 to 108 lb. weight range and if she got over 108 then she was told she was going to hell and wouldn't get called to go have sex.

So it was tough because you were going to hell and didn't feel "special."

It was on daily and weekly basis.

Andrea was there for 5 years.

The former detective, Mike King, whom these girls credit as the one who took down the leader of the Zion Society said, Arvin Shreeve was a sexual pervert and a deviant, who was predatory against children.

Based on the initial evidence there were more than 4,000 counts of sexual assault against children.

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From Feb. 1992 in Dessert News for those who followed the case you will remember,

Even though an alleged polygamist group has disbanded and the ring leader is now in prison, an investigator for the Weber County attorney's office fears that some children associated with the group could become subject to sexual abuse.

Investigator Mike King said he has no assurances that children who were removed last summer from homes housing a group known as The Zion Society or Sisterhood are safe, because the beliefs within the group still may affect its members.King has been chief investigating officer in the case, in which nine members of the group have been charged with sexually abusing children. Seven of the defendants have pleaded guilty; three of them have been sentenced. The investigation is continuing, King said.

Eight of those charged have been women. The ninth was Arvin Shreeve, 61-year-old patriarch of the group. He was sentenced to serve a 20-years-to-life prison sentence after pleading guilty in November to two first-degree-felony counts of sodomy on a child and two second-degree-felony counts of sexual abuse of a child. Negotiations with the state resulted in an agreement that Shreeve would not be charged with further crimes in exchange for the guilty pleas.

This is for those who are even in fields connected to children who claim women cannot be predators.
We have seen this over and over far too many times.

Remember, no one is off bounds to Satan, he has no line, no boundaries!

Remember, #GhislaineMaxwell was not just a procurer, but also an alleged predator.
Her abuse is found in the unsealed cases in my articles and reports.

Superyachts ,Submarines, Ghislaine Maxwell could procure Dual Citizen Ocean Passports Terra Mar

Mike King led 70 officers in a raid of the homes in the Zion Society's Utah subdivision.
He said the case was incredibly complex.
It involved over 100 adults and 32 children, who were being victimized daily.

Arvin Shreeve fled the scene, but was captured a week later about 300 miles away from Salt Lake.

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Shreeve was reported to be a former member of the Latter Day Saints.

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Clearly he was a predator and abuser against children.

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Over the course of the following year 12 individuals were charged and found guilty of sexual crimes against children.

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Shreeve was sent to prison for 20 years to live.
Eventually he died in 2009.

Not a day has gone by in which King hasn't thoughts about the horror these children went through.
He says They are the true heroes because they survived and they beat this guy!

Mike King is the owner of an investigative firm called Profiling Evil

Mike King wrote a book titled,
Deceived: An Investigative Memoir of the Zion Society Cult
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He also runs a YouTube Channel.
Profiling Evil

One of the videos on his channel here,

Weekly Crime Recap - Summer Wells and Jussie Smollett | Profiling Evil

At the time leading up to the Zion Society raid Mike was running an undercover sting operation as Property Crimes Investigator when a woman came in and asked if he had a minute to talk to her as she had been involved in a cult that was sexually abusing children.

He feels as all Guardians do, where he looked at his own children who were similar in age in it is all unfathomable to those who have a soul.

Are minds can't even comprehend doing this to a child.

Which is why people like Mike are chosen and tasked with shining a Bright Light upon this Dark evil! #DarkToLight

They had physical evidence, eye witness testimony and solid cases against these abusers.

The prosecutor, who handled this case said that when his office got enough evidence to remove the children, he could tell they were trained not to speak.

Former Weber County Attorney Reed Richards says cases like this are very difficult to crack.

Some challenges normal cases would not have according to Richards include,

  • Arvin Shreeve was a very well known person in the community
  • As an architectural landscaper he did the landscaping around the City County Building and the Courthouse.
    This ensured he was very close to the judges, the prosecuting office and all of those people knew him [meaning all of the city officials].

This meant in order to charge him, you had to have the evidence, because they felt it was unbelievable the things they were being told were happening.

Eventually this group had purchased all of the houses in the area so they had control over that making it more secure for the compound.

As the whole neighborhood was involved, according to Richardson it took people who were in the neighborhood coming out to talk before they really had the information they needed to be able to take action.

Threats had been made to private investigators that had tried to go into the group.

To avoid complications and threats to civilians, they organized a large group of police officers and CPS workers that went in early in the morning around 6:00am.

They went into the main ten houses that were involved and they secured the location before there could be any disruption or chance for the abusers to organize.

The take away besides Always #TestingTheNarrative and Not allowing people to Con. ..use disCERNment,
you don't have to allow the abuser to win!

These women who were abused as little girls have chosen to be the Victor rather than the Victim.

Amber uses comedy relief to channel what was meant for her harm, for good and to get the story out there in hopes of helping others who may live in fear or not even realize that it is NOT normal.

She wants to advocate for those who are still in groups like this and for the little girl that she once was.

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Dawn states that by the time the 5th grade was over I had a best friend and I liked my teacher which helped acclimate me.

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Natalie says her past has given her a very successful writing career. She says she is very even tempered and she handles things as they come.

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Odessa lets people know these kind of cults can happen anywhere. I have not told my children what I have experienced but perhaps I will many years from now when the time is right.

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Andrea says the transition into the real world was rough, but eventually she learned to have a somewhat normal life. I chose to write my graduating thesis on why people join cults.

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Thank you to each of these women for sacrificially speaking out and seeking to help others!

Thank you for making the choice to be More Than Conquerors!

Romans 8:37
“Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.”

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Connecting Reports

Qanon, Murder of a San Francisco mayor and How Feinstein's career launched, Jim Jones Connection

Keith Raniere of NEXIVM and his alleged son/the preschools founded by this cult leader

Ohio Pedophile arrests in cases involving Bestiality and Satanic Rituals, possible pedophile ring.

Hefner Intel Asset Honeypot LaVey connection trafficked children raped forced to abort baby, 8Kun

Royal Order Of Jesters and Child sex trafficking arrests - a NYC judge and Police Captain convicted

This article seeks to cover. . .

Retired New York Supreme Court Justice Sentenced to Prison for Sex Trafficking

A former Lockport Police Captain and former Law Clerk also convicted

Verified info girls as young as 13 years old

some of the history of the Royal Order of Jesters connected to the Shriners

A cursory look at some of their symbolism, what do you suppose it entails?

look at a tax case against them that exposes their true intentions and how they are concealed

Info on their link to child sex trafficking, tie into NEXIVM and prostitution issue that has gone on for decades.

Fully sourced.

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More Sources

Polygamous sect leader dies in state prison
Arvin Shreeve. He led the Zion Society, and was convicted of abusing a child.
The Salt Lake Tribune/August 12, 2009
By Lindsay Whitehurst
A polygamous sect leader from Ogden has died at the Utah State Prison.

Arvin Shreeve, 79, died Monday of natural causes, said Utah Department of Corrections Deputy Director Mike Haddon. He had been convicted of child abuse in 1991.

Purported Polygamist Leader Pleads Guilty to Sexually Abusing Children
November 6, 1991

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Children can give consent for sexual relationship at age of 4 according to PIE Pedo Exchange REALLY?

Children can give consent for sexual relationship at age of 4 according to PIE which stands for Pedophile Information Exchange. YES, you heard that right.
They were allowed to operate and exist right out in the open with aide from people including females.
A pedophile group who exchanged information and distributed two publications in an attempt to normalize pedophilia. Operated for 10 years out in the open. Information on current organizations who try to reduce the age of consent of children. PIE distributed information to the Establishment and the wealthy. #PIE, #PedophileExchange, #Pedogate, #ProudPedophiles, #TomOCarroll, #ParentsBeware, #PeopleWhoBelieveRelationsWithKidsIsOk

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Keith Raniere of NEXIVM and his alleged son/the preschools founded by this cult leader

Peter Nygard Canadian Fashion Elite Offices, home raided by FBI allegedly procured, groomed teens

Peter Nygard Canadian Fashion Elite Offices, home raided by FBI allegedly procured, groomed teens
#PeterNygard, #EpsteinDidntKillHimself, #Pedogate

Peter Nygard allegedly preyed upon former employees for "pamper parties" and brought them to his luxury home in the Bahamas where the alcohol flowed. Allegedly he got them to recruit other young girls.

He had a large aquarium with topless mermaids, featured a faux Mayan temple, sculptures of smoke-breathing snakes and a disco with a stripper pole.

According to the New York Times,
a federal lawsuit was filed by separate lawyers in New York on behalf of 10 women accusing Mr. Nygard of sexual assault. The lawsuit claims that Mr. Nygard used his company, Nygard International, and employees to procure young victims and ply them with alcohol and drugs. He also paid Bahamian police officers to quash reports, shared women with local politicians and groomed victims to recruit “fresh meat,” the lawsuit says.