For the child victims, those who make it through grow up. Many blame God for Not Stopping it. Can take a lifetime, but God didn't make the choice for that abuser to choose satan's ways. Don't listen to the lie!

in pedogate •  5 years ago 

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For the child victims, those who make it through grow up.

Many blame God for Not Stopping it.

Can take a lifetime, but God didn't make the choice for that abuser to choose satan's ways.

What God's Creation forgets is. . .Free Choice.

God allows people to make their own choices. Those who choose the ways of the evil one are to blame. God wants them to make a different choice.

Praying for all who fall prey to those who rebel and choose satan's wicked ways over the God who created all humans in His image.

God is always there for us to turn to Him. My heart goes out to all those caught in the cross fire of the wicked.

A day is coming when all will be revealed. DarkToLight continues

Luke 8:17-19
17 For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.

18 Take heed therefore how ye hear: for whosoever hath, to him shall be given; and whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he seemeth to have.

Let him who has ears to hear. . .Where is Epstein right now?
Will he be able to hold on to all of satan's currency where he is going? Still time to repent.

Matthew 3:2
2 And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

The truth is People make their choices. ..God or satan. Don't let the seed of bitterness and rebellion keep you from the Creator who wishes for None to Perish.

God's always waiting and willing to listen.

If you need prayer today, you tell me and I will Pray.

For those predators who never repent and turn from their evil. . .#DayOfReckoning is on the horizon. Closer every day!

#KingdomOfHeaven, #Remnant, #StandPrayFight, #GuardiansOfChildren, #SaveOurChildren

The Fray - You Found Me (Official VIdeo)

What am I talking about?

There's a place in which this occurs whether though who want to acknowledge it or not. . .it goes on.

You don't see it? Do you live there?

Do you know what is going on in the child sex traffic trade abroad and here at home?

If you don't here is a trailer and please be willing to join in the #FightForGood to pray and assist #GuardiansOfChildren

For those already in the Fight. . .Thank you, God bless you and keep you safe always!

What Chris Cornell was backing and Chester Bennington was going to appear in and perform music for.

The Silent Children Promo

Some of these children sold into slavery even by family members. One boy sold for just $10.00

Do you understand?

One More Light (Official Audio) - Linkin Park

Avicii, Cornell, Bennington, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Blackstar, Blackhole Sun, Call a spade a spade get red eyed, black eyed, reprogrammed or taken out! The unspoken clarified!

This man started the first band Chris Cornell was in called the Shemps. Information on the movie Cornell was backing about child sex trafficking, The Silent Children

Please let me know your thoughts and experience. If you need prayer just let me know. I pray all throughout the day. Godspeed Great #GuardiansOfChildren keep #FightingTheGoodFight

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great work on pedogate. can you imagine how many us gov officials are involved in raping children?


