Lewis Carroll aka Charles Dodgson and his interest in Alice Liddell, her sister Lorina nicknamed Ina, other children and his photography of children including predatory poses. A UK documentary uncovers more secrets.

in pedogate •  4 years ago 

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This is part 2. You can find Part 1 here,

Tait believes Alice's mother was responsible for the split because Carroll's manner grew too affectionate towards Alice is how she put it. She burned all the letters Alice had received from Carroll in the waste paper basket in the Deanery. Tait's grandfather told her this is what happened.

In another archive facility where the family papers are kept, there is a scrap of paper lending another explanation pointing towards Edith (known also as Ina) and the governess, Mary Prickett.

Mary Prickett served the Liddell family from their first arrival in Oxford in 1856 until 1870.

In the early editions of Looking Glass, the Rose calls the Red Queen 'one of the thorny kind'.

This, seemingly, was both an allusion to 'Pricks', the Liddell sisters' nickname for their governess, and also a pun on 'Thornbury', the Saxon name for the site of the Binsey well.

Mary Prickett left service with the Liddells to marry, at the age of 40, a wealthy Oxford wine merchant called Charles Foster in 1871.

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What about the documented Project Looking Glass? what is behind that and the historical figures who knew about it? Do you know about this technology? If not familiar find more info in the sources section.

This is the note written by the niece who cut out the pages titled, Cut Pages In Diary,

LC Lewis Carroll learns from Mrs. Liddell that he has been using the children to pay court to the Governess. He's also supposed to be courting Ina (so Alice's older sister).

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Yet another document from Ina written to Alice when they were both in their 80's where she informs Alice she has just been interviewed by a biographer. He's worried about the explanation she's given about the rift.

She writes,

I told him his manner became too affectionate towards you as you grew older and that mother spoke to him about it and that offended him, so he ceased coming to visit us again. As one had to give some reason for all intercourse ceasing.

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When Alice grew up and married, she gave the name to one of her sons, Tait's grandfather the name of Caryl.

Taking the first letter of each line, spells out Liddell's full name. The poem has no title in Through the Looking-Glass, but is usually referred to by its first line, "A Boat Beneath a Sunny Sky".

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For Carroll he continued writing sequels and some felt it was to stay connected to his dream child.

Over his lifetime Carroll had numerous child friends. He would meet them on railway journeys and at the seaside. He was known to have puzzles and games in his pockets to pull out to engage children.

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It was said that he basically picks them up. He picks them up at trains, in friend's houses. Some call it collecting of children which became an astonishing way of life.

Kearney points out, Carroll not only collected chldren he also photographed them in his studio and in some of those images, the children are naked.

Philip Pullman admits Carroll had an obsession with childhood innocence.

It appears it keeps getting excused away by in those days he could do that though inconceivable today.
All I hear through all of this excusing IS he seemed to Get Away With It!Once again the nefarious element using art as a medium to Excused and Embrace. Why is that?

So in Acedemia it is considered okay to just state this right out and pretend it is not crossing the boundaries and doesn't show pedophilic tendencies?

Get a bucket at the ready.
Hear one authority on Carroll say he thought the most supremely beautiful thing was the form of human body. ..the female body before puberty.

Another states it right out, "Dobson himself was I think a heavily repressed paedophile, without doubt.

When asked about the excuse of Dodgson being interested in the innocence of children because it was a "cult of Victorian times," another authrority states, "That's What paedophiles are interested in!

He continues. . ."It's a. problem isn't it? It's a problem when someone writes a great book and they're Not a Great person!"

Hear what these people have to say here and what the Last statement is pointing out the Common Sense and Obvious factor the others continue to try to re-frame and excuse away.

Bringing this in right where they speak about the pedophile overtones,

Others try to excuse away with Others doing pictures of naked children during that time. So the old excuse, "Well the Others were doing it?" How does that imake it okay to prey upon a child's innocence and inability to give consent as their minds are not fully developed to Give such consent? Why is it that the pedophile community and the progressives that embrace it attempt to get rid of the consent needed by parents? You know what it is!

A photo that showed up labeled Lorina Liddell showed up where she was still underage. she appears to be a teen.
It was known Carroll took a lot of photos of Lorina, yet people are wondering if it was one from Carroll, though he was known to take nude photos of children.

One thing is for sure, the girl in this photo doesn't seem happy to be photographed like this. Children cannot give consent so definitely a crime.

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Charles Dodgson with the Liddell family

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Some of the photos of little girls Carroll (Dodgson) took

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This looks a lot like Ina or one of the girls in the Liddell family

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According to The Art Of Suzzan Blac
In 1945, Florence Becker Lennon advanced the case that Dodgson had had an unhealthy attraction to Alice with Victoria Through the Looking Glass, the first modern critical biography of him. “People have wondered what he did with his love life,” Lennon wrote. “Now it can be told. He loved little girls, but, like Peter Pan, he had no intention of marrying them.” But Alice, she wrote, “was the first and most favoured of his girl friends,” and she speculated about the idea that Dodgson precipitated the rift with the Liddells by proposing “honourable marriage to [Alice] directly or through her parents” in 1863. Alice was 11 then—too young, even by Victorian mores.

Lennon’s basis for the assertion may have seemed sound: Ina was one of her sources. (Alice did not talk to Lennon because, her sister said, she was ill.) But in a letter to Alice, Ina wrote, “I tremble at what I said” to Lennon about the Liddell family’s supposed rift with Dodgson. “I said his manner became too affectionate to you as you grew older and that mother spoke to him about it, and that offended him, so he ceased coming to visit us again.” Ina had also told Lennon that she, Ina, was 10 at the time—but she was 14, or old enough to entertain formal suitors.

  • Full frontal nude photo of Lorina Liddell found
    Just good friends?
    The photos says This on the back yet people keep desperately trying ways to discount what their eyes tell them. Wonder where they got that?

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Kearney had an expert look at it and he was able to rule out a modern fake.

The expert said his gut instinct is it IS by Lewis Carroll.

  • Lewis Carroll's shifting reputation.

  • Alice Day- A celebration of girl lovers.

  • Open chat forum for paedophiles-Girl chat (notice Alice Liddell on right hand side)

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  • Wonderland-one of the worlds largest paedophile clubs (1998)

  • Wonderland club-paedophile ring (operation cathedral) documentary

  • Letters of Lewis Carroll to his child friends

The secret symbols used by paedophiles to identify each other.

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So what about all the evidence that shows the nude photo of the very young teen was indeed Ina (Lorina Liddell)? Same nose, eyebrows, lips and hooded eyes.

Was this the photo that caused the rift with the Liddell family? Did they find the others he took?

A photo of Lewis Carroll with his camera,

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Connecting article here,

Don't forget. . .in order to go Forward, you Must Go Back!

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Sources, Reports and Connecting Articles

Here is my Facebook Post where I covered some of the info regarding Roses, Oprah and the Science Institute she funds and may have been signaled in the tweet I shared,

The Facebook Frames Post I referred to when covering Hanks and Ellen titled Facebook Frames Ellen Degeneres One Night Stand and her story of being 13 and sold to a tribe, then having babies. Just comedy or a "Normalization Agenda?" How about All the Elitists/Celebrities she is connected to? #WhoSay Hanx?

Facebook Post on Canary, Q rope and Ellen

Celebrity Corona, latest information on Coronavirus Task Force, Roses comms & interesting Computing

Facebook Frames Do you trust Bill Gates to Help you or Harm you?

You can read the following summary or just flip through the Frames photos to see All these people are involved in. Mind Blowing!

Keep in mind, it was found that Bill Gates was experimenting on women in Kenya without their consent as abortion drugs were found in the Tetanus vaccines. How would you feel if you found out, the problem of some women being able to conceive was do to predatory chemicals meant to cause infertility and you Wanted to have a baby?




Hear all the scripted news from all around the United States. Qanon talking points at 4 a.m.






Langley Confiscation, Q Anon's Breadcrumbs possible pointers, Wonderland pedophile

Harsh Truth about Shirley Temple, Alice training, Epstein footage

Spooks, Kooks, is it all a fluke? Before Project Looking Glass Majestic 12? Grudge, Col. Brown


The Water Bottle, Boots, Langley Landing, Fiji, White Rabbit, Pedogate, Johnny Depp

Adrenochrome the connections are all over the map and the controllers with fingers in the PIE


Facebook Frames Coronavirus Elite Cases and Elitist Resignations #FollowTheWhiteRabbit

Flip through the Frame photos as some of these May surprise you! Many of these Elites are Well Connected!

Facebook Frames the Power's in the Blood can be Flipped!

Flip through Frames and it tells the story.

Will drop links, sources and connectors over prior research in comments of Original Post.

Hear how China and CDC didn't "Let us Know" about some Live Exercises and President Donald J. Trump states here, "They should have let us know!"

Don't YOU think they should have let us know When they were aware? Why didn't they?
Hear more with evidence here,

Had a Super Guardian of Children, Agent Leon point out the connection to canary's in the mines back in the day. Take a stab at how early that started. Interesting date isn't it?

If you go look up the Smithsonian you will find this interesting info, (Will drop a link in comments of Original Post directly from the Smithsonian)

On this day in 1986, a mining tradition dating back to 1911 ended: the use of canaries in coal mines to detect carbon monoxide and other toxic gases before they hurt humans. New plans from the government declared that the “electronic nose,” a detector with a digital reading, would replace the birds, according to the BBC.
Read more and get more connections/links here,

Notice all the Signaling from Elites?

Have you seen what Ellen, Madonna and Hanx have been up to? Will put Facebook Frames links in comments of Original Post in case you haven't seen.

How about that caged canary inside a Q?

Facebook Frames Smith Corona typewriter and signaling by elites doing their "coronavirus diaries" and all sorts of what appear to be gimmicks!


Laurel Newton under Qanon RedPillers just dropped this Vital link and WHOA! https://www.topafric.com/index.php/afro-news/1557-the-entire-burkina-faso-government-resigns?fbclid=IwAR06ATUqXzuWq72zBD2KqlaXvCImjKYztLZHt5LJjfWbCoAio7RkXIU2PJ0

Inside the Top Africa article you will find the following info. . .A leading Intelicor veteran thinks that the reason why President Roch Marc Christian Kabore demanded the resignation of the Prime Minister is related to the matter of the proposed release of genetically modified (GMO) mosquitoes in Burkina Faso under the sponsorship of Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

The story began in January 2018, when Bill Gates pledged USD $45 million to the health initiative in Burkina Faso. Some felt that the funds were a decoy to cover bribery to top government officials for allowing the program to release the GMO mosquitoes in Burkina Faso. The GMO mosquitoes were programmed at Imperial College London under a grant from Bill Gates to sterilize natural mosquitoes and humans across the African continent over time


This goes over some of the comms between elitists in the comments of this Post Link


Just archiving this related to the Oprah tweet about Italy and taking out all the capital letters.


Gets into CIA plots Castro and Harold Weisberg. Caught my attention because I know Oprah donated heavily to the Weizman Institute

Also came upon this which is something the Weizmann Institute researches Transmission Phase and Electron-Electron interaction in Mesoscopic Systems in the Dept. of Condensed Matter.


You don't suppose they are considering Another way out do you?


This also covers Lewis Carroll
Langley Confiscation, Q Anon's Breadcrumbs possible pointers, Wonderland pedophile

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Epstein had friends in high places that liked to photograph children also.

Epstein friends, partakers Evidence A magazine for pre-teens inappropriate photos from 2003

Hear how Epstein got his start as a teacher just like Carroll.

Epstein's rise to fame, Who is behind the pedoGate obstruction, Pedophile Satanic Ritual Abusers

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