Royal Order of Jesters connection to Prostitution and Pedogate. Their history, verified findings including arrests of a former SC judge from NY

in pedogate •  5 years ago  (edited)

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See or listen to a report on this while working on chores here,


This article seeks to cover. . .

  • Retired New York Supreme Court Justice Sentenced to Prison for Sex Trafficking

  • A former Lockport Police Captain and former Law Clerk also convicted

  • Verified info girls as young as 13 years old

  • some of the history of the Royal Order of Jesters connected to the Shriners

  • A cursory look at some of their symbolism, what do you suppose it entails?

  • look at a tax case against them that exposes their true intentions and how they are concealed

  • Info on their link to child sex trafficking, tie into NEXIVM and prostitution issue that has gone on for decades.

  • See convictions of a touring company from the Royal Order of Jesters MSM and others have desperately tried to keep on lockdown!

So Ryan Bahan so accurately asks the questions We have All been asking!

Why Haven’t I Heard of This?
What I’m presenting you has nothing to do with conspiracy theory — everything in this report is comprised of verifiable facts and information that directly implicate multiple branches of federal and state governments in numerous criminal affairs in at least 3 countries.

So why don’t I remember any hint of this story? Why do my searches look like this?

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In my own duckduckgo search I find a website to search public cases,

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Another search turns this up,

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I eventually come upon an article uploaded Today, thank God because I have been searching this case for some time and it is about time this makes it to the Light of Day!

Article from Prison Legal News titled,
Retired New York Supreme Court Justice Sentenced to Prison for Sex Trafficking

Was previously done in 2010, but likely buried,

Loaded on APRIL 15, 2010 by David Reutter published in Prison Legal News April, 2010, page 18
Filed under: Sexual Assault by Judges, Misconduct/Corruption, Judicial Misconduct, Criminal Prosecution. Location: New York.**

Retired New York Supreme Court Justice Ronald H. Tills, 74, has been sentenced to 18 months in federal prison for a felony charge of transporting prostitutes across state lines (a violation of the Mann Act). He began serving his sentence on October 1, 2009.

Tills’ long fall from grace, from a well-respected jurist known for imposing tough sentences to a federal prisoner, resulted following an investigation into the Royal Order of Jesters, a Masonic group that has 191 chapters and 22,000 members nationwide.

The probe, conducted by the Western New York Human Trafficking Task Force, began in late 2007 after federal agents learned that a judge and a police captain were among the customers of a Niagara County massage parlor that hired illegal immigrants to work as prostitutes.

At sentencing, U.S. District Judge William M. Skretny admonished Tills for victimizing the most vulnerable illegal immigrants, “the undocumented women involved in the sex trade.” One woman, Coco, barely spoke English and had been sold into sexual slavery. Tills took her across state lines to work at a Jesters convention in Kentucky.

Further, Tills reportedly engaged in a sexual relationship with a woman who appeared before him in court and recruited her to work as a prostitute at a Jesters convention. Likewise, he recruited prostitutes who appeared before him to provide sexual services at such conventions.

“I will never forgive myself for the possible harm I’ve caused to the victims in this case,” Tills said at his sentencing hearing. “I’m embarrassed, and I feel terrible about the shame I’ve brought to the bench and the bar.” See: United States v. Tills, U.S.D.C. (W.D. NY), Case No. 1:08-cr-00242-WMS.

The federal investigation also resulted in the convictions of two other members of the Royal Order of Jesters – John Trowbridge, a former Lockport police captain, and Michael R. Stebick, Tills’ former law clerk. Trowbridge was sentenced to two years on probation. Stebick received four months of home confinement and was required to forfeit the motor home he used to transport prostitutes across state lines.

A spokesman for the Jesters said only the group’s Buffalo, New York chapter had used prostitutes at organizational gatherings, which was “isolated, inappropriate” and not condoned by the national leadership. Several U.S. presidents, including Truman and Ford, as well as a number of other politicians have been members of the Jesters.

“I quit the Jesters more than 20 years ago, and this kind of thing has been going on at least 40 or 50 years,” said former member Malcolm Herring. “I quit because I don’t drink, and I don’t mess around with other women, other than my wife. Going to one of their events was like going to a whorehouse.”

So let's look into the Royal Order of Jesters and their historical roots.

Here is what you find in a simple search of what is left available up front,

If you begin searching this group for yourself, you will find they are connected to Free Masons and group members have verified this fact.

Just a quick look at wikipedia reveals,

The Royal Order of Jesters is a male fraternal organization, allowing only Shriners in good standing to join. Admission is by invitation only.

A social media jaunt reveals their main office is in Indianapolis, IN and a museum.

According to Royal Order of Jesters dot Weebly,

In addition to the brotherhood aspects of the organization, the International Royal Order of Jesters maintains a museum in Indiana where it showcases historical articles. These range from items associated with the history of the order itself to pieces related to the work of humorists from the past, including William Shakespeare.

According to an Indianapolis site,

An organization first formed more than 100 years ago, the Royal Order of Jesters maintains affiliations with the Freemasons and selects new initiates from among members of the Shriners in good standing. Comprising many local courts throughout the nation and one National Court, the entity selects a maximum of 13 new members annually through each local court.

I go over these aspects because History and numbers are very telling.

After their first National meeting in 1918,

The following year, the organization began acquiring charters for its courts and grew to include 51 courts and 1,329 Jesters nationwide by 1925. In 1933, the organization instated an Emeriti Membership policy for National Court membership and Life Membership after 25 years of participation in a subordinate court. The 50th "Golden Anniversary" annual meeting of the National Court took place in 1967 in Washington, D.C., in the Washington Hilton Hotel.

See more here,!

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See more on their revenue and expenses in Sources at the bottom.

Shriners New Orleans all dressed in their clown suits

The Royal Order of Jesters is a male fraternal organization, allowing only Shriners in good standing to join. Admission is by invitation only.

Shriner's Circus Poster from 1965

This is weird bottom half of 1965 Shriner poster, "Why not become a Circus Daddy?"

Al Malaikah Temple


In the case of Shriners International, however, the historic record is quite accurate. The origin of the Order and its remarkable growth, provide an interesting and factual story dating from 1871, although there are some who contend that the Shrine as it has existed in North America was founded on some ancient Order of Orders which are said to have existed in the Far East at an early day and were conferred upon William J. Florence, founder of the Order in New York, while he was traveling in a foreign country.

The Order of Shriners International, so far as the historical record shows, is an American institution. Oriental signs, tokens and costumes were adopted by those who originated the Order for the sake of pageantry. The jeweled costumes, the picturesque Arab and Fez, all appealed to the organizers and the result today is the greatest Fraternal Order the world has ever known, with 193 Shrine Centers and Shriners Hospital for Children. It is these 22 Hospitals -“Temples of Mercy”- that are the “Heart of the Order”.

The accepted history of the Shrine of North America dates from 1871. In that year, William J. Florence, a distinguished American actor, returned from a European trip inspired by the pageantry and Oriental splendor which he had witnessed at a private ceremony in Marseilles, France, given under the sponsorship of the Arabian Consul at that city.

From notes and material submitted to him by William J. Florence, Dr. Walter M. Fleming – eminent physician, Civil War veteran, **33rd degree Mason and Knight Templar *– contrived the Shrine ritual.

At New York on June 16, 1871, Florence and Fleming and eleven Masonic friends endorsed a proposal for the formation of a new fraternal order to be composed of Knights Templar and 32nd Degree Scottish Rites Masons.

Then on September 26, 1872, these thirteen charter members formally launched Mecca Temple of the Shriners International, with Fr. Fleming as Illustrious Grand Potentate.

On June 6, 1876, in New York, the Imperial Council of the Shrine for the United States was organized and the next day Damascus Temple, Rochester, N.Y., became the second Shrine Temple. By June 20, 1897, the Shrine had 37 Temples with a total membership of 4398.

The Shrine has expanded to an organization of 193 Temples, with a membership of some 300,000 Nobles – in Canada, the Canal Zone, Mexico, every state in the Union and the District of Columbia. Al Malaikah Temple, which was chartered on February 25, 1888 with 39 members, now has 4760 Nobles names on the roster.

The Red Fez with its scimitar and crescent and the Shrine gradually has become the humanizing agency of Masonry, seeking to keep alive in men the spirit of youth by offering wholesome companionship, clean fun and a welcome escape from the worry, carte and the drab routine of our daily lives.

So notice all the Islam references and influences which also show up in their own symbolism and Egyptian icons

ancient Egyptian Noble Mystic Shrine

Colage of shriners Arabic order and islamic symbolism

193 Temples. Remember the 93 Club?

Woody Allen perpetrated against his 16 year old girlfriend at an apartment with 93 in the address. Used in Budweiser's logo, used all over for these people to signal their deeds. Think of the plan in 9/11 and how that number appears in other aspects of 9/11.

A you know the crescent moon and star are symbols of Islam and used on the hat of the shriners.

Las Vegas Sun 1965

More of the Las Vegas Sun 1965 same paper with article on shriners

Shriners article notice Abortion Bill below

Some of the text in the newspaper,

$20,000 hail pending outcome of his appeal on a second degree murder conviction. The court issued a certificate which said Tucker has probable cause for an appeal to rhe high court. Tucker, 65, was denied a new trial and sentenced 10 vear« to life Wednesday in the 1963 fatal »hooting of Omar lack F.vans. 6,500 Here For Shrine LBJ Declares War On Ku Klux Klan $12.9 Million OK'd To Run Clark County Ce remontes Las Vega« welcomed more than 6.500 members and candidate« for membership in the 63 Malaikah Temple Shrine Clubs Friday with the sirens, hoopla and fun that accompany Shriners wherever they go Saturday t h e traditional Shrine parade assembles at P a m. in downtown Las Vegas and begins at 10 a m. I ater in the day Potentate John Rounsavelle will préside over his Grand Pmx Stag ceremonial at Convention ( enter. WASHINGTON (UP!)— Pré« ident Johnson, h i s voice choked with anger and disgust, Friday declared an all out battle to banish the Ku Klux Klan —"a hooded society of bigots” —from American society. He ordered Atty. Gen. Nicholas deb. Kat/enbach to draft legislation bringing the Klan "tinder effective control of law" and urged a prompt congressional investigation of its activities. The chief executive did so in announcing the arrest of four Alabama Klansmen in the slaying Thursday night of Mrs. Viola Gregg Liuzzo of Detroit, a white civil right» worker, on a Federal highway between Selma and Montgomery, Ala "We will not be intimidated by the terrorists of the Ku Klux Klan any more than by the terrorists of the Viet Cong," Johnson »aid at a hurriedly called, nationally tele vised news conference at the White House. The response on Capitol Hill was swift. Rep. Edwin E. Willis, D La., announced that his House Committee on Un-American Activities would meet early next week to con-mder a formal inquiry into the Klan and other extremist group«, * omtmtlee mvesttga tor« already have gathered information on the Klan in Ala-(See l.R.I, Page 2) The Clark Countv Commis-sion adopted on Fridav a 1965-66 county budget of $12,9 mil lion—some $3 million under the 1964 65 cost of county operation. The county plans to live within a $1 property tax next year, leaving the other $4 permitted under the Nevada Constitution to the other political subdivisions within Clark Coun ty. One big Jump in Jhe 1965 66 budget was in the operation of the coroner'« office, which went to $57.656. Last year, the coroner of La« Vega« Township — who handled 95 per cent of all the county's coroner business — was given a budget of $35,000. When the county took over the operation at fiscal mid year, the Chief Deputy Coroner of the township had spent $.30,500 of the hudgpfed money. (See COUNTY, Page 2) Mirabelli Loses Round Over Budget Revision Arrested In Murder Of Mother BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (DPI) — FBI agents, perhaps operating with inside information, quickly arrested four Ku Klux Klan« men Friday and charged them in the slaying of Mrs. Viola Fiu/zo, the first while woman to die in the civil rights movement. Almost as quickly, their ** torney and a Klan leader tr-ranged had for three of th men and they were released from rhe Jefferson Countv ja I in the Birmingham C ounfv courfhoiisp at 10 16 p m. Released on $50,000 Hoof each in the custody of the»r attorney, Matt Murphy a^d Robert Shelton, mpen^i grand wt7,arri of the United Klan« of America, wpre F.ugene Thomas, 4,3. of B" semer, Ala ; William Orvili* F.aton, 41. Rp««mcr; and Gary Thomas Rowe Jr , 31, of Birmingham. Snll m jail wa« the orhr suspect, Collie Lerm WiJkm Jr., 21, of Fairfield, AN. Authorities said he was on pro banon for carrvmg a sawed off shotgun and would have to appear in court befor Hp could be fre^d President Johnson, h « voice choked with emotion, went before a national television and ence shortly after noon to ar nounce rhe arrests and personally identify rhe suspect,«, "I thmk we've got rh® men we want," U. 5 \f»v Gen Nicholas deR Kat/pnbach ¿aid later m Washington He dr chned to discus« derail« of rhe case The three >u«pecf« «h dtlded then faces from a photographer when They were released, They drove xwav in MurpH\

To see information regarding their tax info where questions like this were raised,

Have the Jesters hustled the feds by convincing them that raising millions for partying is a legitimate exempt purpose because the IRS has had no problem classifying them as both a nonprofit fraternity and charity?

Their 2005 tax returns AKA the 990s show that the Jesters fraternal brought in over $1.3 million dollars with assets totaling over $1.8 million dollars. That same year, the Jesters charitable brought in over $420,000 with assets totaling $835,000, for a combined worth of about $2.65 million dollars. And, in that same year, charitable contributions went toward building their new $1.2 million 5,000 square foot HQ/museum in Indianapolis, Indiana.

This also means that the members can claim their dues as charitable contributions on their tax returns.

In 2006, Jesters executive director Alex Rogers, who is also an attorney and past potentate, submitted an application for property tax exemption to the Marion County Assessor based on the group’s claim of being a charity, claiming their new office building included a museum.

The Jesters current website also claims their new headquarters is a 5,000 square foot museum. The site also states, for the first time, that the museum now includes memorabilia dedicated to the works of William Shakespeare. This Shakespeare connection is new, as it has not been previouisly mentioned anywhere in the groups’ historical or non profit documentation, including tax returns. If this is truly the case, it must be reported to the IRS as a change in charitable purpose.

The application for property exemption was denied because tax authorities were not convinced that the Jesters qualified as a charity, based on the museum claims, under Indiana law.

Now Rogers appealed that decision!

When questioned about Jesters activities, Rogers deferred inquiries to “Royal Director” Gene Best and Texas attorney Ron Pruitt, both of whom have not returned phone calls or responded to questions.

Pruitt appears to be responsible for incorporating the International Royal Order of Jesters in Texas in 2003 and for obtaining the International Royal Order of Jesters 501c3 charitable classification from the IRS in 2004. Pruitt listed the same address he’s reported to the Texas Bar Association as the Jesters headquarters address on the group’s application for IRS non profit status.

Coincidentally, both Rogers and Pruitt appear to be practicing law out of Jesters’ headquarters. Both have listed their business addresses and phone numbers with the Indiana Supreme Court Roll of Attorneys and the Texas Bar Association as Jesters’ headquarters in Indiana and Texas.

Pruitt was fax-asked why he, as Chairman of the Jesters’ Jurisprudence and Laws Committee, was included on a letter sent by “Royal Stage Manager” Dennis Schueler to Jester Frank Baillie, informing him that the Jesters had “directed the abolition of all Jester-related bulletin boards and internet sites. The primary reason behind such action was the desire of the Board to minimize the extent possible, our public exposure or its access to Jesters information.” Pruitt has failed to respond and explain why a non profit group would want all bulletin boards and internet sites taken offline.

When questioned about the letter, Scheuler denied all knowledge and abruptly hung up. When given another opportunity to answer the questions via email, Schueler replied:

“I do not believe I have any information that would be of help to you. Please stop harassing me!”

Since Jesters functions have always been listed on the Imperial Council’s annual session agenda, questions about the group were sent to Shriners corporate communications director, Alicia Aargiz-Lyons, who, like the others, failed to respond. Oddly, the 2008 Imperial Council tentative schedule does not list Jesters functions.

So, the second question is:

Why would a nonprofit group with a naked thingy-popping mascot refuse to answer questions and demand such secrecy?

Is the answer in a 2005 complaint that was sent to and investigated by the Grand Lodge of Texas?

It was written by a long time Shriner/Jester who claimed the anonymous moniker “Sam Houston” because “What I am about to portray to you could endanger my life and the life of my family.” It alleged that “During the initiation of new Jesters I was offered the opportunity by another fellow brother to sleep with a whore, even though I had a wife and kids waiting for me to come home.”

The complaint also alleged that:

•Prostitutes were available for Jesters to have their way with

•Brothers had sex in front of other brothers

•Brothers held oral sex competitions

•Potentates, Chaplains, Attorneys, Judges and Past Masters were Jesters

•Sex, illegal gambling and alcohol were the preferred order of business

Not that messing around, holding oral sex competitions, getting snot slinging drunk and gambling your butt off is a bad thing, but to allegedly do so as a nonprofit group?

The complaint continued that “the Jesters pride themselves in having control of all leadership positions at all of the Shrine Temples in the U.S. and Canada as well as the Imperial Shrine leadership. Also, they have risen through the ranks in every body of Masonry including the Scottish Rite, York Rite, Rosicrucians, Red Cross of Constantine, Eastern Star and the Demolay Organizations.”

The complaint asked the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Texas to investigate the Jesters for:

•Actions which disgrace Masonry

•Indulging in the intemperate use of intoxicating liquor


•Profane swearing

•Willfully abandoning their families

•Cohabiting with lewd women

The investigation yielded no prosecutions.

Here is some information from Sandy Frost in Starbucks, WA,

Editor’s Note:
This resource was originally created as a public service and published on Wednesday, April 29, 2009 for those wanting to know more about the Shriners’ secret sub-group, the Royal Order of Jesters as well as the former fishing tour operator who took 19 Jesters fishing in Brazil for girls over 13.

The original article listed ten articles. This has been updated with 25 new articles for a total of 35 articles that detail the greatest nonprofit fraud of our time. You can scan the headlines and read the summary of four years of findings that include actual dollar amounts from the Jesters’ nonprofit tax returns, available to the public on

The original intention was to provide more information in advance of the April 29 UTMB v Shriners hearing in Galveston, Texas and the May 6 and 7 sentencing’s of two Jesters caught by the FBI in a human trafficking sting out of Buffalo, NY. We’re way beyond that now. Read on with an Adult Content Warning. Yes, there is sex but the most offensive, IMHO, is the fact that these guys are operating a nationwide network of prostitution via human trafficking at tax payer expense.

Thank you,
Sandy Frost
Starbucks, WA

Archived link to their website deleted once their scandal broke out.

Here are their Pdf’s proving royal order of jesters lost tax exemption status

From Free Masons for Dummies in 2008,

There has been much "who-shot-john" going on over at The Burning Taper for the last few weeks over the reporting of scandals involving the Shrine's Royal Order of Jesters. The Jesters are an invitation-only group within Shrinedom whose motto is "mirth is king," and is considered by some to be an inner circle within the organization. I'll leave you to discover the BTs blog entries on your own for the details, but there are at least two major investigations going on concerning the group involving prostitution and violation of the federal Mann Act.

On the one hand, for anyone to say they are shocked - shocked! - to discover Shriners having anything to do with prostitutes is intellectually disingenuous. Shriners, strippers and hookers have been keeping each other company for over a century. And while some of us can sit in the parlor and tsk over it being antithetical to the tenets of Freemasonry (which it is), the Babbitry of the past, combined with the Shrine's post-WWII excesses, has been institutionalized by both the Shrine and the public's perception. Lest anyone forget George Carlin's punctuating 1976 punch line, "Drink up, Shriners." Or 1960's "Bye Bye Birdie's" musical number in which a group of Shriners think a young lady straying into their dinner is the stripper for the evening. There is no wonder that a certain percentage of men who join the Shrine have specifically come looking for the Shrine they've heard about. They are looking for the secret society that has the strippers and the hookers and the county sheriff guarding the door who sees they get home okay. Not all men join the Shrine out of the altruism of helping crippled kids. I actually had a man try to sell me on Shrine membership by saying, "You can drink all night for five bucks, and besides, we un-f***-up the crippled kids!"

Is this true, or is there something more nefarious going on with this front as we saw in the Jimmy Saville case?

So the Shrine is a conundrum to me. The hospitals are among the finest philanthropic missions in this country. And if they get paid for by grownups who sometimes act like high school imbeciles, well, maybe society needs to loosen its corset a bit.

Look at was is said about children,

I don't have a problem with Brother Widow's Son posting the lurid details of the Jesters on his blog site. Thomas Hardy said, "If a way to the better there be, it exacts a full look at the worst." And if a clot of idiots want to drag Freemasonry into the whorehouse by association and besmirch the fraternity by whoring it up with underage girls, they need to be exposed loudly, and their local Grand Master needs to give them the Order of the Boot. I'm not a Jester, and couldn't tell you what goes on at their gatherings with any degree of certainty. But I find it especially moronic and irresponsible for the Jesters to have an online shop selling tee-shirts featuring a cartoon Jester climbing a well endowed woman and burying his face in her ample balcony, in light of the current state and federal investigations into their behavior. If nothing else, it's a little like Bruno Hauptmann leaving the ladder outside of the Lindbergh house.

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This listed here below is more than disturbing,

On another mailing list a Mason made the remark that those who were criticizing the Jesters had
"determined the length of another Brothers Cable Tow. I didn't realize that becoming a Mason meant that Christian Morality governed the fraternity. I believe that the then King David had many Concubines and for that matter plural wives. . . Did the brothers do something that in the 20th and 21st century is considered in inappropriate? Well according to the laws of the United States yes. When I used to hire a lot of Mexican workers many of these workers claimed that they were married. These workers were usually found out to be minors and yet they had children of their own with a young woman who was underage and they claimed to be husband and wife. Some of these young people were under the age of 16, now who's morality are you going to condemn these people with..."

If ever there was an argument for the Shrine to clean up its act, or to move away from Freemasonry, it's right there, in a sociopath's relativistic defense of hiring 13 year old prostitutes to live by the motto "mirth is king."

Mirth is King? Condoning heinous actions because of mirth, sounds like a free pass to me to be an abuser and a predator!

According to,

On March 9th, 2008, Buffalo News broke a story involving New York Supreme Court Justice Ronald Tills, Erie County, NY Deputy Michael Lesinski, Lockport, NY Police Captain John Trowbridge and New York State Law Clerk Michael Stebick participating in a human trafficking operation that involved transporting undocumented immigrant sex workers from as far as Kentucky to New York and Canada.

They were transporting the young women to and from a private event held by The Royal Order of Jesters, of whom paid for the sex workers and quiet police transport.

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Here is how there could be a connection to NEXIVM. Who was connected to NEXIVM from Canada, Kirstin Kruek, friends with Allison Mack. She and msm tried desperately to downplay Her connection with Mack and NEXIVM. Both were actresses on Smallville.

Here’s an excerpt of what Michael Lesinski was subsequently charged and convincted of:

Lesinski is charged with knowingly, willfully and unlawfully combining, conspiring and agreeing together with others, including Ronald Tills, to commit an offense against the United States, that is to knowingly transport women in interstate and foreign commerce, with the intent that said women engage in prostitution, in violation of Title 18 (Mann Act) and that at least one overt act was committed in furtherance of the conspiracy, in that the defendant, Michael Lesinski, on April 18, 2005, did rent limousines in order to transport said women from the Buffalo airport to Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, with the intent that the women engage in prostitution.”

FBI Sentencing


As part of his plea arrangement, Tills additionally admitted to engaging in such conduct five more times. Another incident in Winnepeg, Manitoba involving the organization’s parent group, the Shriners, looks almost identical.

The Case in Brazil mentioned in various sourced,

The Royal Order of Jesters participating in sex, drug use, and other illicit acts with Brazilian girls as young as 13.

The Jesters were operating under the guise of a local fishing tour company called Wet-A-Line. The photos, as well as testimony of human trafficking, arose under a Defamation lawsuit in Texas that arose when a competing fishing-tour company discovered the operation.

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  • Wet-A-Line eventually paid Marstellar off the case, settling for $15,000.

  • NY Supreme Court Justice Ronald Tills was convicted and sentenced to 18 months in prison, and served 3 before being released.

  • Erie County Deputy Michael Lesinski was convicted and sentenced to one year of probation and a $1,000 fine.

  • Lockport Police Captain John Trowbridge was convicted and sentenced to 2 years probation.

  • NY Law Clerk Michael R. Stebick was convicted and sentenced to four months of home confinement, and was required to forfeit the motor home he used to transport prostitutes across state lines. He was also given a $5000 fine.

The NEXIVM Connection It ties in with the John of God cult leader who's child sex abuse story broke in January of 2019. Long before that msm and celebrities were heralding hi as a hero. I wonder why?

Remember "suicides" are one way the cabal deals with keeping high profile names covered up and their vast web of deceit under wraps. . .under the veil of secrecy. That is why they signal with the finger over the mouth in their symbology.

John of God had been long heralded by people like Oprah Winfrey and other celebrities as a spiritual leader.

It came out when victims started talking about the sexual predatory behavior which included sex crimes against children. Tie in's to the NEXIVM slave cult and baby farming.

I will be covering more of this in depth in a part 2 as this is already fairly involved.

Please let me know your thoughts and information you have discovered in your search for truth. Godspeed!


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Curated for #informationwar (by @wakeupnd)

Ways you can help the @informationwar!

I flag trash. You have received a flag.

This is sourced and vetted. Court documents back up the evidence and arrests.

What these evil people are doing is trash.

Are you saying you Condone what they are doing and don't like that people feel they should be accountable for their predatory actions?

Are you okay with child sex trafficking?

He hasn't flagged you, he flagged @informationwar. As is his custom.
Learn to play the game, this is not a game.

Thanks for your work in researching this. Very sick world, Pray..

Thank you for telling me. No, it's Not a game. Why is he flagging informationwar?

I think I see what you mean. His comment is under informationwar. So busy I didn't notice it. Thanks again and Godspeed!

I dunno, but when the whales start flapping about it's best to stay out of it.

Both of those accounts are owned by much larger accounts, if they wanna start flinging flags about we gotta stand clear, minnows like us could get squashed.

And for God's sake never, ever mention anything about the shape of the earth, just don't do it. Dangerous.

God Bless.

UPDATE August 2022
This also goes over the information concerning the #PenceFence, the Ryan Pence ticket and evidence of traitorous deeds with full sources.

#OperationCrossCountry, #childsextrafficking [comes up in algorithm for 20k]

According to FBI Media Office
SAN FRANCISCO, CA—The FBI, working with its state and local partners during two weeks in August, identified and located 84 minor victims of child sex trafficking and child sexual exploitation offenses and located 37 actively missing children during a nationwide enforcement campaign, dubbed “Operation Cross Country.”

INDIANAPOLIS — During a two-week operation in August, the FBI located 84 victims of child sex exploitation and found 37 actively missing children during a nationwide sex trafficking initiative, the Department of Justice said Monday.

The FBI Indianapolis Division told 13News nine children were rescued in Indiana and three sex offenders were caught on Aug. 12. The FBI in Indianapolis worked with the United States Marshals Service and IMPD missing persons and vice units.
The average age of the victims was 15.5 years old and the youngest was 11 years old. In addition to locating and identifying the underage victims, the FBI found 141 trafficked adults.

The initiative "Operation Cross Country," worked alongside 200 state, local and federal partners as well as the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children to conduct 391 operations in August. It ran from Aug. 4-7, as well as Aug. 11-14.

Will place full sources including some local footage in comments and next to photo frames.
Thank you for continued prayers that all will be #rescued

See the facebook frames thread post here and each photo you click on provides full sources and more information,