Send in the Rescue! Covid-19 Update. Military Training Underground, $36 million from US Attorney to fight Human Trafficking, Assist Victims. Mercy and Comfort Rescue Team. You are not Helpless, Hidden, forgotten. Your innocence Stolen!

in pedogate •  5 years ago  (edited)

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Coronavirus updates and background information.

Video report if you would rather listen while doing chores. All sources inside of this article.

Coronavirus Update How the Army trained soldiers for combat underground, secret sub spaces New York

Why is this happening?
Texas National Guard troops could do door-to-door checkups around Dallas
As reported by a local news station

See an Important Update from 12.11.2021 for #SaveOurChildren, #GuardiansOfChildren at the bottom of this article. Remember, It's ALWAYS been about the Children!

How about the Hill reported,
Rhode Island police, National Guard begin stopping cars with NY plates and going door-to-door to enforce quarantine

This one from ABC on March 28, 2020

National Guard will go door-to-door to make sure New Yorkers quarantine

Why New York? Looks like MSM isn't reporting the truth as this has been seen by people with Boots on the Ground and Citizen Journalist out checking on places with their Own Two Eyes rather than relying on someone just "Telling" them what is going on or showing footage seen in other countries taken from the "Same Staging."

FYI the Telegraph when quoting Chinese press said those 7th World Military Games held in Wuhan, China were Staged. Held the Exact Same Day as Bill Gates Foundation Event 201 held in New York (Guess where the UN is headquartered?), now take a stab at What Entity was Celebrated and paid homage to at the Military Games over in Wuhan where incidentally the "breakout" occurred?

Bill Gates Pandemic Exercises as he and the other Global entities called it had "Players."

Are You and I being PLAYED?
Held on the very same day. ..Oct. 18, 2019 just one month after China held a military drill.

Run for the hills! Pentagon sends teams into MOUNTAIN BUNKERS as pandemic preparations go into full swing

Check out photos and footage here,
Iron Mountain in PA stores Bill Gates Collection, NORAD, Getty, other underground facilities, Lakes

Or if no time to listen while working and doing chores you can skim photos, info and sources here,

Check out this amazing artistic depiction done by Warrior Michael Meredith,

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You can find his artwork on his page.

As reported from CNBC March 30, 2020
Photos of the field hospital being built in New York’s Central Park

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Look what pulls up under this search and Why are they hateful? Don't they want help with the Coronavirus?

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If you read the article it is clearly people attempting to be divisive even in a time when our nation and the world are in crisis! This group the haters are trying to target has not turned Anyone away for help based on belief system, gender, or otherwise. They Help those who Need it, period!

This group reserves the right to hire those who align themselves with Their ideals. Just as someone who doesn't believe in Progressive issues, doesn't even Seek to be hired. They agree to disagree and move along, focusing on what Is agreed upon, where there IS unity rather than how to Divide over issues. Divide and Conquer Has been the arm of weakening our nation and used by elitist leaders everywhere. Sad.

According to Yahoo,

Los Angeles and New York City are getting additional help in battling the coronavirus crisis.

On Friday morning, the United States Navy hospital ship USNS Mercy arrived in Los Angeles to assist with relief efforts.

Its sister ship, the USNS Comfort, is expected to leave Norfolk, Virginia, on Saturday to head to New York City. President Donald Trump said he plans to see the ship off. “I’m going to go out and I’ll kiss it goodbye,” he said at a White House press conference.

The Comfort should be seeing New York-area patients by early April, according to NBC.

New York is the epicenter of the virus, with nearly half of all confirmed cases in the country and about a third of the deaths, according to available data on Friday. The virus, which causes the respiratory disease COVID-19, has killed more than 1,000 people in the U.S., which overtook China this week as the epicenter of the outbreak worldwide.

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POTUS told us these ships were Not for Coronavirus Patients.

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Page 294 of OIG report Mid Year Review Agent Coleman's notes

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Thanks you once again Roger Diggs for this well done video link. . .
Summary and link found here,

Incredible video compiliation (rather describes this Military Intel Operation doesn't it)?
**US State Department has organized one of the Largest and Most Complex international Evacuation Operations in American history over the last few months.

Pompeo and Ambassador O’Brien (current United States National Security Advisor.)
working around the clock #ThoseWhoKnowCantSleep, #YoureNotDefenseless, #YourArmor**

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24 Jun 2018 | By Matthew Cox
U.S. Army leaders say the next war will be fought in mega-cities, but the service has embarked on an ambitious effort to prepare most of its combat brigades to fight, not inside, but beneath them.

For this new type of warfare, infantry units will need to know how to effectively navigate, communicate, breach heavy obstacles and attack enemy forces in underground mazes ranging from confined corridors to tunnels as wide as residential streets. Soldiers will need new equipment and training to operate in conditions such as complete darkness, bad air and lack of cover from enemy fire in areas that challenge standard Army communications equipment.

Senior leaders have mentioned small parts of the effort in public speeches, but Army officials at Fort Benning, Georgia's Maneuver Center of Excellence -- the organization leading the subterranean effort -- have been reluctant to discuss the scale of the endeavor.

"We did recognize, in a megacity that has underground facilities -- sewers and subways and some of the things we would encounter ... we have to look at ourselves and say 'ok, how does our current set of equipment and our tactics stack up?'" Col. Townley Hedrick, commandant of the Infantry School at the Army's Maneuver Center of Excellence at Fort Benning, Georgia, told in an interview. "What are the aspects of megacities that we have paid the least attention to lately, and every megacity has got sewers and subways and stuff that you can encounter, so let's brush it up a little bit."

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I have Always asked. . .WHERE do the Missing Children go? Far too many for it Just do be coincidence, happenstance or isolated cases. Since the time I read the Missing Children boards on my dad's wall when he was Chief of Police it has been something a prayer about because it NEVER Added Up! Progressives and the globalists have a Million excuses, but We KNEW!

Runaway Train

"I can go where no one else can go"
"I Know what no one else Knows!"

This theme of wanting to know what happened to kids that went missing continued to cause problems if I Dared question the System set up by Progressives in charge.

This including Bill Richardson, who became governor of New Mexico.

Way to get your charges dropped Richardson!

investigated for possible improper business dealings in New Mexico.

I'm sure it helped having the Right Connections. to the King Family, who leased the land for Epstein's ranch and had tight ties with the Clintons!

Every time I talk about Clinton crimes I get stabbed in the back by those who were supposed to be in my same field and on my side. Really exposes Progressives and the attitude of those who fancy themselves Elitists due to Academia and their "University Credentials!"

"A little out of touch, a little insane?"
"It's just easier than dealing with the pain."

I guess Richardson thought it was okay to protect those working Within the school system. All under the cloak of . ..they're "helping children." You bet they were Helping. ..but NOT the children, more like helping people to the children.

All connected to progressives and anyone else they could blackmail or OWN.

Certain people Will Not get away Scott Free! You see, your friends in High Places are toppling like a house of cards!

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Avicii - For A Better Day

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**So Behind the scenes, while all of this is happening. . .

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What will unite a Country divided in which citizens have been lied to repeatedly by the Mainstream Media who should have been reporting in the interests of the people?
#SaveOurChildren Guardians of Children from all over unite towards One Goal!

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Coronavirus first case in Washington. ..Why was the medical ship sent to California instead?
According to Military dot com

Even though there are more cases right now in Washington, the projected needs for beds in California is five times more than that of Washington," Pete Gaynor, the Federal Emergency Management Agency's administrator, said Sunday.

#RescueMission, #NothingCanStopWhatIsComing, #ThePlan

#PrayStandFight for All of the #RescueTeam,#VictimHealing and #HealthWorkers

Lauren Daigle - Rescue (Lyric Video)

The Crux of it All!

Psalm 106:
34 They did not destroy the nations, concerning whom the Lord commanded them: 35 But were mingled among the heathen, and learned their works. 36 And they served their idols: which were a snare unto them. 37 Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils, 38 And shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and of their daughters .

#SonsAndDaughtersOfGod, #RescueTeam, #GuardiansOfChildren,#SaveOurChildren, #TheSilentChildren

Lyrics to I will Rescue You! Thank you MI, Thank you Rescue Team
"I Will Rescue You"

You are not hidden
There's never been a moment
You were forgotten
You are not hopeless
Though you have been broken
Your innocence stolen

I hear you whisper underneath your breath
I hear your SOS, your SOS

I will send out an army to find you
In the middle of the darkest night
It's true, I will rescue you

There is no distance
That cannot be covered
Over and over
You're not defenseless
I'll be your shelter
I'll be your armor

I hear you whisper underneath your breath
I hear your SOS, your SOS

I will send out an army to find you
In the middle of the darkest night
It's true, I will rescue you
I will never stop marching to reach you
In the middle of the hardest fight
It's true, I will rescue you

I hear the whisper underneath your breath
I hear you whisper, you have nothing left

I will send out an army to find you
In the middle of the darkest night
It's true, I will rescue you
I will never stop marching to reach you
In the middle of the hardest fight
It's true, I will rescue you

Oh, I will rescue you

Sources and Connecting Reports/Articles,

For any of the YouTube videos removed [They attacked my channel heavily, threatened personally and attempted to carry out their threats in various ways] I have archived and continue to archive what I can on Bitchute, slowly adding to rumble also. Thank you.
Check here and check playlists. Thank you!

Facebook Frames Dr. Rashid Buttar lays out evidence and what has been exposed by the Scientific community concerning the Coronavirus also known now as Covid-19....

Facebook Frames It's Going to be BIBLICAL!
How long before Mathematically Impossible?

Facebook Frames Facebook Frames I Will Rescue You! USNS Comfort and Mercy!
Facebook Frames I Will Rescue You! USNS Comfort and Mercy!

George Soros holdings connected to China

Stars praising a known vaccine pusher on the board of Monsanto, whose parents come from the American Eugenics Society.

Cheyenne Mountain Complex

For all videos they removed from my YT channel as they could not dispute the evidence and verification. . .I have archived what I could on Bitchute here, #GodSPEED

Isaac Kappy RIP based in New Mexico, remember the Sunspot Observatory and training camp

Proof of Pedo Rings. No need to listen to them. Just look at the titles or go into description or top comment for sources. WHAT have anons been trying to show you and WHY? Not even all of them, WHY is it This VAST?

A Pedophile Ring for the Privileged and Powerful Biggest Political Scandal Establishment cover-ups

Liz MacKean Dead Tried to Expose Satanic Paedophile Ring Savile BBC stopped story

Abercrombie and Fitch, Wexner, Epstein and the pedophile normalization agenda

Weinstein's deal to reveal Pedophiles in hollywood New law 12 yo can give consent

Pedogate Arrest, De Niro client of Prostitution Ring child abuse, pill or tattoo for your password

Epstein backed virtual software for gaming and sophia dolls link between pedophilia and AI

"Can you help me to remember how to smile"
"Make it Somehow all Seem Worthwhile"
"How on earth did I get so jaded?". . .More lyrics from Runaway Train

Rachel Chandler alleged child Handler for Epstein, Ghislaine, Michael Aquino, modeling's pedo norm

Avicii timeline leading up to death, interesting events/Advocate for ending Child Sex Trafficking

Avicii Part 2 Oddities surrounding his death interesting events/ Staples calls out R. Kelly pedogate

Epstein's girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell her org Terra Mar and association with Milk Studios

Isabel Maxwell part 2 Ghislaine's sister Director of Israel Venture Network, and early search engine

Epstein and the Disney Connection, Ghislaine Maxwell, disturbing art collections of Disney leaders

Genuine thoughts that go through a victim's mind. . .
"Promised myself I wouldn't leave,
One more promise I couldn't keep
It seems no one can help me now. . .I'm in too deep, there's no way out
This time I have really led myself astray. lyrics, Runaway Train.

Tom Hanks on Ellen, Kappy, Rachel Chandler background, her connections, her part in pg

Pedogate Update how pedophiles are actively grooming your child, Latest Pedophile arrests, Sessions

How did Pizzagate and PedoGate Start, Madeleine McCann connection, Podesta emails

Pedogate Pizzagate what is really behind it, Large numbers Missing Children, Ritualistic Child Abuse

PedoGate Why Not Debunked? Why Unreported PedoGate Puzzle

Australian well known reporter arrested Pedophile charges, Pedogate issues for Parents tips to help

Pedogate Vatican Allegations, Highest official ever to be charged, Vatican drug and sex charges

Epstein's rise to fame, Who is behind the pedoGate obstruction, Pedophile Satanic Ritual Abusers

Latest Q drops from 2/14/2020 and Verified CPS Child Victims Pedogate Full Exposure Politicians

Comey his connection to Pedogate, the reason high profile people have not been indicted

The Real Reason Scalise was shot, Hate group behind shooting, Pedogate obstruction

Child abuse, Cannibalism, Secret Societies and Pedogate influenced by elites and hollywood

Orchestrated Chaos, Wars and Division by the Illuminati Part 3 Pedogate connections

The Water Bottle, Boots, Langley Landing, Fiji, White Rabbit, Pedogate, Johnny Depp

The Netherland's Untouchable Pedophile Demmink PedoGate Researchers Followers Spread Awareness

A first hand account of a child victim at the hands of pedophiles. Does this evil really exist?

Ohio Pedophile arrests in cases involving Bestiality and Satanic Rituals, possible pedophile ring.

feb 9 Q update, Q drops Feb 9-10 JFK, Secret Societies, Certain Servers and Pedogate

What is the mystery religion, the Cabala where does it come from? Who helps perpetuate Pedogate?

The Clinton homes fires timing & connection to Qanon’s Breadcrumbs and the ScandalGates Pedogate?

Pedophile Acceptance Culture those aiding the cause and Child Robot Makers, Buyers

Chester Bennington and Chris Cornell's Eerily Similar Deaths Connection to a politician

ICE Arrests 32 Sex Offenders In Long Island, Operation Elysium High Level Politician Pedophiles,

Pedophile in Philippines arrested Pedophiles in US, Canada, Australia pay for child sex abuse

Langley Confiscation, Q Anon's Breadcrumbs possible pointers, Wonderland pedophile

The secret they are trying to hide part 2

Franklin Cover up part 3 Johnny Gosch ritualistic abuse victims Pedophile rings

Mark Levin and Jaco Booyens on Child Sex Trafficking as an Epidemic in the U.S. true life stories

Abandoned CampTucson, found child items, restraints, local news info photos and links

NXIVM Unsealed DOJ Document Keith Raniere Case Docket Allison Mack Child Sex Trafficking

15 Pedophiles Arrested in USA and Pedophile Hunters Modern Day Heroes

The Franklin Cover Up Johnny Gosch Pedophile Camps verified in IA, NV, NE, CA, WV by FBI Director

Keven Spacey All that is behind the Pedophile Allegations Hollywood's True Open Secret

Adreno part 2 Sports Accidents in Canada Highway Of Tears pedo rmate to Trudeau

Allison Mack Connection to 7th Heaven Stephen Collins / Remember when he molested a child?

When will something be done about all the child sex abuse Hollywood Prt 3

Las Vegas shooter The Other Brother child porn Stephen Paddock's brother

Toddler brutally raped and assaulted by father who was CEO tech company in California

Weinstein Distraction why did they use "honeypot" and "An Open Secret" in MSM article

Peter Nygard Canadian Fashion Elite Offices, home raided by FBI allegedly procured, groomed teens

Pedophile claims 6 child sisters gifted to him, Powerball Pedophile arrested on sexual assault

Demmink Pedophile high Dutch official still free, Helsinki Committe in US justice for victims

Punished for Truth! Facebook censored me for an MSM article on UK pedo's no longer being arrested.

Navy Seal arrested molesting sleeping child, mom stabs Pedophile boyfriend on top of 12 yo daughter

New Mexico Arrests for child sex abuse charges in a compound attempted escape van load of children

Brother defending his sister Killed by pedophile with hammer. A child sex slave, bestiality

Qanon latest posts from Jan. 27 part 2 What are Their plans?

Children can give consent for sexual relationship at age of 4 according to PIE. REALLY?

Transgender Assaults and Rapes 10 yo girl, President of Commissioners Child Animal Sex Abuse

Washington Post tried to hide an article about a Podesta! Q Keystone connections! Deranged?

Was there a Fire on Epstein Island to cover more evidence like the dentist cart or earthquake?

Ban the Bible? Is this true? What is the baphomet? Are Pedo Groups really out there?

Child care worker abuses infants and toddlers at work Dad warns about this App

part 3 Feb 5 to 7 drops, Sir Anthony Blunt with Rothschild's Spy Ring pg front, King Tower, MAP

Pedophile Arrests Politicians, Lawyers, Teachers, Abuse of Infants, Children and Women

Human Trafficking Arrests, Pedophile investigations of Professors

Hugh Hefner, Jayne Mansfield, Anton LaVey, Hefner's photographer, did tunnels hide child evidence?

Robot marriage, children and some already living with the family as a companion to dad

Migrants, Refugees Raping and murdering children will not face any prison time

Tommy Robinson the Pedophiles and their violent crimes he tried to expose prior to being jailed Prt2

Joe Morrissey won in VA his text messages to underage girl in Alford plea documents

Florida Pizzafire Explosion Broward, Fires near Getty Santa Monica, Epstein

Fiji Behavior Modification Camps Chemicals, Restraints/ Pharm owners dead Clinton connection maybe

Johnny Depp why did he help 3 convicted murderers go free? Johnny and the River Phoenix connection

Allison Mack Guilty Racketeering Apologized to those exploited in NEXIVM Master of Slave Women Cult

Bill Gates foundation dept. director told Epstein would land her modeling job is at World Bank Group

Pedophilia networks and ritualistic satanic abuse confirmed by former Intelligence Agent

The Comey Hearing, Home in MI raided connected to Huma Abedin, 29 Christians killed by ISIS

Yellow Vest Patriot says there are satanic Paedos refers to Hampstead case/ hear evidence of records

The Seth Rich Murder, Guess who else died tied to Bill Clinton since the 70's and Arkansas days?

Refugee Crisis, Refugee Ban, No Go Zones In the US

Adrenochrome the connections are all over the map and the controllers with fingers in the PIE

Operation Backyard Brawl Tucson industry surrounding, CEMEX Photos, links, background info

Keith Raniere of NXIVM and his alleged son/the preschools founded by this cult leader

Illuminati part 2 History of Illuminati how they have infiltrated many organizations

Corrections Officer Arrest involving Cheese Pizza What is going on?

Qanon's Breadcrumbs What is this all about? Seven Dwarves reference Calling All Patriots

Qanon drops July 24 and 25 who is Panicking, Q marker and why so Important, NEXIVM arrests

Executive Order The Big ONE! The storm is here loopholes closed

Scorpions' bassist, Ralph Rieckermann, Admits to attending Parties/ elites gather kill & sacrifice

Extreme Sexual Assault and Abuse by a manager of Fund founded by George Soros

Q latest drops breakdown Helicopter Crash their connections, Why Schiff is so shifty on memo

Rothschild Crash illuminati History part 1 Who is orchestrating division and events?

Pedogate 99 University Professors and Staff arrested for Pedophilia Across the Country

Names of Politicians and Elites in the Epstein Unsealed Documents Case Bill Richardson, Princes

"So many secrets I couldn't keep"

Lyrics from I will Rescue YOu
I hear you whisper underneath your breath
I hear you whisper you have nothing left
I will send out an Army to find you in the middle of the Darkest Night It's True

I Will Rescue You!

Runaway Train Lyric video

More Sources concerning Underground Training and Underground locations

From there Allen Dulles, former head of the CIA adopted this practice and it is in use to this very day at many United States military institutions. Mind control is also known as satanic ritual abuse and Near Death Torture. The purpose is to fracture the mind of the individual being tortured to create MPD or Multiple Personality Disorder.
The mind can’t handle the abuse the victim is put through so the brain blocks it out creating amnesia walls. It is in these blank parts of the brain now formed in the victim where the programming in set. The victim then is sent to do horrifying tasks the person would not normally do…such as prostitution, assassinations and the programming of other mind control victims.

The phrase “satanic ritual abuse” first arose in the mid-1980s to describe the disclosures of some children in child protection cases and some adults in psychotherapy. In the early 1980s there was an exponential increase in child protection investigations in America, Britain and other developed countries due to mandatory reporting laws and increased public awareness of child abuse. In a small number of investigations, children disclosed organized and ritualistic forms of sexual abuse by parents and caregivers. Claims also made by adults in psychotherapy.

These disclosures included descriptions of sexual abuse in the context of Satanic cults, rituals and the use of Satanic iconography, garnering the label “satanic ritual abuse” in the media and with some professionals.
Clinicians, psychotherapists and social workers have documented clients who describe a history of SRA and have put out a body of literature on the treatment of ritually abused patients. Much of the focus on dissociative disorders had emerged 1980s which includes children and adults with allegations of being ritualistically abused.
They also demonstrated high levels of distress and trauma-related symptoms. Some of these patients exhibited high levels of dissociation and a portion have been diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder (DID). SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) victimization is not the isolated depraved action of a psychotic or sociopathic individual. Instead the victimization is part of a widespread multi-generational nearly omnipotent satanic conspiracy involving thousands or even millions of people.

The current technology grew out of experiments that the Nazis started before World War II and intensified during the time of the Nazi concentration camps when an unlimited supply of children and adults were available for experimentation.
We’ve heard about the inhumane medical experiments performed on concentration camp prisoners, but no word was ever mentioned by the media and the TV documentaries of the mind control experiments. That was not to be divulged to the American public. Mind control technologies can be broadly divided into two subsets: Trauma-Based or Electronic-Based.

See more info that is verified concerning who the El Paso Shooters father, Brian Crusius was verified to have worked with. It was people connected to Nazi Germany and their known trauma, abuse and mind control techniques. Why is it the Same people who claim Nazi Germany did indeed abuse many people in concentration camps, they believe the torture, yet deny in the face of government documents and evidence that those Top scientists used to do these programs for Nazi Germany were brought over here to America under Verified Operations like Project Paperclip? Why do they deny?


FB post 5.31.2021

Happy Memorial Day 2021

Thank you to all Anons and Guardians for everything you do Daily!

We see you out there giving it your all!

Take time with the fam today.
Enjoy your day of remembering all who have gone before us and all on the front lines now.

You all ROCK!
More to come and Never forget.. .
THE BEST is yet to come!

Also remember. . .just because civilians don't always see or obtain evidence from their corporate owned media of what is going on. . .doesn't mean there isn't a Great Deal going on Behind the scenes.

All of you will have a Giant Voice heard by far many!

Continue forth taking down the nefarious Giants in the Land.

May God's blessings and protection continue upon you all now on this Great Momentous Memorial Day and every future one!

Facebook Frames the Presser that will Go Down in History President Trump Asked about Q movement and the theory of him secretly saving the world form a satanic cult of pedophiles and cannibals!.

UPDATE on 12.11.2022 here,
Thank you Great Warrior Grace Landry for these first two info shots. . .aka MsPat and the Federalist Papers dot org link! Fantastic!

See more on TS here

What a STELLAR share on #TruthSocial!

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Do you think Wired gets that they WEREN'T Doing their JOB before!

Pretty much NOT at all!

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Thank you #ElonMusk, as they banned All #GuardiansOfChildren years ago!

Elon Musk tweeted that the issue of child sexual exploitation content is "priority #1" for Twitter.

Musk was responding to a tweet that said he was addressing the issue of CSE content on Twitter.

Twitter was in a major child safety lawsuit in 2021 after failing to remove CSE content from its platform.

Elon Musk said that the problem of child sexual exploitation content on Twitter being easily available is a top concern.

Twitter user EvaFoxU, followed by Musk, tweeted "Elon Musk has begun addressing the issue of posting child sexual exploitation content on Twitter after years of the platform's inactivity on the subject under past management," with a link to an article by Tesmanian interviewing Eliza Bleu, a survivor of human trafficking and an advocate for victims.

Musk responded to the tweet saying that the issue is "Priority #1."

Bleu told Tesmanian that "the new management of the company takes the CSE problem seriously," emphasizing that the three main hashtags used to sell child sexual abuse content on Twitter have been cleared since Musk's takeover.

Insider found that Twitter had removed most of the content using these hashtags, but there were still some tweets requesting CSE content.

Bleu also said that Twitter had added a direct reporting option for child sexual exploitation on tweets with images or videos. Insider was able to verify this, and found that when reporting a tweet, users can now select the option of "child sexual exploitation" as the reason for the report.

Wow on This. . .

See a related post here,

Hear updated Audio link dropped by Grace Landry aka MsPat here, with Elon's audio pertaining to the Child Sex Traffic on Twitter he plans to eradicate!

From the channel Seeking Truth in the Last Days

A must see featuring Lauren Daigle's Rescue and footage from Tim Bergling [Avicii's] For a Better Day! #SoundOfFreedom Real life Rescue Ops, #TimBallard

I Will Rescue You | World Day Against Trafficking in Persons - July 30

Archived on my channels here,


and here if your browser will not allow you to open in Bitchute

Godspeed Commander and Chief Trump for giving money and support for the Underground Army!
I remain forever grateful!

Thank you for speaking out about the #HumanScourge
and the Presser that is Iconic and archived below,

Facebook Frames the Presser that will Go Down in History President Trump Asked about 17 movement and the theory of him secretly saving the world form a satanic cult of pedophiles and cannibals!.

More information and evidence dropped and archived in these articles below

Victims Protection Act, 22 U.S.C. 7101 et seq

#Pedogate, #GuardiansOfChildren, #SaveOurChildren, #GodsChildrenAreNotForSale!

An Important Watch!
Thank you RedPillWarrior on Rumble!

Red Pills - Is it time to Expand Your Mind?

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Facebook Frames the Presser that will Go Down in History President Trump Asked about Q movement and the theory of him secretly saving the world form a satanic cult of pedophiles and cannibals!.


UPDATE May 2022
Go, Go, Go Great Warriors Matt Dentino and Lisa!
Thank you for using your talents for #FightingTheGoodFight
Thank God for #TheRescue!
Carry on your Good Work Fine Warriors/GuardiansOfChildren, #CarryOn
wwg1wga, #InTheEndGodWINS, #SaveOurChildren

"They Took That Boy!" - Music and Lyrics By Matt Dentino and Lisa Jones


From Great Warrior Sammy James!

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Check out this amazing artistic depiction done by Warrior Michael Meredith,

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You can find his artwork on his page.
