Adil Rashid told the judge that he had been taught “women are no more worthy than a lollipop that has been dropped on the ground” and that he was reluctant to have sex with the 13-year-old girl, but he was “tempted” by her after she “seduced” him.
Is he Kidding with this crap! A child Cannot seduce Nor can she give consent by the definition of CHILD!
Judge Michael Stokes of Nottingham Crown Court, England, found Adil Rashid guilty of child rape, but only handed him a suspended sentence, stating: “It is quite clear from the reports that you are very naive and immature when it comes to sexual matters.”
Earlier Nottingham Crown Court heard that such crimes usually result in a four to seven-year prison sentence.
The Daily Mail reports the judge said that because Rashid was “passive” and “lacking assertiveness”, sending him to jail might cause him “more damage than good”.
Rashid, from Birmingham, admitted he had sex with the girl, saying he had been “tempted by her” after they met online.
They initially exchanged messages on Facebook before sending texts and chatting on the phone over a two-month period. They then met up in Nottingham, where Rashid had booked a room at a Premier Inn.
The girl told police they stayed at the hotel for two hours and had sex after Rashid went to the bathroom and emerged wearing a condom.
Rashid then returned home and went straight to a mosque to pray. He was arrested the following week after the girl confessed what had happened to a school friend, who informed one of her teachers.
He told police he knew the girl was 13 but said he was initially reluctant to have sex before relenting after being seduced.
Earlier the court heard how Rashid had ‘little experience of women’ due to his education at an Islamic school in the UK, which cannot be named for legal reasons.
So Reluctant he Groomed the girl for 2 months, then booked a hotel? Are you kidding me with this? And the judge feigned falling for it? Rather telling!
After his arrest, he told a psychologist that he did not know having sex with a 13-year-old was against the law. The court heard he found it was illegal only when he was informed by a family member
No. !, someone skilled enough to "book a room" for the deed has a measure of sense; therefore, common sense comes into play. Why is it criminals Preying upon children are allowed more rights than regular citizens? Why are They above the law, yet. . .
For the common decent person. . .ignorance of law is No Excuse!
Earlier the court heard how Rashid had ‘little experience of women’ due to his education at an Islamic school in the UK, which cannot be named for legal reasons.
If this were a Christian School, you Better believe they would have Been named and Should Be!
After his arrest, he told a psychologist that he did not know having sex with a 13-year-old was against the law. The court heard he found it was illegal only when he was informed by a family member.
In other interviews with psychologists, Rashid claimed he had been taught in his school that ‘women are no more worthy than a lollipop that has been dropped on the ground’.
When Judge Stokes said Rashid ‘must have known it was illegal, unless he was going round with his eyes shut’, defence lawyer Laban Leake said reports suggested Rashid had a ‘degree of sexual naivety’.
Of course he knew it was ILLEGAL! He's engaging on a platform where he has access to illicit sexual exploitation everyday! It is Pushed by many platforms, encouraged in the entertainment and music industry, splattered across billboards and encouraged on every form of advertisement possible.
A parent can barely find a costume for their young daughters that aren't meant to be suggestive. It is Encouraged for young people to explore (parents better buck up and Protect because they push it in the curriculum even though the Pretend not to. I've seen it!), this Does Not mean an 18 year old no Matter his "religion" should be allowed to Groom and Rape. ..It's Rape when it's a child because they Don't have the capacity to consent. It is in the hands of the Adult to Not Cross the Boundary. THERE IS A BOUNDARY no matter how many attempt to excuse because of their lies or attempt to condone! This is Throw Up worthy!
What if this was YOUR daughter? Your daughter and son ARE indeed susceptible. There are MORE right behind him and it has NOTHING to do with his religion. They use "Religion" to escape accountability when it's convenient, but if someone else blames their "religion" on their actions all Hell breaks loose and people ranting and raving on the radical, progressive side. This is Nothing short of Diabolical!
‘The school he attended, it is not going too far to say, can be described as a closed community and on this occasion this was perpetuated by his home life.
Seriously. . .So passing that buck back and forth! Works wonders if you're the right "culture" doesn't it. If he were white he would be called a White Supremacist Rapist! These people are the epitome of "in your face hypocrisy!"
‘It is not too far to say that he may not have known that having sex with a 13-year-old girl was illegal.’ Judge Stokes sentenced Rashid to nine months youth custody, suspended for two years, along with a two-year probation supervision order.
Way to go judge! Way to let Others know they can blame their "religion" (now we All know it's just a Certain "religion") . You know what? God HATES, Abhores, LOATHES religion! He is NOT about religion! He came to seek and to save All people willing to accept His ways over satan's ways from this Very Kind of evil. How DARE these people pretend that what they stand for is good.
It is ALL out predatory! Preying on the most innocent as God's children, the Remnant are praying for their safety.
Describing Rashid, the judge said: ‘He’s had an unusual education, certainly in terms of the sexual education provided. Comparing women to lollipops is a very curious way of teaching young men about sex.’
Unusual? Is that the best this judge can do? Did he go to school for this Kind of analysis? Or is he simply the result of a globalist, pedophile protecting education?
But he said that Rashid knew what he was doing was wrong.
WHY did you let him off then? WHY?
Addressing Rashid, the judge said: ‘I accept this was a case where the girl was quite willing to have sexual activity with you. But the law is there to protect young girls, even though they are perfectly happy to engage in sexual activity.’
This is SICK beyond measure! She is 13. Can your 13 year old decide whether she wants to engage in adult activities that her Mind and emotional well being are Not even ready for yet? Why is the judge allowed to dish out justice? This is NOT justice.
This is Pedophile Protection!
How long will This Be Tolerated?