Why is past news relevant? My response to comments on the rape of a 5 year old from 2015. Is the act any less heinous? Does the damage ever expire?

in pedogate •  5 years ago  (edited)

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This is a response to a comment I get far too frequently from those who still don't understand why All news is important.

The whole idea of "only Current News is relevant," is a trap and a ploy by those who have rewritten history, try to hide and conceal truth, and want you to hear and see Exactly what they want you to see on their Tell a Vision Box.

Recently dropped this out on various platforms including FB and Voat.


I continue to get this question.

Why are you posting an article from 2015?

Did you hear this reported when it came out on MSM?

Many Didn't on various other platforms which include Natural News, Buddylist, MeWe, Minds, Gab and FB. I would daresay many on Voat didn't either.

My goal is to report All abuse as many Still don't get how widespread these cases of child sex abuse are. Many still living in a bubble or under a rock still feeding into the numerous distractions to keep them there so these twisted people who want to normalize pedophilia have an unobstructed path to do so.

It's why PIE got so far and even roped women into passing out pamphlets. It's why sick orgs like NAMBLA just try saying it without getting sick to your stomach (North American Man Boy Love) have had unlimited free reign to prey upon young boys. It's why Harvey Milk is celebrated as a Known pedophile among the democrats and even given a postage stamp in his honor by Obama. It's why Heart Progress has been allowed to organize and flourish.

This on and a major pedophile ring and find out how These pedophiles in a place of power would destroy any records over 5 years. So you see, This is what they want. ..for people to forget or to have ways to cover up the evidence, scoot under the rug.

Info on Nambla here along with more pedophile normalization going on. This is Free to skim or read and no account is required.


Children can give consent for sexual relationship at age of 4 according to PIE. REALLY?

Here are just some examples of how prevalent and widespread this problem is with verified links and evidence,


You may have known about all of these pedophile groups, but I and Many others didn't back in 2015.

The goal is to save children. To do so, all that would side with the Side of Good must be Awakened.

They need evidence. The evidence is the verified story of every abuse we find. It has been going on for Centuries. All relevant.

Would it be any less heinous if it occurred in 1915 or in ancient history? 2015 only 4 years ago. Do you think it has stopped?

A sexually abused child is Wrong, no matter when it occurred, Very Relevant to Guardians of Children trying to end this evil

Every child victim Deserves to have their story told. The abuse lives on and continues. The effects, emotional, mental, physical damage Never expire! All still Very Real!

God help each and every child still being abused and those that relive the horror daily. May God reach them, may they be open to the love and peace only He can bring.

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