Indifference To Human Suffering: The Philosophy Of Eugenics & Normalizing Pedophilia

in pedogate •  7 years ago 

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I don't like to draw too heavily from my own experiences while writing these articles, my purpose isn't to garner sympathy for myself, but to raise awareness. My own experiences are now just a part of a distant, unpleasant memory. Suffice to say from it, however, that being sodomized at 5 years old is not only traumatic but unimaginably painful- pain I truly wish that no other human being has to endure. That's really the point of this article... to understand the normalizing of pedophilia, we first must understand the normalizing of the indifference to human suffering- unless you're perverse enough to believe that children enjoy the experience. Causing pain or suffering in self defense or warfare, although not desirable, is certainly understandable... causing pain and/or suffering for sexual gratification, to me is unimaginable- particularly to children. However, elites, pedophiles and the like (sometimes the lines between them seem blurred) seem to have this indifference to suffering in common when it comes to self gratification. The movie 8MM is a splendid example... in fact a common theme in most of what comes out of Hollywood these days reinforces this very thing.

Similarly, music, video games, television share this same common philosophy- causing pain or trauma and the sexualizing of children in not only acceptable, but entertaining as well. For example a recent "fashion show" in China emulating Victoria's Secret, only for children...
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Nothing here suggests pedophilia, does it? And if you think subjecting children at this age to sexual encounters would cause anything except pain and trauma, you would be sadly mistaken. It's axiomatic that none of this happens in a vacuum, there's a philosophy that drives it. What I've discovered in my research that all of this behavior has its roots firmly planted in the social engineering philosophy of Eugenics. To eugenicists children like the ones featured above are no more than cattle- to be exploited by elites.

It should come as little surprise that Darwin's theory was less about the evolution of species as much as to reinforce the superiority of the white race. He even put it in the title of his book, conveniently deleted in more recent publications by elites who wish to mask their true purposes. In practice Darwin's theory became the basis for Eugenics. Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, perhaps better than anyone propounded the true purpose of eugenics as well as the hubris of the elitist social engineers, calling non-elites "human weeds" calling for their eradication through whatever means necessary. Beginning in the 1920's the US became a hotbed for forced sterilizations, something that continued well into the 1970's.

The most profound ramification of Eugenics is the absolute indifference to human suffering as evinced by the Nazi racial hygiene laws and the experiments performed in the name of "science" on concentration camp inmates, many of them children. Although this is an extreme manifestation of indifference, in light of the scope and severity, is the rape of children by elites really surprising? Sanger, the face of eugenics in the US was the founder of Planned Parenthood the largest provider of abortions in America. Without arguing the moral and ethical implications of abortion, it should be obvious that it serves to mainstream a callous disregard for human life and human suffering. Moreover, the absolute dishonesty with which it is portrayed as "reproductive rights" is also telling about the elites and their plans for domination. Planned Parenthood has far less to do with reproductive rights and everything to do with dehumanizing infants and population control. The fact that infants are "parted out" after being aborted shows enormous disrespect for human rights.

Planned Parenthood performs the vast majority of abortions in minority communities and most of their clinics have moved into high schools in minority sections of large metropolitan areas. That in itself is very telling. You won't witness any elites sending their own children there for abortions... true to Sanger's vision of eliminating "human weeds." For anyone not convinced...
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As George Carlin so eloquently put it: "it's a big fuckin club and you ain't in it." If the people at the top of society are so bent on eliminating the "unfit," how can we expect them to respect our children? The elites responsible for Pizzagate/Pedogate operate with impunity with the complicit media not only covering for them, but attempting to mainstream their behavior through movies, music, etc..

GIF by @papa-pepper


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Beep! Beep! This humvee will be patrolling by and assisting new veterans, retirees, and military members here on Steem. @shadow3scalpel will help by upvoting posts from a list of members maintained by @chairborne and responding to any questions replied to this comment.

Sorry to hear about your child abuse. I was married to a woman whose grandfather raped her repeatedly from the time she was six until she got too old at fourteen. Not only that, he raped both of his daughters when they were children. He died of old age of natural causes. I've often fantasized about digging up his grave, putting his skull on a rock and shooting it with my shotgun. But that's just my impotent rage.

We must view pedophilia dispassionately as the disease that it is and treat it accordingly. There is a simple surgical technique that cures this disease in men, though I understand that many women act as enablers to male pedophiles and I'm not sure how this could be addressed.

Though I agree with your assessment of the elites, linking pedophilia by the elites and eugenics is a bit of a non-sequitur, at least as presented in your post. I feel your anger and understand its righteousness but not having been abused in such a way I can only empathize your pain.

Eugenics is simply selective breeding. Eugenics is the selection of desirable traits and the quest to eliminate undesirable traits. We do it to cattle, to mice, to rice, fruit flies and everything but humans.

Eugenics was a very popular idea in the era before Hitler gave it a black eye with his "master race" philosophy. And herein lies the problem: What are the desirable traits of humans. Skin color might be altered, made much darker to help mitigate the effects of a brighter sun in a warmer world. We could eliminate many genetic diseases, teeth that rot, bad eyesight, hair that falls out, though there may be some hidden advantage to that we haven't yet discovered. For instance, the genetic "disease" sickle cell anemia bestows immunity to malaria.

And that brings up another problem. Eliminating certain traits that we don't fully understand may, in time, prove to be disastrous. Weeds, human or otherwise, are necessary. In the plant kingdom, weeds tend to be more nutritious than the agricultural products they inhibit. Common sense tells us that people should kill the grass in their lawns so they can harvest the dandelions.

Eugenics isn't a bad thing, but humans aren't bright enough to decide what's a desirable trait in humans and so we must adopt a hands-off-the-human-genome policy. For sure eugenics should out of reach of the Elites.

That's a shame, since things like psychopathy, sociopathy, pedophilia, megalomania and those other genetic diseases that define the lifestyle of the Elites could be easily and gently eliminated with a bit of eugenics.

When you look at who has won throughout history, it is the most ruthless most sociopathic people who control others. Now make a breeding pool from these sociopaths for many many generations. Imagine the result. That’s who is in charge, not who’s in office, but who’s in charge.

Your point is well taken. A reign of terror every so often has a chlorinating effect on the gene pool, killing the scum and their potential offspring. We're long overdue.

Another approach is to eliminate hierarchical power structures. Psychopaths and sociopaths tend to be paranoid and in need of control. All power structures like, government, corporations, police , intelligence agencies and the military attract psychopaths like ants to a picnic. Though they dabble in the occult, the enemies of peace and prosperity are in plain view.

I compare it to dog breeding, but more psychological in nature. How many generations did it take to make a pit bull vs golden retriever?

Any religion or “fraternal” type stone club who ban their members from testifying against other members are obviously operating under a different set of rules than those of us less connected. & they take full advantage. It is no coincidence that these types of organizations harbor the most pedophiles. We all know it, but their power structure & faith control keep them in power. Question every organization in place to “help” children in need, especially ones controlled by groups with history of abuse like the Catholic Church.

This is good stuff. We are beyond the 7 day pay window. You should create a new post on this because few people on Steemit will bother reading any of this since they can't make pennies. We can then continue our conversation with eyes watching. It's important dialog.

It is & I should. I found a few local charities that should be investigated, would be a good place to start

my thought exactly

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)

This is a very true, notable and important article! You did a great job, writing this, Rich!

Thank you my friend... This is a huge problem here. The mode I investigate, the bigger it becomes. I forgot to tell you my funny story about mailing your book. The lady at the post office said: "You have to put the country on here." I told her- It's right there, Luxembourg. "No," she says, "that's not a country." Yes it is, I tell her. "No," she says, "that's part of Germany." So we argue for a while then she checks her computer... "Oh yeah, there it is," she says. Unbelievable how dumb people are!

So cool a story! But I often met this during my visits in the USA. One time a guy, after I told him, that I'm from Luxembourg, asked me: "Maryland?".
But indeed there is at least one town in the States called Luxembourg (Wisconsin). It was founded by emigrates from Luxembourg as well as a town called Rolling Stone (Minnesota), where they have even a Luxembourg Heritage Museum. Guess I have to visit my ancestors in the States one day! :)

You might be interested in this post by the @tftproject. Ties right in.

I am sorry Sir for your abused history. I think it is as painful as my health issue because it is an enduring condition both psychologically and physically.
It is really happening that some groups of people are indifferent from the sufferings of others and my blood is boiling for that planned parenthood system of killing innocent babies. It is just a mass murder under everyone's noses made legal and anyone that participates in it would pray not to get too much heat in hell.

Get well soon @richq11

What Hitler started long ago is still in continuation today, But being done much more subtle and covertly.

Sorry to correct you ... was not Hitler who start the Eugenics. It was Darwin's cousin, so Eugenics start in England and in USA at the begining of the 1900s more than 100,000 people were sterilized ... years before the Nazis. It is History.

You are right. Hitler merely became the poster child and gave it a well deserved black eye.

Well, thanks to the "good work" of Hitler it became what we know now as Transhumanism.

Exactly. Change the name and it becomes acceptable again. Problem is that scientists are just as stupid as they always have been and no human is capable of deciding what is and "ideal" or "undesirable" trait. Herein lies the true danger.

Sorry to put a link to a post here but maybe you (also the author of the post) find the book interesting

Science??? it sounds like something I knew ... it's a religion, is it? XD
Fpllowing you now btw!

wooh... you learn something new everyday... I will have to check that out...

Modern science is the most suppressive religion there is

thats a outstanding photography...thank you very much...✌✌👏

It is interesting how societal norms change over time. Specifically, what we deem as acceptable and unacceptable. It really goes to show that you can not rely on what you were taught growing up as an adequate moral compass.