Just As Predicted- Pedophiles Using UFO/ET Disclosure As A Distraction

in pedogate •  7 years ago  (edited)

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https://twitter.com/johnpodesta/status/942091236743229440 (be sure to read all the comments to see they aren't fooling ANYONE)

John Podesta and his fellow Luciferians think that they will be able to distract us with shiny objects namely ET/UFO disclosure. As if ANYTHING could distract us from trafficking, raping, torturing, murdering, and even cannabalizing children in the name of their vile 'religion'? They think this is their ace up their sleeves and because they are immoral psychopaths they fail to see that this simply will not work.

When the mass arrests of the pedos go down (I predict on or just before Christmas) - the Luciferians will release findings of mother ships and ancient ruins/civilizations in Antarctica.

That wil be nice to see that information released but watching all the Luciferians do the perp walk will trump ANYTHING they could come up with.

Get your popcorn ready folks- the holiday show is about to begin.

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Great work wish i you success.

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