What I truly like about this platform of Steemit is that I am able to post content that YouTube and Google "masters" are trying to block so that people are unable to hear the real truth. Pedophillia is such a horrid state of affairs yet has been prevelant in our society across the globe for years, if not centuries. This video from Shaun at SGT Report is one of many on his channel talkling about Pizzagate and Pedogate. A must watch
The Truth will Prevail
What I truly like about this platform of Steemit is that I am able to post content that YouTube and Google "masters" are trying to block so that people are unable to hear the real truth. Pedophillia is such a horrid state of affairs yet has been prevelant in our society across the globe for years, if not centuries. This video from Shaun at SGT Report is one of many on his channel talkling about Pizzagate and Pedogate. A must watch