Urine drinking

in pee •  8 years ago 

Drinking urine is beneficial, it's very good for you.

It's not waste it is just excess. It's 95% water and the rest is very good for you. Every time you loop it it gets cleaner and cleaner.

I have been looping all my urine for several years and have had no negative effects. People tell me I look younger, and I feel many benefits. I feel great. Please ask me any questions and I will be happy to answer anything.

There is a lot of info available now about plasma ultrafiltrate. Here is a good read.....

I will tell you the secret of secrets that has purposely been hidden from you.

Do you know of the water of life? Come watch, the mystery of mysteries. The end and the beginning. The water of life.

Your own perfect medicine.

The Water Of Life.

Your own personal pharmacy complete.

The most awesome substance you could ever drink.

The best substance you could ever put in or on your body.

To use its correct medical name, plasma ultra filtrate, or ultra filtered blood plasma. The water of life is the most sterile, most structured and most pure distilled liquid you could put in your ears.

Its the most incredible substance you could ever use to bathe your eyes in. The most pure and most beneficial thing you could ever use on any one of your three eyes.

Why three eyes? Because your pineal gland is called the third eye, but I call it the first eye because it is the most important of your three eyes. How can you bathe your pineal gland using the water of life? Answer is You snort it up your nose.

When you look at the design of the nasal passage, your two nostrils are almost pointing right at your first eye, your pineal gland.

The water of life is the very best thing you could ever snort up your nose, ever. Far, far better than what most people use these days to snort up their noses.

To drink the water of life through your nose, (after cleaning and blowing your nose very well) is incredibly beneficial for you in several key ways. It keeps your sinuses clean and healthy, you are putting your own stem cells and your own DNA right into your head, more on this later.

The water of life, your own ultra filtered blood plasma is the very best substance you could ever massage into your skin and hair. It is the very best moisturiser in the world. But the cosmetic industry want this to be kept secret, they would rather sell some of the things in the water of life back to you in expensive face creams. The best ever commercial moisturisers contain many ingredients of the water of life. But they are never as good as the real thing.

Some may worry about the smell of urea in the water of life, well they never worry about this smell in the best cosmetic products available that are the best because they contain urea. Why? Because they are mixed with many scented fragrances.

This can also be done with the water of life, fresh warm orin mixed with a drop or two of essential oils and massaged into the body and hair everywhere is very beneficial. To amplify the benefits fermented orin in glass containers with airlocks can be warmed up and rubbed into the skin and hair. The beneficial properties are amplified the longer it has been fermented, then warmed back up to body temp, the same as fresh orin. This is best done outside in the sun, there will be very strong scent from the fermented plasma ultra filtrate. But once it has been completely rubbed into the skin and absorbed the smell will no longer linger. Some time later it is not noticeable, but what is noticeable however is how soft and youthful your flesh will become when regularly embracing orin therapy.

The reason a baby has such beautiful soft skin is because they have just spent nine months floating in the water of life. The first few months after conception it is the mothers orin, then once the baby has formed enough to produce its own water of life this is what the baby floats in, drinks and even breaths. We have all looped the water of life for nine months, your body will remember.

Looping refers to consuming ALL of the water of life you pass out of your bladder. You do not need to only consume the midstream. It is very antibacterial, and will sterilise the container you use to capture this precious liquid and bring back upto your mouth.

It is more pure and more distilled than the best ever achieved machine made distilled liquids. Pharmaceutical grade distilled liquids have been through high end distillers many times, each time getting more and more distilled. The kidneys are the best distillers in the universe. So every time you loop your own water of life you are getting it to a higher level of distillation and purity. Far more distilled than the best ever pharmaceutical grade distilled liquids could ever get to. Also far more structured than the very best Vortex machines or other water structurisers could ever achieve.

In Layman's Language

Urine is not, as many believe, the excess water from food and liquids that goes through the intestines and is ejected from the body as "waste". It is much different and much more. When you eat, the food you ingest is eventually broken down in the stomach and intestines into extremely small molecules. These molecules are absorbed into tiny tubules in the intestinal wall and then pass through these tubes into the blood stream.

The blood circulates throughout your body carrying these food molecules and other nutrients, along with critical immune defence and regulating elements such as red and white blood cells, antibodies, plasma, microscopic proteins, hormones, enzymes, etc., which are all manufactured at different locations in the body. Yes the body makes them, and you can drink them back in when you loop your orin even if you cant get these things through food or supplements.

As the blood circulates, it passes through the liver where toxins are removed and later excreted from the body in the form of solid waste. Eventually, this now purified "cleaned" blood makes its way to the kidneys. When blood enters the kidneys it is filtered through an immensely complex and intricate system of minute tubules called nephron through which the blood is literally "squeezed" at high pressure. This filtering process removes excess amounts of water, salts and other elements in the blood that your body does not need at the time.

These excess elements are collected within the kidney in the form of a purified, sterile, watery solution called urine or orin. Many of the constituents of this filtered watery solution, or urine, are then reabsorbed by the nephron and delivered back into the bloodstream. The remainder of the urine passes out of the kidneys into the bladder and is then excreted from the body. Yes not all your urine will end up in the bladder, so if your drink it or not, you are practising urine therapy everyday whether you choose to or not.

The function of the kidneys is to keep the various elements in your blood balanced. When your body doesn't need something at a particular time, it is excreted - not because it is toxic or poisonous or bad for the body, but simply because the body does not need that particular element at the time.

Medical researchers have discovered that many of the elements of the blood that are found in urine have enormous medicinal value, and when reintroduced to the body, they boost the body's immune defences and stimulate healing in a way that nothing else does.

A Nutrient Rich Powerhouse

In 1975, one of the founders of Miles Laboratories, Dr. A. H. Free, published his book Urinalysis in Clinical Laboratory Practice, in which he remarked that not only is urine a sterile body compound (purer than distilled water), but that it is now recognized that urine contains literally thousands of compounds. Among the urine constituents mentioned in Dr. Free's treatise is a list of nutrients that will knock your socks off. Here's just a few...

Alanine, Arginine, Ascorbic acid, Allantoin, Amino acids, Bicarbonate, Biotin, Calcium, Creatinine, Cystine, DHEA, Dopamine, Epinephrine, Folic acid, Glucose, Glutamic acid, Glycine, Inositol, Iodine, Iron, Lysine, Magnesium, Manganese, Melatonin, Methionine, Nitrogen, Ornithane, Pantothenic acid, Phenylalaline, Phosphorus, Potassium, Proteins, Riboflavin, Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Urea, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Zinc/

Stories have been told of individuals who have both lived and died by being trapped in places without food and water for days. Those that survived did so because they drank their own urine, those that perished did not. The ones that died probably could not overcome the mis- informed thoughts that urine is a waste product of the body. It's not. It's just a substance the body secretes that contains elements not needed at the time.

Despite what you may have been led to believe about urine, pharmaceutical companies have grossed billions of dollars from the sale of drugs made from urine constituents. Research is happening every day in labs attempting to isolate specific elements of urine so they can create new drugs and patent the substances. For instance, Pergonal is a fertility drug made from human urine. 1992 sales of this drug were reported at $855 million while it costs a patient $1400 a month to consume. Urokinase, a urine ingredient, is used in drug form and sold as a miracle blood clot dissolver for unblocking coronary arteries. Urea, medically proven to be one of the best moisturizers in the world, is packaged in expensive creams and lotions. Take the M out of Murine eye drops and what do you have? Yep. It's made from carbamide - another name for synthetic urea.

This is the reason this is such a powerful secret. Big Pharma cant patent your own urine. They can not sell it to you, because mother nature gives it to you for free every day. All they can do is indoctrinate you into thinking it is a waste product and then sell these things to you in fancy drugs which are not nearly as good as the real thing they have been taken from.

A key point to remember the kidneys are the best ever distillers in the universe. Part of the kidney are called the distillation nodule. Then there are billions of tiny fibres which push the liquid through under pressure distilling it further.

The kidneys are the best distillers in the universe, and the liver is the best filter in the universe.

The liver filters the blood, of what comes into this incredible filter, there are two channels coming out. Mother nature decides what is good which carries on round the blood stream, and what is bad which goes on the be excreted in the faeces.

Once again, the liver is the best filter in the universe. It is designed to take out any unwanted substances that are toxic or harmful to the body. These toxic substances will then be excreted with your excrement. The GOOD stuff that mother nature has filtered and decided is good for you is what comes out of the liver into your now cleaned blood stream. This is the highway system that goes to every part of your body.

Eventually this clean blood will get to the kidneys, one purpose of the kidneys is to regulate the blood. Remember the Liver filters the blood, the cleaned blood arrives at the kidneys to be regulated and sorted as it were.

Mother nature decides how much of all the good things you need at any one time. The EXCESS that is not needed will be sorted out by the kidneys and end up in your bladder with the plasma ultra filtrate. What good things are we talking about here? Well there are several thousand known micro nutrients and substances that are identifiable in your blood, then there are estimated to be tens of thousands of unknown as of yet unidentifiable micro substances in your blood at any one time.

Remember, the water of life is your ultra filtered blood plasma. It is the ultra filtered watery part of your blood. It is not blood, but it can contain everything that the blood contains. However, the chemical complexity of urine has made it a difficult substance to fully understand, researchers have said.

Here is a short example of some of the identifiable substances in your ultra filtered blood plasma at any one time. If you didn't know what it was, you may think you are reading the ingredients of a new super concentrated deluxe supplement. Well you are..................

Your body doesn't go to the store to buy those ingredients. It makes them. Alchemy has long been the holy grail of science, when it is happening inside each and every one of us every single day. Ultra filtered blood Plasma is mostly water, the most pure distilled, most structured water in the universe, which is absorbed from the intestines from what you drink and eat, with the liver as well as filtering it, also supplying important proteins and other micro nutrients. The liver actually makes some micro compounds out of other things and puts them into the blood stream.
Put all these ingredients together and you have blood — an essential part of the circulatory system. Thanks to your heart (which pumps blood) and your blood vessels (which carry it), blood travels throughout your body from your head to your toes. Depositing good things where they are needed and carrying bad things back through the liver again to be filtered out in your faeces.

And thousands of other identifiable as well as maybe tens of thousands of as yet unidentifiable super substances that are in your blood. Science has not even scratched the surface trying to identify these complex compounds.

Here in the 21 century much is made of new stem cell research. The stem cell in laymans terms is the first part of a new cell forming, and then it can become whatever it needs to become. Each cell has your DNA encoded in it. Just as the bible talked about thousands of years ago, in your book all my many parts have been written down.

Your own water of life contains your own stem cells and your own DNA. It can become whatever it needs to become. Both internally and externally. There have been photographic testimonials of wounds so bad you can see the broken smashed up bones in the wounds. The wounds were regularly treated with the patients own plasma ultra filtrate and the stem cells became the part of the bones that were missing. It became the ligaments and sinues that needed repairing. It then became the flesh that need covering the repair work. Plasma ultra filtrate is basically liquid flesh.

But doesn't it sometimes contain bad things? Well it depends what you mean by bad things. There are sometimes micro dots of whatever may be wrong with you in your orin. Homoeopathic micro dots, that when consumed again through looping will tell your body what is wrong and make antidotes.

This is why orin looping is called self auto immune therapy. It is far superior to getting shots before you fly to another land. These just guess which micro dots of each virus or disease you may need so your body can build an immunity response.

Just like a baby breast feeding from her mother will get immunity from all the things their mother has already built immunity to.

When you practise auto immune therapy you regularly vaccinate yourself against anything that you need to be vaccinated against. No guess work here, no taking in micro dots of some virus that you didn't ever need to take in.

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Source: http://www.biomedx.com/urine/
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This is definitely not copy and paste this is all my work. I have written extensively about urine therapy and done many videos and public speaking events. This is all my work and I can prove it. That link you showed there may be copying some of my work but I can't find it, which bits do you think are the same?

More to the point, does anybody have any questions about urine therapy?