To all the Patriots and Midnight Riders out there, I'm proud to announce that over the course of the next few days, we will be debuting a new World Wide Web alternative called "dWeb", as well as an app called "dBrowser", so that people from around the world can finally browse and develop on a truly decentralized web with ease. We have worked diligently on this project for the past three years because we knew what big tech companies were up to and how far they were willing to go for power. As the plot thickens with Joe Biden and his son Hunter, most of us have been reminded of just how corrupt these big tech companies truly are. I have been screaming for years (here and here) that these companies were going to interfere in the upcoming election and sadly, my prediction turned out to be true. It wasn't my prediction that matters though, it's what we're doing about it. The more I thought about our launch in the coming days, I realized that we could not postpone dWeb's launch announcement any longer, considering all the cries for help we're hearing from many freedom lovers from around the world and how close we are to debuting a true long-term solution to this ongoing problem being brought on by the "big tech cartel" and the Chinese communist party. Have no fear - we've been hard at work to achieve our goal of bringing freedom back to the Internet.
We continue to see band-aids like Gab and others being released by conservatives, which ultimately rely on the centralized web as a lifeline and can therefore still be taken offline by the same people running the show at Google, Twitter and Facebook. In truth, these should be seen as temporary solutions - that is, until their domains, servers and payment processing capabilities are cancelled due to "political correctness". Lets not forget that cancel culture is alive and well in America. For this reason, I knew long ago that we needed a better web where we didn't have to worry about communists taking control of our voices or our companies and I consider it to be one of the most important inventions of my lifetime. The dWeb is where users are empowered naturally, where apps are forced to put their users in control of their own data and where it's impossible for companies to possess the kind of power that Google, Facebook and Twitter currently possess on the web today. It has been a long road and quite the task attempting to build a web like the one I described above - but I'm proud to say that we have accomplished that and much more. Over the next week or so, we will release the dWeb and what we're calling Internet 2.0 to people like you from around the globe. While it certainly doesn't solve the world's problems today, it gives developers and companies around our planet a strong foundation for building the apps of the future, as well as apps that are programmatically designed to respect the rights of each and every one of us. The best part? It is scientifically impossible for anyone to own or take control the dWeb in ANY form or fashion and that even goes for the people who created it. Once we launched it weeks ago, it became a permanent part of our planet.
The dWeb is open and so is the data distributed on top of it. The most important aspect is the fact that the creator of the data is in control of it at all times and the apps or platforms the data is submitted to, do not have the ability to censor or alter the data itself. The dWeb also operates like a constitutional republic, where its users and their rights are enshrined in a network-wide constitution. Simply put, the users of the network elect a 21-member governance that have the delegated authority to ban apps and content that violates the network's ratified protections. The dWeb's election system, by-design, elects members on a per-minute basis based on the amount of votes they receive from the community, so that the dWeb's users can pull a vote from a specific governance member and immediately remove them from power, if that particular member is abusing their authority. There is no way for any dWeb governance member to continuously abuse their power or the users of the dWeb for that matter but in the very same way, the users and developers cannot abuse the dWeb either. Apps that are malicious towards users, content like child pornography and activity like the sale of narcotics, can easily be halted and removed from the dWeb by the elected governance via a 15/21 vote. Perhaps the most important aspect of the dWeb is the fact that speech is absolutely protected under the constitution and I'm barely scratching the surface here.
One of the most powerful features the dWeb brings to life is the fact that as a web developer, I no longer need to pay for servers or worry when my domain name is going to expire. Nor do I have to worry about hackers attacking my website or its users for that matter. This is because websites, apps and their data are distributed between the people's computers that view them and domain names are decentralized and owned indefinitely by those who register them. Since websites, as well as applications, are distributed amongst users, there isn't a single central point of attack for hackers to exploit and since the dWeb uses public key cryptography for user authentication, even user accounts are mathematically impossible to hack. Simply put, the dWeb puts power back into the hands of the people where it belongs and it's why we dubbed it "The People's Web" from the very beginning.
We're very excited about the dWeb and are already developing truly decentralized applications like dSocial, dSearch, dRide and others that will change how each and every one of us see and use the Internet. From decentralized currencies to peer-to-peer web hosting, there isn't a single area of the dWeb where a tyrant can possibly find themselves at home - it's truly a freedom lover's paradise. At the very same time, the protocols that bring the dWeb to life will soon birth everything from decentralized phone systems to distributed machine learning. In fact, I cannot even begin to tell you how many possibilities are on the horizon. With that said, it is becoming our mission at Peeps to help companies and app developers migrate to the dWeb, not just because of the advantages it gives to those who use it but also because of the clear economical and performance advantages it brings to life for app developers and website owners.
The advantages are clear. Creating a social network on the centralized web that supports hundreds of millions of users would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars per month in infrastructure expenses alone. With the dWeb on the other hand, there would be no infrastructure costs for even billions of users, and it would still out-perform a centralized alternative of the same size. Native peer-to-peer currencies like Bitcoin and EOS can be programmatically integrated into dWeb-based applications, opening up many ways for developers to incentivize themselves, as well as their users. As an example, dSocial users will be able to upvote the posts and comments of their friends with various cryptocurrencies, while the app itself will take 1% of all upvotes to cover development costs. Users could then use an app like dRide to spend their earnings on a ride to a friend's house or to a business meeting. The dWeb benefits users and applications alike, which is how the Internet should be. The dWeb wasn't designed to benefit telecom companies, it was designed to benefit people and the small businesses who contribute towards its growth.
The dWeb, its many protocols and developer tools will be launching in the coming days and I cannot stress enough how important it is that you get as many of your friends to take part in this launch. It doesn't make us a single dollar - nor will it ever. The dWeb is open, free and owned by nobody - it's simply our goal as its creators, to do everything we can to put the freedoms that the dWeb provides for into the hands of as many people as humanly possible and with your help - we can reach even more. If you have information on a corrupt politician that you don't want scrubbed from the Internet - publish it to the dWeb! If you have a website, publish it! Even if you want to save a particular webpage from the centralized web, just to archive it on the dWeb - publish it! It's up to all of us to expand the dWeb, just as we helped expand the web in its early years and it's the only way we'll ever see freedom online ever again. Sadly, regulations and law makers cannot fix the web, it's broken beyond repair and it's important that we come to that understanding. Twitter and Google won't have a change of heart overnight either. They are controlled by forces that stand firmly against this country's prosperity and could care less about our rights. While you might believe that birthing another web is like climbing Mt. Everest, it's not as bad as you might think. The dWeb works with popular programming languages like HTML, JavaScript and CSS and jives well with popular development frameworks like React.JS, Vue.js and AngularJS. I say all of this to say that the learning curve for developing on the dWeb is minimal and will certainly motivate many developers to began building the apps of the future on a web that is simply better in all facets. In fact, most of the apps and websites you see on the web today, are probably already compatible with the dWeb. The dWeb will grow fast and I'm confident this will be the case over the coming months.
In closing, as a team, we need as many of you as possible to scream about the launch of the dWeb from the highest mountains of the West to the beautiful Florida country side out East. I love this country far too much, to simply hand it over to communists. Many may stand up and say there is a better solution, but I can guarantee that it wasn't created by Constitutionalists and it certainly wasn't created with you or I in mind. Regardless of how this election turns out, we must be prepared as true American patriots for the day that our websites, our businesses and our voices are shut off because of our love for God and country. It has already started. We must have a place we can turn to - a place where even the most powerful of people cannot censor our voices and a place where cruel and illegal activity can be halted and exposed once and for all. My friends, it's the only place where our children can be safe. You don't have to be a techie to join this movement - just an American that cares deeply about the freedoms people like Thomas Jefferson and your cousin, brother or uncle in the military fought for us to have. To all the Midnight Riders out there, it's time to take the Internet back once and for all. Remember, it is "We" that this country was built for in the first place - not "them".
NOTE: As you read this, there are teams of people working on various websites, software repositories and preparing for dWeb's launch. This is not a company, it's a movement of people - so don't be surprised if you see a few broken links or misspellings along the way. If you do, report it! Just remember - we're all preparing for launch over the next few days and many things are changing across these sites and systems. Our focus is to deliver this to the people as quickly as possible - and with your help - we will have a successful launch. If you're interested in helping spread the word about the dWeb, have found issues with one of our websites or you would like to contribute to the many ongoing projects that are underway at Peeps Labs, please email [email protected] or [email protected]
"My bias was to always build decentralization into the net. That way it would be hard for one group to gain control. I didn't trust large central organizations. It was just in my nature to distrust them."
- Bob Taylor - ARPANET Engineer and one of the Godfathers of the Internet
Jared Rice Sr.
Inventor Of The dWeb and Co-Founder Of Peeps