All who are mad at Peerplays for not sharedropping, I will make you love love again in 3 easy steps:

in peerplays •  9 years ago 
  1. Were you mad at Onceuponatime for initiating the Fee Backed Asset that brought Stealth Transactions to BitShares?

  2. Peerplays is just a Fee Backed Asset in the same vein as Stealth Transactions, and it will bring sidechains, bitAsset liquidity, and best of all, gambling to BitShares.

  3. If you hate Peerplays for initiating an FBA, then logically, you hate Onceuponatime (Father of the FBA). How do you treat the hand that feeds you. How do you honor the man who refused to dump his BTS, but instead, chose to invent the BitShares funding model that has obviously spread like wildfire! Those who hate the FBA and the BTS development that it brings are my enemies, and will feel my wrath in either this life or the next!

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Amen @steemjesus! However, at Peerplays we are making fishers of men, and recognize the value of the Bitshares network and what it can bring to Peerplays. Now go forth and multiple: