Corey Feldman. Friend or Foe?

in pegogate •  7 years ago 

Foe, in my opinion. Seems too convenient that he has resurfaced only when other celebrities have outed Weinstein. This seems like a bit of a psyop. The powers that shouldn't be are allowing just enough information to relieve the curiosity of this sudden mass awakening. I haven't heard anything from him since pizzagate/pedogate broke and I think someone who was a victim of pedophilia in Hollywood would speak up unless they weren't allowed to do so or scared. Who knows what else Feldman has seen or has been involved in behind the scenes so why remain silent til other celebrities started speaking out? Not a single tweet. Why 10 million dollars just to release name? Isn't that a bit much? Especially with the recent tragedies that have taken place, has he no shame in asking for such a massive request at this time? And why would he even be allowed to speak on live, national television exposing names? Maybe that's the point... To say "He knows how Hollywood is and we should give him a chance" seems a bit naive... I have every right to be skeptical and question his motives because the names could've been released a loooong time ago. Now that I'm thinking about it, remember that episode when he and Cory were talking and Cory asked him "How could you let those people do what they did to me?" on their reality show? And he asked it back... We never really got that answer from either of them. I'd like an answer now. I'd like to know why he's still even involved in Hollywood? You'd think he'd dabble in other things and stray. Find solitude and stay far away from the evil that tainted his heart but he's jumping on the opportunity to expose names and make a feature film that would most likely be suppressed. Do the actual victims in countless documentaries deserve this? All the Troy Boner's(An Open Secret documentary victim) who actually released names and exposed those people that were "suicided" don't deserve a scripted film.. They deserve to have their testimonies seen and heard by the world. Those who die at the hands of these evil people which continues to this day deserve true testimony, facts, research that has always been in plain sight to be displayed for everyone to see. I'm not sure what side Corey Feldman is on but I don't think it's ours.

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reposted with edited tag. apologies for the typo! this is mainly to express my opinion and I am not attacking anyone. not meant to offend. sorry if I do.