Obat herbal alami

in pengobatan •  5 years ago 


obat herbal,mudah di temukan,khasiat nya,bisa membantu mengatasi segala rematik(asam urat),seperti kesemutan yang sering terjadi pada tangan dan kaki,leher terasa kaku,pegal dan rasa sakit pada tulang anda,sakit pinggang,mudah capek,

pantangan_jangan makan dan minum,makanan di kulkas,atau sejenis es krim,kurangi mandi malam,kalau mau mandi,masak lah air hangat buat mandi,biar segar,jangan selalu kerja berat,kurangi makanan berlemak,

sekian info nya,
ikuti terus,@macanselawah


herbal medicine, easy to find, its efficacy, can help overcome all the rheumatism (gout), such as tingling that often occurs in the hands and feet, neck feels stiff, aches and pains in your bones, back pain, easy fatigue, abstinence_do not eat and drink, food in the refrigerator, or some kind of ice cream, reduce bathing at night, if you want to take a bath, cook warm water for bathing, keep it fresh, don't always work hard, reduce fatty foods,

that's the info,
keep up, @ macanselawah (ALL IN ONE)

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