Ben Shapiro explains how conservative values transcend all language barriers. An excellent answer to a important question.
"my name is Jesse and I wanted to ask you about spanish-language mainstream conservative media so at this point in 2018 we still have over 41 million Spanish speakers all across the United States second only to Mexico in terms of spanish-speaking population worldwide 15 million California and yet we still don't have any kind of conservative media in Spanish on any kind of mainstream or even alternative media basis there's only very you know disparate you know YouTube channels or Facebook Peters or what-have-you and when I was wondering two things one is why is this still the case second I was wondering if you and Daily wire would be interested in being able to make a shift in the culture and a shift our country and being pioneers in this venture and was wondering if I could partner with him I grew up at the Christian missionary kentley up rune South America some of us as a group overseas dual system us in Peru I'm fully bilingual in English and Spanish and French as well because I was Miss Karen for..."
[Ben Shapiro speaks] "yeah the answer your question is absolutely send us a resume conservatism is not is not limited to one language and when I spoke when I spoke at the Republican in the California Republican Party I gave the keynote address to the the California convention that's probably five years ago I actually suggested that everybody in the room want to try learning Spanish I'm working on it right now I've been working on it for years I keep failing but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't be reaching out in other languages so yeah send us a resume absolutely"