"I religious on you but leaving aside the religious aspects of the Ten Commandments I think that would be a pretty good place to start with basic decency right don't steal don't I you know I'm I'm a deeply religious person I'm an Orthodox Jew I don't think that it's mandated that everybody believed in God obviously and I think that you know and I understand the arguments for atheism that said I think that you know basic values that we all that we in Western civilization tend to share are things like you don't get to kill people you don't get to kidnap people I think that the values that have developed later anti-slavery values for example that are a later breaking development from Western civilization you know but have roots in judeo-christian civilization those are values that that are fundamental values of decency the the ones embodied in the in the in the Constitution seem to me to be good values like I don't get to hurt harm you because I don't get to use the government as a club against you because I disagree with what you say I don't get to use the government as a club against you because I disagree with your religious practice that doesn't infringe on me I have sort of a John Stuart Mill view of interpersonal decency when it comes to governmental intervention and that is I get to wave my fist around as much as I want so long as it doesn't hit your face so as I say that the John Stuart Mill system would definitely not value slavery I mean that's that's not me waving my fist around until I hit your face that's me putting you in Chains I mean that's that's not that that's that's a fundamental human evil because I'm violating somebody else's rights so it is the the the the basic value that originally springs from the notion that we're all created in God's image and then kind and you know consummates in the idea that we're all equal under under under God and that we all have equal rights under God that doesn't that doesn't allow things like like slavery and and it but and and it fights against things like slavery now what I think that that some people get dicey about this I don't want to lead you here but I think this is where some people get dicey about this idea is they say okay well what about the things where I'm waving my fists around and I'm not formally hitting you in the face but you're but you're getting me upset so for example if you have a private business and the private business decides to discriminate against Jews freighter decides to discriminate against blacks or against gays right is that what would you do about that so I don't think the government has any business telling private businesses what to do because I think the capitalism is colorblind and that means that if somebody discriminates against Jews or blacks or gays they'll go out of business there will be other people who offer their services."