ben shapiro destroying pro-abortion argument

in people •  7 years ago 

Ben Shapiro

"Is a basic human right you know it's really important that women be able to kill at any time they please and no one has a right to choose that picture go back to the other one no one has a right to choose this no one no one has a right to choose this you don't have a right to choose this okay that's a baby you don't get to kill it just because it's convenient to you you're never right to say I it's my decision where and when and how to have the baby that's an individual human being and if that baby were outside the womb and you stuck a knife through its chest you'd be charged with first-degree murder you kill it in the womb and we call it a human right that's not a human right because that's a human and that human doesn't have any rights because you just decided it's rights are less important than your right to your own convenience okay we're going to play a game called when should you be able to kill this baby because I've been told by people like Hillary Clinton that you're able to kill this baby all the way up to the very end right 32 to 30 weeks right and that's when the baby is fully formed it can be born alive it is a fully formed human being these are not balls of tissue these are not clusters of cells and I'm sick of being told that it's just an abortion I don't like the euphemisms it's not a termination of a pregnancy it's a termination of a human life okay so when is it okay to kill this when is it okay to kill this is it okay to kill this thing at week 14 when the heart is pumping several quarts of blood through the body every day how about a month for when the bone marrow is beginning to form how about that all right how about that how about weeks nine and 10 when the baby's teeth are already beginning to form its fingernails already beginning to develop we're talking about two months old right the baby can turn the head and frown the baby can hiccup is that okay to kill how about week four by the end of the week for the the kid is already ten thousand times larger than the fertilized eggs was there's already the beginnings of eyes and legs and hands they're already brain waves detectable mouth and lips are present fingernails are forming how about day twenty-two the heart's already beating with the child's blood which may be of a different blood type than the mother so we're in here exactly do you think it's okay to murder that kid because you have a personal convenience issue it is evil to suggest as Hillary Clinton does that the minute before a baby is born you should be able to drag it the feet out of the mother except for the head stick a scissors in there Ram it into the baby's skull rip the skull open suck the brains out crushing it and then pull it out that's hella the Hilary believes that that's something you should be allowed to do when I talk about stuff I hate this is a grave sin it's a blot that we allow that we treat the killing of unliterally the most innocent among us as nothing more than just an issue of convenience and choice and and all the rest of it it's just I think what's important here is the science and I think you're talking about the creation of a unique human life on day one and you can see it and you can see the growth and if you're willing to point out to me where it is that this becomes a human as opposed to a ball of tissue then let's hear it let's hear I've gotten tweets by the way I tweeted this out earlier and somebody said well the brain waves only start at week 20 would you kill somebody in a coma because the brain dead but you know they're not gonna be brain dead in four weeks and ten weeks what'd you do that would pull the plug on him knowing for a full foot full on fact if you just wait a few weeks that person's gonna be fully functional again would you do that."

I´m not the author of this writing. Source:

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Ben Shapiro is a very smart guy. It’s great how clam he stays in the midst of hysteria’s protests at his speeches.