Hi, I don’t want to talk about myself but I am sentimental right now and I have to talk about my life. Too many lies has been said, too much trash put on top of me just to over power me.
Please allow to introduce myself, my name is Ignacia Heyer I was born on May 17, in Santo Domingo Dominican Republic. You only have a birthday once a year last time I check it was that way.
I live in 187 Mount Vernon St. Lawrence MA, I have to move but I haven’t find an apartment yet when I do you will all know.
I did not receive one million dollar or a brand new car, even though I paid $560 to a company in Chicago to get something like that. You all have turned my life into a dejavu ( definition a feeling of having already experienced present situation) explaining myself better every Birthday, Holidays, Mother day have been the same for the last ten years of my life, I do nothing, I receive nothing, why is that I don’t know I wish I know. You all work very hard to turn me into a RAT and pay restaurant and people to poison me. I don’t think I deserve that, I believe that I deserve better.
What do you all want from me? I went to college I graduated with an Associate Degree is not a bachelor or a master but is more than most people have and you made they all rich. I couldn’t even find a job every time that I applied for a job it was giving to someone else, they are doing the same thing with my apartment search I have been looking but I can find one.
I am just a single woman that has been trying hard to make it in America. let’s leave it as that.
Ignacia Heyer