14 Things That Do not Tell People With DepressionsteemCreated with Sketch.

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14 Things That Do not Tell People With Depression - Do you recognize the phrase, "People with depression just feel sorry for themselves?"

Not only is not a statement true, it could be a cruel thing to say!

To make a blanket statement about someone with any condition is never a good idea! Such statements are usually born out of misunderstanding and / or misinformation. This is really unfortunate, because if someone is depressed and the people around them lower it for their condition, the deterioration may actually worsen their experience.

In my own experience of depression, starting from childhood and continuing 38 years into adulthood, when family or friends drop me, or make fun of my condition, it feels painful and unkind. I feel as if people who say things like that do not really care about me as a loved one (family or friends). Over time, painful comments that continue to create distance in my relationship with them and finally I withdraw from dealing with them altogether. It is my way of protecting & protecting myself, only by eliminating their accusations and ridicule.

Depression is the Real Condition

While doctors and therapists may not know the exact source of depression, there are two common causes for depression, physical or non physical experience (emotional and / or mental). However, a person with depression needs to DO and CHANGE something about their situation to correct and / or lift depression. And lifting depression usually takes a bit of time, so for people in their lives, learning how to cope with the depression of their loved ones can be very helpful while on the road creating a life full of happiness.

Listening is Key

The good news is that there are many ways to connect with someone with depression without feeling overwhelmed by their grief, which means you also do not have to feel pressured to get in touch with them. What a person really needs with depression is good, loving, and non-judgmental support from people they trust. Sometimes, just listening to them without giving feedback unless encouragement and kindness are all you need to do.

However, if someone with depression opens and starts talking to you about their problems, but you feel uncomfortable with the details they share, you can easily offer them gently and gently to help them find a trained therapist or professional who knows how. to help them better than you - let them know that you feel uncomfortable - kind and gentle, not with loud comments or ridicule to get rid of them. Let them know that you want the best for them and you will help them get whatever they need and do not be afraid to find the right help.

What can you do?

To support someone in your life with depression, you can start by developing a good and objective perspective on their situation. Remind yourself that someone with depression is really a very powerful individual to live through whatever makes them depressed, and therefore (although they may not understand), they already have all the tools they need inside them to get it done . depression. They do not need someone to 'fix' them, they just need to CHANGE their health and / or way of thinking that has caused depression.

Healing In Love Presence

What usually a depressed person usually wants from someone else is to feel connected to people who love who will not hurt them as they once did in the past (not us all?). And most importantly, they want to stop hurting, but do not know how - that's why they are caught in their depression. They do not know what they do not know!

By learning how to relate to someone with depression, your relationship with them can be wise without encouraging each other and even assisting them in their recovery.

The following list is things that can not be said to people with depression and supporting statements that can drive a person depressed.

14 Things That Do not Tell People With Depression

(Yes, the person I love actually says this to me!)

• You just feel sorry for yourself.

• This is just the phase you are experiencing.

• Your depression will disappear by itself.

• Stay away from me, depression is contagious.

• You are crazy.

• You will never be happy.

• You loser.

• What is your problem!?

You have a problem.

• You have no friends, no one wants to be around you.

• If you are depressed, you are weak.

• Only women who are depressed.

• Something's wrong with you.

• You are worthless, lazy, and drag.

You get the idea ... if it stings, do not think about it, and do not say it!

Supporting and Encouraging Statements for Someone with Depression

• I'm here if you need someone to talk to and I'll listen to it.

• I can not improve your situation or your past, but I am here to listen if you need to speak.

• How can I support you? (be prepared to explain what supports them for you, or offer to refer them & help them find the right people who can)

• I feel uncomfortable listening to details about your situation, but maybe you want to consider looking for a professional to talk to, I'll be happy to help you find someone you can trust.

• Whatever happened to you in your past, people I know who you are now are incredible and amazing people. I am very happy to know you and have you in my life.

• You are extraordinarily strong & courageous about what you experience. I encourage you to learn how to leverage your past and move forward with the amazing life I know you can create - because you are so great, I know you can do whatever you set for you to do.

• Remind them that they are the only people who can change their lives and when they are ready, you are willing to support them as best they can.

• Keep making lifestyle choices that strengthen you, not weaken you. You deserve it!

• Depression can be temporary if you want it - keep following the path of Love!

Elizabeth Oberly is the owner of Matrix Energy Healing Center, founder of Golden Heart University, author of Developing Your Intuition: Journey of the Heart, author of Depression & Grief Overcome in 3 Easy Steps, and President Excelsius Property LLC. https://goo.gl/JyW373

Elizabeth is committed to sharing her knowledge and wisdom to inspire and support others who are on the path of an extraordinary life, experienced with love, joy, and happiness.

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