Mass Shootings increasing darknet targeting snuff and AnonOpsdue to darknet targeting targeting and torture

in peoplereallydothis •  3 years ago 

Recently Canada put 60 million extra funds to mental health and the US followed with 200 million both intended to stop or reduce mass shootings. I'm a targeted individual and Information Scientist I am certain this is a serious mistake threatening our freedoms and existence without slavery....

"In September 2014 I started experiencing stalking and harassment I am aware firsthand about how harassed with technology makes one appear insane. A typical victims point of view, is that it's the people around them who have gone crazy and turned to heartless lying psychopaths.

Even canadian teenagers who apparently can't be gangstalked are sure the government must be aware of their plight. One intelligent young woman told me she is sure psychiatrist is in on it and medicated her even though she knows she is not hallucinating.

Victims of brain technology abuse easily believe, (since synthetic telepathy and other brain technology they experienxe all too frequently) this powerful privacy invading technology is a tool of the government, big brotherI. Most will at first believe police and doctors are 'gaslighting' them. Most TIs feel the brain technology is so mind blowing and advancedthat the government must be those using it to torture and kill them. I told several that a free country would never invade their head and especially to violate them with this extreme violence particularly protected would be minors.

Clearly medication and those millions added to doctors departments will do little to help most victims. (recently Canada added 60 Million CAD and the USA added over 200 Million USD) to mental health efforts to curb mass violence. Since victims lives are in a controlled environment, due to the amount of money and time available anonymously invading and controlling a person's life is possible ND happening on the darknet nowadays. This becomes important when looking at the other options politicians discuss to stop public mass shootings. I'd like to emphatically point out gun control will not prevent targeted individuals from acquiring guns. Group stalking or mobbing,, as researched by sociologists, anon ops, crypto currency and darknet chatroons make it a piece of cake to dead drop whatever assault rifle (or rocket launcher) providing the weapons to the TI anonymously and accessible at the perfect moment as in during serious criminal harassment with brain technology

if TI victims like were listened to rather than ignored or forced useless medication. public information media could be distributed to inform public on how to spot and refuse or report these threats to our national security and freedom.
I'm well aware firsthand about how people are harassed with technology making them appear insane and from a typical victims point of view, it's the people the world that has gone insane. TIs are tricked into believing the government and most of their country are evil and even teenagers who can't be gangstalker are sure their psychiatrist is in on it gaslight ING them since it's obviously not mental illness even to a youth it appears to be the what's actually just ignorant and complacent unbelieving agents and officials.

The other way our governments are trying to stop gun violence will also not do much for Targeted Individuals, that is those not targeted by government legal surveillance of suspected spies and terrorists, just typical citizens who can't get help from even family and friends who also reject thei impossible sounding events the victims often cannot or ever again mention to them or authorities making the number of victims much higher than the government is aware of, and all victims are checked in case they are in a government surveillance abuses of power At least the RCMP lately in the last couple years will check your name on a secret list.

When the person complaining about abusive advanced harassment technology is determined not t be a government targeted, they are considered a mental health problem.

These TIs, like myself are not targeted by governmen are the intended users that receive support on my Facebook Group called TargetedIndividualscCanada... by police operating procedure ignored and hospitalized. It's very psychologically painful and after a few years of the slow destruction of one's life... Imagine with sonogenetics no easily found chips are necessary and from personal experience unnerving with serially abusive psychopaths looking out your eyes and using miscommunication parametric speakers astroturphing holographic projection and countless other unknown as to exact technology employed at any given time the result is a victim tortured murdered while easily disguised as treated r untreated mental illness.

This unknown specific technology enabling anonymous abuse in miscommunication synthetic telepathy etc is called by an older term v2k defined thankfully by Google as Victim is unable to say exactly which technology and when or how then was it recorded or heard or not by people nearby is called V2K according to Google's definition.

I can assure you mental health such as medication or counselling for publicly availabke technologys typically criminal mercenary services on darknet and used secretltv as weapons of mass destruction harassment and underground darknet anonymous ops and deepfake directors murderous slander video ptlropaganda and fabrications exacerbate the torturous slow killing accompanied by thefts robberies and assaults such as radiation, food additive or chemical poisoning, physical "pausing" and AstroTurf ING, synthetic voice over directional sound or during phone calls, hidden phone audio interception. and modification.

If you understand this so far be prepared for the entire scope of particular victims problems to be so much more serious. I draft this basic outline of what I know from firsthand witnessing evidence collection and research. bi was fortunate to have unique extensive knowledge of mental illness and have been lucky to have brilliant doctors (as police in three provinces repeatedly tried to bring me to the hospital for complaining) I now have some five or six very smart doctors each incident of theirs brought with it different reasons why I don't and will never get schizophrenia. It's been explained by these smartest psychiatrists in a way I could always know how to prove to others and save time should I be forced to speak to another psychiatrist about this problem. In emergency psychiatric wards of hospitals every doctor must agree with patients diagnosis so for each of these doctors they had an addition to make on the lack of diagnosis for the extreme foot tall stack of medical records produced during thi long seven years of criminal harassment and personal corporation destroying unjustified detaining every time I reported on the crimes to police.

There is no doubt I will never become ill from that illness that starts in childhood. My computer expertise and scientific knowledge and my formal study of critical thinking and logic. These too helped but it's no consolation as an entire continent still not listening to the victims to the tune of 260 million wasted dollars that won't stop people from being anonymously targeted and killed sometimes by way of them going postal on those the technology makes them believe are responsible.

I'm afraid even when authorities that may be able to act are unable to find me without being observed likely for blocks and cinatantly hear the stalkers shouting as I'm evading or followed, I am surrounded. Large groups surround victims for a couple kilometers a city block and often speakloudly on the current offers such as money offered if you kill yourself or per day jailed or hospitalized even crypto for every photo of your face or every time the victim hears people say specific words or phrasesa. Seed media to support constant deepfake evidence of your 'lies'. As I write this stalking domestic terrorists heckle me in public community center garden, they yelled out "they say you have schizophrenia..." as I just explained during editing that I do not and will never. These domestic terrorists insist mndeeading means you are insane and call what they pretend to be bystanders undercover police and if you believe these plainclothes impersonators are undercover police you can listen with bystanders to them claim this paid for harassment is all legal and justified no need to report it.

The perps talk about extremely violent streaming of killings and brag about their dead victims or daily narcissist fantasy repeatedly killing a woman, and often deepfaked "murder porn" of victim and loved ones to threaten and control targets behavior. Certain foods are pushed on in many cases hungry broke and homeless victims, having blood brain barrier damaged with simple radiation allows entry of unexpected chemicals eventuallycausing. dementia and headaches. Underground snuff partial reality TV was described in person by the a still uninvestigated serial killer from Penticton BC in 2014 as " Its Ike the movie saw but better its real life I just love it" This is from one of the people involved in crimes which started my loss of life career and freedom in Penticton BC 2014. An unidentified woman died at their hands on her way to speak to me and I know who killed her but penticton corruption, rapist rcmp (cst Vance from newspaper was fired for sexually assaulting a coworker was the last constable to write me regarding a now non exist ant file) and incomplete complaints process mean the victim is still not identified.

Given this scenario from my first hand view is typical of victims and that TIs represent the growing number of mass shootings since mental illness does it increase over time and it's important to know the mentally ill are not as likely to succeed on mass violence as sane people. Previous to darknet targeting mass public shootings came from statistic about mortality when it came to suicides a method of death most prevalent for depression. And postal workers have the highest rate of suicidal depression and a smaller percentage of those suicides go kill others before their own life hence hence term going postal.

Mass shootings are increasing yearly at n alarming rate 600 or so last year but almost non existing nt in the 90s. Solutions funded by government so far are never going to work even with millions. the only other solution proposed by governments is also costly and hotly debated but cannot fix the root cause of mass shooting violence events increasing dramatically and out of standard statistic that we should still seeing inctezdr gun control, in making guns contraband will only make them less accessible to impulse purchases or restrict legal purchases to certain people - my psychopaths would simply pay on darknet or via anon op for acquisition of guns and ammo, initially legally acquired, to be dead dropped in the path of the tortured and terrorized person at t the moment they really lose it.

if we want to stay a free country and world we must stop treating victims of rapudly advancing technology, Gangstalking, anon ops, deepfake propaganda v2k harassment perverse invasions of privacy identity personatuon and other frequently experienced by the TI underground darknet hacking harassment forced remote anonymous miscommunication astroturphing the Pause Weapon And drugging/poisoning.

We.need stop treating these people as mentally ill and use money to investigate the crazy sounding crimes that perps domestic terrorist mercenaries commit against victims who eventually die. It should be noted that targets may also suffer of mental illness, but even for schizophrenic s, several of which I have have questionned and read about one's like the Parliament shooter who apparently recognisesd his previously diagnosed and treated illness but v2k is clear to even mentally ill victims, v2k harassment is very much a different thing from a schizophrenic hallucinations. hallucinations are nothing like v2k abuse created by stalkers speaking a psycho harassment phrases with the end result to control hide and murder the victim confused as mentally ill by authorities.

As far as mind reading symptom goes, it's rare in schizophrenic, only about 1 in 100, experience mind reading as a feeling or other sensation that comes or goes psychicly. it's not the experience a TI describes as forced anonymous communication abusive synthetic telepathy ie a public chatroom anybody appears to be able to connect ND force their words bd sound to, a party-line you don't want and can't stop causing at minimal mental stress. Best case scenario is the speakers are not very bothersome or the victim is occasionally entertained by the invisible perps, is very much seems to be like if you imagine Chinese water torture.

If you think gun violence will reduce in the USA during 2022 you may be the only person to bet against the majority in this online wager of Cryptocurrency prediction you can bet on but I doubt many bets will be for anything but increase. it's for a good cause because I am the one hosting this legal but morbid and distasteful prediction, and I receive a small commission of any bet wom.

Thank You



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