Pepper is an easy way to cultivate the house

in pepper •  7 years ago  (edited)

Looping soil is the most suitable for chilli cultivation. Besides, a little alkaline soil can be used. Fill the tub with the dough and mix the tub well. Give enough water to the tub on this soil so that the soil is moist wet. And keep in mind that the soil does not dry completely. And place it in the holes.

What type of tub / vessel will you choose in the cultivation of chilli

It is best to use soil or plastic tubes for roofing or verandahing. Also polybags, tin scissors or plastic utensils can be used. Only if there is medium-sized tub for pepper tree.

Chopped peppercorns

Based on the taste and usage of our country, chilli is divided into two parts: Sour and sweet pepper. But in our country, there are all kinds of sorghum pepper and its use extends. Besides, some of the good varieties of pepper are paddy pepper, balujuri, bindi, boramasi etc.

Pepper is the perfect time to plant / planting

Usually, the suitable time for chilli culture is May-June month. Also, the seeds of pepper can be sown in the beginning of the winter in October. If the seed sowing, then good yield of pepper is available

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