I've decided to take some time to start preparing some mini sweet pepper plants earlier today! Nothing like using some fresh compost to get the ball rolling!
Right now, I planted around 14 mini sweet pepper seeds in 7 cups (I plan on separating them as they get older). Although, it is a little late in the season to prepare these peppers, I've decided to take the chance anyways to see how many I can grow during the blistering heat of summer. Luckily for me, if they do happen to survive the heat, I live in Florida so our winters aren't going to be too detrimental when it comes to harvesting them. Even if I lose these peppers, I've already got a few other species of peppers growing from sweet to really spicy which are already producing some fruit for me!
Once they sprout up, expect an update from me! Perhaps I may record a video, we'll see!