FullTimeGeek Talks About The Coming "Perfect Storm"

in perfectstorm •  6 years ago  (edited)

I will try to buy a new phone with a better camera soon ... Sorry for the low-quality.

Topics discussed in this video:

  • Earth changes (e.g. earthquakes, volcanoes)
  • Religious persecution
  • Political turmoil
  • Economic crisis
  • Spiritual birth pains

The person who inspired me to talk about this subject is the late John Paul Jackson -- a true messenger of God. Below is a highly recommended video of his:

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Thank you for having read !!
This msg was just for you guys.

Ya know its so strange we have this battle of the right fighting the left... To have a optimally functioning body we need both to work in harmony.

:) Where video games just make sense to me as a solution. Fighting teams are part of gaming. .

Sure we fight the alliance on wow if we play horde and vice versa, but in the end we all enjoy the same game.

"Keep war in game the respawn time is much shorter."

If certain people have that much time to ruin our worlds story for ao many others...... well

You have your mind can decide how the rest of that sentence should be written.

Love ^_^/~☆
Time to start blogging here again.
(About time for a mainstream social media break due again)

It does seem like a perfect storm is brewing. Although it didn't exactly happen in 2011 as John Paul Jackson predicted, and the "woes" of 2012 are still unclear. Perhaps we were spared in 2012, like Nineveh was in the days of Jonah.

It seems as if there was a huge demon party from 2012 - 2016. Now the demons are furious. And it's not just political, it's clearly spiritual. And it's not Trump, it's much more than that. God is doing a work today that I never could have predicted.

Will revival come? Will the veil continue to be lifted? Will more people wake up to the truth? I predict the separation gap will continue to grow more and more extreme. Hot or cold - no in between.


Wow! Thank you for that comment. I happen to agree with everything you said. Yes, perhaps we were spared like Nineveh but only for a short while. It doesn't seem like people are crying out to God like they should be so I expect things to get turbulent sooner or later.

The kingdom of darkness has been running the show for too long imo, and I rather have it get bumpy now then wait another decade or two ...

2012 was a turning point in tragedy in the U.S. and abroad.
JPJ did't predict a year for "the coming perfect storm" per se... much of his predictions and "HEADLINES" have come to pass, and then some... we are in the MIDDLE of it.

You speak what I feel as well. I have never felt so much the burden of the lies and indoctrination I was exposed to during my life. On the other hand I feel freer and more in love with the world than ever before. Steemit has transformed my life and gave me the time to reflect.

Eschatology is fascinating me for years and it feels like the elite is instigating prophecy by all means necessary. Have you seen my 2018 - Master Number 11 Year article a few weeks ago? It is quite interesting to see how they play with numerology, astrology and programming.

Is this your new side account for topics like this?

Brother @flauwy! Nice to see you jumping into the chat :)

I'm glad that my message resonated with you as well. We definitely have a lot of like-minded individuals here on the Steem blockchain and I'm happy that you're one of them.

Eschatology is fascinating me for years and it feels like the elite is instigating prophecy by all means necessary.

You're absolutely right that there is a group of people on earth that like to "play God" and try to force-feed their manufactured "prophecy" upon us. The enemy doesn't have any new tricks and can only impersonate. They are the false light.

Have you seen my 2018 - Master Number 11 Year article a few weeks ago?

No, but please share the link! I would love to read what you wrote. I probably missed it due to all the internal conflict going on in the blockchain the past few months and having to build a bot army.

Is this your new side account for topics like this?

Yup! :D

Here is the article: https://steemit.com/numerology/@flauwy/2018-and-the-master-number-11-the-numerology-of-the-elites

Stuff like this drives me more than anything recently. Man, you really should aim to come to Anarchapulco next year. There are all like-minded people there who are potentially changing the world. It was the most spiritual encounter I ever had with everything that happened there. And the other visitors are describing the same. Half the room was on Steemit.

Great to see you back vlogging! I liked the baby being born analogy...and your focus on unity, coming together under a common banner... Love!

I watched the video you linked. I liked quite a few of the solutions he gave in the middle to end of the video, it's solid advice for anyone, no matter their religion, for what's happening now and what is to come. I especially liked the bit about "making friends" :) :) :)

I didn't really resonate with the things he was saying about islam. That's just another way to divide us and the so-called 'powers that be' just love to watch us fear and destroy each other, so they set us up against each other like this. :'( Religion vs. Religion, man vs. woman, straight vs. gay, pensioners vs. gen x, etc etc

They are making the push to have more war. They love any war because they reap the spoils. The only way to prevent it, is to not fear, love each other unconditionally, and allow others to live the way they see fit if they're not hurting anyone.

Lyndsay! God bless you for that wonderful comment.

I liked the baby being born analogy...and your focus on unity, coming together under a common banner... Love!

We would already be in Heaven if all loved one another as ourselves. But, the fear of this world prevents others from trusting in such a loving God. Many people have been stripped from hope and faith which leads to a "dog-eat-dog" mentality. Either they eat tonight and their neighbor starves ... or vise-versa. When in reality, the earth, if left alone can multiply all seeds/fruits without much work or toil. But, somehow all the trees that produce good fruit are cut down by local governments so that people need to shop and spend money.

I didn't really resonate with the things he was saying about islam

I will have to watch the video again to recall exactly what JPJ said about Islam. All I know is that are good/bad people in ALL religions and Jesus died for all of them. It is up to the individual to accept the gift of eternal salvation.

They are making the push to have more war. They love any war because they reap the spoils. The only way to prevent it, is to not fear, love each other unconditionally, and allow others to live the way they see fit if they're not hurting anyone.


Absolutely. There are extremists everywhere in life, they fly under many banners, and they justify their violent behaviour by any means.

They often use religion as an excuse to commit atrocities. And then people blame the whole religion, or the whole race, the book, the idea etc instead of holding the individual, him/herself, accountable for their actions.

I don't care what someone believes, what God they choose as theirs, what their sexuality is, who they love. I care about their actions. How they treat others.

Thank ye for sharing this blog ♡

Hoppin in to say hallo!!!! I hope you all have been having a wonderful summer.

I have a points system up for our kids game group, not sure if the boys might be interested?

Tradeable for prizes ~ we're in beta test mode right now ☆☆☆

Great vlog and I really resonate with your perspective. I can feel the momentum building towards the "perfect storm" but like yourself, I also feel it grants us the opportunity to be born into a new reality and understanding .. a paradigm shift of profound proportions.

I have issues with the hierarchical structure of the church and feel that it has been heavily infiltrated .. that said, I have much love for God and the word of Christ .. I believe that the hatred and venom which is currently being directed at both displays that we are indeed entering the aforementioned perfect storm.

This is the age of deception and perceptual subjugation, but I live without fear for I know that love conquers all. Thank you for sharing your words and inspiring mine.

We have more dark times ahead before we will see any light. Corruption, greed and power run rampant. You are right, we need to use the love that the Creator gave us to continue to do good and stick together during these times. The journey we follow is difficult, but with faith and love in the Creator and each other, we will preserve...

we need to use the love that the Creator gave us to continue to do good and stick together during these times.

Amen. We would already be in Heaven if we cared for one another.

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you and the family with the ongoing Nicaragua tribulation. I pray that things improve soon!

We pray for that too. There are select few here on Steemit that now will know what is happening here. If you have a secure place where I can give you the information...some folks have protonmail...

some folks have protonmail

I do have protonmail ... but you can also encrypt messages on the steem blockchain. You just have to make a transfer with a memo that starts with the pound sign (#). Everything in that memo will only be visible to you and the recipient.

I will send you an encrypted memo with my proton email included so you have either option.

Thank you! I didn't know I could encrypt memos. I am not much of a techie...

Love the video, One thing that caught my attention. Is every city should be a city of peace.

New follow. @perfectstorm should be a perfect help and attention to major issues around the world.

Jesus is coming. Get ready.

He has never left...

Hes everything, hes everywhere.

We just mistreated him every lifetime to the point that maybe some day he can rule his people again instead of these dark entities.

He said John the Baptist was Elijah...

He is every soul who wears his courage to guide them. Paramedics, emergency responders, musicians, doctors etc etc.

Maybe we just forgot how to see him and are now gaining eyes to see so we can finally be home with him again.

Well, he isn't coming until his people are ready ... We probably still have a looooooong way to go ...

This world would explode if Jesus touched down right now.

The Great Awakening is happening as we sit here. This leads to The Great Revival. Once that happens, .......

Agreed. I think it'll be a long harvest season though personally.

Nice to see you in the chat @badguacamole! There is nobody else on Steemit that's more informed on JPJ and what he spoke about than you.

I hope to see some perfectstorm blogs from you in the near future :)

Evil used to hide in the dark and then in the shadows. These days it does mot seem to be hiding at all.
I am concerned about what CERN is attempting to do, being backed financially by most countries. Attempting to tear the veil between dimensions is not something rational people would do. Not knowing what it could unleash upon all of humanity is insanity.
Faith is really all we have. Whatever the future holds, we are ready for it.
After the last election, people have shown their true colors. The hatred which has been unorganically grown by the media and politicians will bite them in the rear. Society in a whole seems to be moving away from religion. The destruction of the family is another factor.

I am concerned about what CERN is attempting to do

I've heard some theories flying around. Such as Timewave Zero in which CERN is used to bounce back time like the movie Groundhog Day. CERN may also be the culprit behind the #MandelaEffect.

Thank you for commenting :)

Could that be the reason that time seems to be speeding by? This year is more than half over.
I tend to lean towards the Mandela Effect being the clashing of two parallel universes with subtle differences. Either that or people are truly messing with us.
I clearly remember in the movie Moonraker, the love interest of Jaws having braces.

Wow this video really came from the heart. Your preaching didn't come off at all like preaching. That's something that I don't notice very often. I'm going to download this video by John Paul Jackson and watch it at a time I feel that I can be receptive to the information. I've had negative experiences with some forms of Christianity in the past, yet I have a feeling I might experience a different take on the religion from this guy.

Your preaching didn't come off at all like preaching.

We're all just filthy rags in the eyes of the Lord so I try not to be judgmental in my preaching which definitely helps in not offending people. My goal is to spread good news and love.

I'm going to download this video by John Paul Jackson and watch it at a time I feel that I can be receptive to the information.

I hope it resonates with you as much as it did with me :)

Thank you for the comment and support!

Happy to! I listened to it a couple times right before sleeping. I can't place my finger on it, but it's a lot different than other things I've heard before. One of these times I'll listen to it when wide awake so I can see if I can spot the differences between his message and that of others. He comes of non-preachy in his preaching too.

Highly rEsteemed!


I gathered a CROWd on a Block... we called it @SteemPunkRadio...
Let's get Stormy Bruv!

Screen Shot 2018-07-07 at 10.16.15 PM.png

Hey bro, great stuff! Do you see downsides of posting links to steemit posts on facebook, at least short term to leave a trail for my followers to follow?

Yo! Sorry for seeing this comment so late.

The only downside could be facebook shadow banning you for posting links to steemit :/

Nice to see you commenting on the blockchain david :) ... I hope all is well with you and Geet Institute. Did the Tesla convention already happen this year?

Nice to hear from you too bro! I'm still working on the geodesic dome builders network so I can fund the stuff we need to do with GEET. Not sure if I'll head to the ETC this year. I think it starts in just over two weeks from now, and I don't really have any new GEET news since last year. That could change with a team, but I am going solo right now, so...who knows

Love your energy bro, very grounding and soothing. Appreciate the way you talk about the @perfectstorm in a positive light. Happy that @jaynie pointed me your way. Couldn't have asked for a better dose of energy support to start my day with my coffee. Bright Blessings!!! #steemitbloggers

I appreciate the support :)

Excellent video! Most churches will not step up because they are so corrupt. All about money and power. Most go so far that they preach hate from the proverbial pulpit. I've witnessed this first hand from, so called, good christians. Don't even ask my thoughts on the pope. I do believe a storm is here but we haven't felt the full force yet. I don't believe in church or organised religion due to experiences I've had but I do still believe in God and prayer. Love that more people are waking up to msm propaganda! The world is kinda ugly right now but I do see glimmers of hope. #walkaway

Most churches will not step up because they are so corrupt.


The following training video by "Illumicorp" explains how corrupted churches are used to control the masses (@ 13min):

Some people in the know say this video is 100% REAL.

Thank you @fulltimegeek! Great video and interesting that they mentioned chemtrails as I just did a short video on chemtrails above my house. I hope you can watch it if you have a few minutes. I absolutely believe the video speaks the truth and have had many of these thoughts for a long time. I'm glad you are bringing so much awareness to what is happening and hopefully waking some non-believers up!! ❤

Spiritual break down has been happening for decades, centuries for that matter... and politics have crossed over into the spiritual world. I agree with @ironshield that this is not one person's fault by any means, this is a collaboration of all mankind. The evil, the loss of believing in God (and God's wrath) and people's sin are all siphoning (like a vortex of a hurricane) and the people in the know of what is wrong and what wrong they have been hiding (or inflicting upon) from us are not seeking salvation, they are still seeking authority, superiority and believe they are not being judged.

The evil, the loss of believing in God (and God's wrath) and people's sin are all siphoning (like a vortex of a hurricane)

That reminds me of the following verses from Proverbs 1:

26 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh;

27 When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you.

28Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me:

29 For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the Lord:

Short summary: Evil will reap what they've sown.

Thank you @goldendawne for the excellent comment!