Permaculture, Homesteading, and Community Building // An Intro to Unusual Edible Plants (Part Two)

in permaculture •  7 years ago 

Hi everyone! I recently got some unusual edible plant seeds from a seed swap hosted by OAEC (The Occidental Arts and Ecology Center). I did some research about these plants before sowing the seeds, and want to share that information with you today. I love discovering new edible plants, especially perennial vegetables, that are different from your typical tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, ect that you usually find in a home garden. I get to grow plants with unique flavors that I've never experienced before, and most of the time these plants are much more resilient than the typical annual veggies that are grown.

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Cardoon (Cynara cardunculus)

  • A perennial food crop native to the Mediterranean
  • A highly striking silver-leaved ornamental plant with stunning azure blue thistle flowers
  • Mid-ribs of leaves are delicious cooked, they taste like artichoke hearts
  • Cosmically delectable in baked gratins or pureed into spreadable pates or dipping sauces
  • Grows up to 8ft tall and 5ft wide
  • Needs full sun and rich soil, is drought tolerant once established

Red-Veined Dock (Rumex sanguineus)

  • A perennial native to Europe, North Africa, and Southwest Asia
  • The young leaves are tasty raw and the older leaves are good when cooked
  • It grows 2-3 ft tall and 1 ft wide
  • It needs full sun to partial shade, almost any soil, and regular water
  • The beautiful dark red-veined bright green leaves make this a highly ornamental plant

Turkish Rocket (Bunias oreintalis)

  • A perennial mustard originating in Southern Russia and the Caucasus region that stretches south into northeastern Turkey
  • Has tasty edible leaves, flowering stems, flowers and shoots (like small florets of broccoli) with a strong cabbage/broccoli flavor
  • Can be used cooked or raw
  • Is drought-tolerant with a deep taproot that mines moisture and minerals, attracts beneficial insects, and can be used as an animal fodder
  • Grows to 5ft, prefers full sun & moist soils

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Job's Tears (Coix lacyma-jobi)

  • Native to East Asia and peninsular Malaysia
  • Edible seeds are valued in Chinese medicine and mature seeds are used as a high protein grain and as decorative beads or in jewelry
  • Grows 3-6ft tall and 2-5 ft wide and needs full sun to partial shade and regular water
  • Can perennialize in frost-free locations or does well in large planter pots
  • Is highly ornamental in edible landscapes

Great Globe Thistle (Echinops sphaerocephalus)

  • The Great or White Globe Thistle is a Eurasian herbaceous perennial thistle looking much like the purple globe thistle, but with white perfectly spherical inflorescenses
  • Grows to 7ft
  • Prefers sunny locations
  • Attracts many bees, butterflies, and beneficial wasps

White Sage (Salvia apiana)

  • White sage is a 5 ft evergreen perennial. The flowers emerge in summer and are white with a little lavender
  • This sage is native to the southern coast ranges of California, into inner mountains
  • Salvia apiana likes sunny dry slopes, almost gravelly soil and no extra water after the first year
  • White sage is hardy to about 15 F in the central coast ranges
  • This is one of the sages used in sweat lodges in the past and apartments in the present

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Can you write something about.Aquaponic too???

Super Duper Cool!

These are some awesome plants!
Actually never seen before :P

i have some white smudging sage that has been growing for almost a year, and it is lovely! part of it ended being hidden by another plant, but when i pulled that in the fall, the rest of the sage exploded. it seems like some of the stem, growing low, even started rooting!

very coo. first time seen this kind of flower.

Yummy yummy plant fotos again! Cheers.

Natures beauty..

Very cool. I always love learning new obscure seeds. Turkish rocket has been on my list for a while, I’ll be curious to see how you like it :)

Hi . . . I am Edi. From Aceh, Indonesia.

Got some Cardoon's in our Agroforestry system. Going to have to try some of the others that might make it in zone 7. Thanks for the info @anwenbaumeister!!

These are so good to know. I have always wanted to try cardoons but wasn't sure they'd last in our winter climate. I only just bought a cold hardy fig this past Summer and did not put it away as I wanted to see if it really could last in its pot and now we have had a long freeze. Do you grow cardoon yourself?

So nice 😄 check my channel and see my food posts 🙏💘

Nice infor and good read. I'm learning a lot of things here thanks for posts such as yours :)

I am going to have to look into this seed exchange! And see what can grow here in the PNW. How fun and nummy! Check this out @twinislandflames - I see fun colors and flavors in the new garden :)

Wow! I love this write up, I'll have to start looking into edible plants! :)

I found this really insightful, thank you for this article! @anwenbaumeister.

This is quite usual plants and love to try eating them. Good luck and I do hope that your harvest will be bountiful. The cardoon looks very exotic.

White sage is one of my favorites and dear to my heart :) Wow Cardoon sounds interesting and tasty. They look so much like artichoke flowers. Do you know how thick & big are the leaf ribs?

Hlw sister Namaste from India. And thank you so much for your valuable upvote for my previous posts. Yesterday I had uploaded my 4th dancing blog on steemit. And this time the track on which I performed is an english track sang by Charlie Puth. Actually I am a student of 17 years old and I want to become a dancing star this will be only possible for me with your guide and appreciations so sister plz help me to fullfill my dreams. And here's my link so plz check it out.
Wish you a good day. @anwenbaumeister

Oh my goodness, I LOVE artichoke! So anything that tastes like artichoke, I will love.

My husband and I drive through parts of Nevada, and the white sage grows wild. We always stop and pick it, because it makes our car smell so good.

Great article! Love learning about new plants!!