Permaculture is an intensive farming method that maximises the contours of the land and all precipitation of the atmosphere. Swales are dug around the perimeter of the landscape being rained on so the water stays within the soil. Biodynamic farming techniques are used where certain plants act as fertiliser , other plants act as insecticide and all else are for food crops. This way no chemicals are used.
This technology called Permaculture is a true miracle! All this talk in the world about desertification from industrial monoculture farming, all the chemicals in the atmostphere used to fertilize crops and for insecticide is useless now! It was a big issue. Now you can see that all those monoculture techniques are useless and blasphemy if you look into this alernative! Thinking in terms of permaculture installation the whole food crises of the world turns into a mean joke! There is no excuse not to green the entire planet and turn it into the garden of eat'n'!! Even the bible said for humans to be tenders of the earth! So do it!
Say no to lawns!! Just say no to neutered yards!!! Plant your own food forest in your yard if you have one! I am lucky enough to have a permaculture food forest in my yard. My friend told me it was the most punk rock thing he's ever seen!! It is a bit of work to start and a different way of thinking but after awhile the garden pretty much takes care of itself if the installation is done correctly. I have been enjoying annual and perennial food crops. Our food forest is made of mostly permanent plants. I've found this style of gardening to be vary rewarding and relaxing. Now we are jarring and canning every year.
The world desperately needs to get on this. Myself I love the overgrown look! Food is best when you grow it yourself. Then you know where it's coming from, what you put into it and it's fresh!!
Check out this video about how Permaculture greened the desert in the middle east.