Permanent Abundance
For the past year, we have been researching techniques to make fresh and healthy food affordable, accessible to all, and readily available year round. Our research focuses on traditional time-tested techniques in addition to intensive observation of natural systems.
Innovative Gardening
This summer, we are introducing a gardening technique specifically designed for northern climates. Our goal is to supply abundant yield of rich quality produce, while requiring minimal time to operate and maintain the gardens. Since we can grow more food in less space and requiring less time, our technique allows us to cut the cost of production of food by up to half! Plus, all our vegetables are grown in living soil following organic practices and without the use of any insecticide, pesticide, or artificial fertilizers and nutrients.
Weekly (CSA) Baskets!
Signing up for our weekly baskets gives you access to 100+ variety of fresh, seasonal produce including native and rare varieties. In addition, your contribution is a great way to support our community and our research on sustainable practices to transition to a future of abundant resources. We follow the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) model. See the bottom of this page for details.
Click here to see the video demo:
Click here to see the project's webpage:
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