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in persela •  7 years ago 

Innalilahi wainalilahirojiun .....




Choirul Huda Persela Lamongan goalkeeper dies

  • Choirul Huda, Persela Lamongan goalkeeper after undergoing a critical time is now certain to die.

"Huda certainly has died," said Officer media, Abdul Rozak, Sunday (15/10/2017).
Previously the condition of Huda's death was confusing because doctors still can not give an official decision.

Before Huda died unconscious in the field, critical and died after receiving treatment.
Huda involved a hard collision at the end of the first half precisely at the 44th minute on Sunday (15/10/2017) afternoon, a match against Persela Semen Padang colored incident.
The incident came from a violent clash involving Choirul Huda Persela goalkeeper and Ramon Rodrigues defender Persela in front of goal as he secured the goal from one of the Padang cement players.
As a result, Choirul Huda, whose chest was hit by a ramon foot, was unconscious and immediately rushed to the hospital for treatment.
Before unconscious, Choirul Huda was aware and groaned in pain while holding his chest.
Presented by the medical team that handles Huda, Huda needs to be taken to the hospital for being unconscious.
"It was still conscious and complained of pain in the chest, then unconscious," said one of the medical ti who helped evacuate to the hospital.
Hopefully husnul khotimah ... Amin yarroball alamin.
#yunirusmini fb
#video 1 sec "goer incident choirul Huda.
#video 2 seconds "Died his goalie choirul Huda.

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