in persian •  5 months ago  (edited)

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On this famous tablet, aka Verdo of the Narmer Palette, of King Narmer (Menes) -- the founder of the 1st dynasty -- it clearly depicts Caucasian Persian dude overpowering indigenous dark skinned natives. Then they claim to have been the founders of all melanated people's culture. The founders as in they have found it and ckaimed it for themselves.

It is the Persians, so-called white Babylonian "Jews" aka the Medians/Medes, who have invaded the ancient black Khemet, Egypt, subjugated the indigenous dark skinned natives under their slave state of so-called "Old" Kingdom of first dynastic rulers. They weren't Egyptian and they didn't build any of the pyramids nor temples as it all was already there long before the Persians, who like to change names and hide behind other people's identities, have arrived.

"Medes were an ancient Iranian people who spoke the Median language and who inhabited an area known as Media between western and northern Iran. Around the 11th century BC, they occupied the mountainous region of northwestern Iran and the northeastern and eastern region of Mesopotamia in the vicinity of Ecbatana (present-day Hamadan). Their consolidation in Iran is believed to have occurred during the 8th century BC. In the 7th century BC, all of western Iran and some other territories were under Median rule, but their precise geographic extent remains unknown." Medes, Wikipedia



After the exodus of Akhenaten with his white Semitic entourage of fake Jews from Egypt they have taken over Ethiopia, Phoenician Canaanites, have crossed the Mediterranean and established Macedonia, Hellenic Greece, as Vikings they went to Northern Europe, took over "Brit Ish" iskands and continental Europe, organized Slavs under the Rurik dynasty in Kiev & Novgorod, as the Akkadian empire they took over the Assyrian and Egyptian empires, Sumerian and Babylonian empires. With its power base centered now in Persia, modern day Iran, they have setup the Roman empire, British, French, German, Belgium, Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman, American and Soviet/Russian empires along with tge central banking, Talmudic Babylonian legal system, fake medical and educational systems, mass media, secret societies of Masons, Rosicrucians, Jesuits, Illuminati etc. They have developed Communist and Capitalist ideologies, Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, fake globalist science of spinning balls in the vacuum of space held together by gravity, the black holes, dark matter and energy, the big bang that has Created everything from nothing, evolution of an ape into a human, atheism, and then some.

"The beginning of his Nimrod's kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. Out of that land he went forth into Assyria, and built Nineveh, and Rehoboth-Ir, and Calah, and Resen between Nineveh and Calah (the same is the great city)." Genesis 10:10-12

"Jewish" Rothschilds《Persian Orsinis《Nimrod

"Assyrian murals dating back to the time of the Assyrian king Sargon II in the period between 722-705 B.C., depict Assyrian sailors navigating in ships, featuring the front part adorned with the head of an animal, perhaps that of a horse, dragon, or mythical creature.

• It appears that the Assyrians preceded the Viking sailors by over a thousand years in using this type of ship.

• Another great example providing more evidence that The Ancients were far more advanced than the MSM scholars make them out to be!

• Question everything and do your research."

Via fb Ancient History


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