Everything you should know about the menstrual cup

in person •  7 years ago 

If you've never used a menstrual cup because you have a lot of doubts about its use, price, maintenance... relax. Marta Panera, head of Intimina Spain, has answered all our questions.

How do you get?

This is one of our fundamental doubts. Accustomed to tampons, the shape of the menstrual cup catches us by surprise. "Introducing the menstrual cup is very simple, thanks to its ultra-soft texture and its medical grade silicone with which it is made. To place it, just roll it up or fold it over itself and insert it." What do you mean? There are three forms: rolled up like a tampon, C mode and V mode.

It is important to keep in mind that the stem of the cup must stay inside and not protrude through the vaginal opening.

How do you know if it's full and you have to change it?

Intimina menstrual cups offer a lot of comfort because they can be worn for up to 12 hours (including sleep, as they can be worn while sleeping). However, the amount of flow will determine how often the cup is emptied, Marta notes.

However, it is recommended to empty the cup 2 or 3 times a day for those women with a more abundant flow.

How do you wash your menstrual cup?

"If we find ourselves outside and need to empty the cup in a public toilet, there's a simple trick. We can carry in the bag a bottle of water to clean the glass or a wet washcloth. Once we dry the remains of water with toilet paper, it would be ready for reuse."

The person in charge of Intimina recommends that, before and after each menstruation, we immerse the cup in boiling water for a few minutes. This way, we will achieve a complete cleaning.

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