Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth.

in persona-q •  4 years ago 

Persona q shadow of the labyrinth which might as well be called persona 3 and 4 get mashed up and pushed through the Etrian Odyssey filter subtitle hope you like maps because that's just what it is really we'll talk later we've come it's important to understand


though just where this game lies after all the whole canon between persona 3 and 4 has already been fleshed out through two entries in the p4a series where time works like you'd expect to get coke on students from persona

3 are in fact three years older than their counterparts from yogami high in persona 4 and there's a new crisis involving the TV worlds in in a bun lab reject well throw that out of the window there's been a time rift in the cast's of both games plus the outlier

characters from the remakes like Theodore and Murray find themselves stuck in a spatially dubious version of yeah Sagami where everyone stuck inside a big old culture festival every classroom is set up as a game room or a cafeteria or a display of some sort

including four which lead to massive multi floor Etrian Odyssey style dungeons and here's where the real magic happens the game blends the cast's of two games while blending the mechanics of three into a stiff foam that tastes great and is less filling the long-form

life-threatening delves from the Etrian series returned in force or you have to draw every map yourself and scour every corner of each floor for shortcuts and items to potentially make your life

easier the combat blends the 2 line 5 unit team structure of Etrian with the weakness targeting mechanics of persona where striking an enemy's Achilles heel grants that character a boost status

that allows them to act first in the next combat round and reduces the cost of skills to zero and following the persona mechanics you can ask for support and data from Fuuka and reset

despite their stark differences these two series actually gel rather well together that's partly because they're blending two flavors of unflinchingly brutal RPG fortunately if you want to just see the story of two casts of

persona games forced to deal with each other as equals you have the option of dialing down the difficulty like wimp on the other hand there are two settings harder than normal as well if you want your brain to run out your ears like

so much maple syrup if you're coming from the Etrian Odyssey side you might be playing a bit of catch-up on the backstory though any particularly crucial bits of plot or brought right out in the open after all each

team doesn't know the other in this particular world so it looks like two groups of persona users getting to know one another also counts as sufficient exposition for newcomers who just want to draw some maps and beat up

some fo ease the character art represents a chibi fide take on the iconic shigga noise Sigma artwork maintaining the basics of style while being utterly adorable and in keeping with form it comes alongside another

unbelievable Shoji maguro soundtrack enough odd mashups of hip hop and energetic Engrish lyrics to fuel all of your doubts Veta bring control-v potent feat of medical parole gotta think of if you're waiting with bated breath

for Etrian Odyssey untold to persona q will help you pass the time if you also happen to be a persona fan q might just be the cleverest gadget this side of desmond llewelyn it's not without a couple foibles those on the mechanics

including the intricacies of persona fusion how to utilize skills on your support teams personas are really covered in detail and have to be searched out the request system has Yuri covering a lot of ground and often

demands that some underleveled character from your reserves be included for arbitrary reasons and despite the power to repurchase any persona you've registered it'll be some time before

you actually have the cash to do so it's alleviated a bit by a couple free DLC personas like Orpheus Telus and Kaguya which can boost you through the early game.

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