The strength and power of optimism

in personal-development •  9 years ago 

The technology and social networks have facilitated life in many aspects but also generate stresses, anxieties and negativism. Learn with experts, to master the art of positive thinking

And if I tell you that the best way to deal with problems is to face them with optimism? It seems vague and inconsequential, but according to the study of positive psychology, optimism can really change the course of events.

Times of Change
Changing times have always existed, but today everything is faster. We are constantly faced with changes in the area of technology, employment and family structure itself. Jobs for life are over. From one moment to the next, our professional situation changes and we have to adapt to new jobs, new ways of working. It is important to be persistent, innovative and optimistic to adapt to each change.

How is it possible to remain optimistic in times of crisis and austerity?
It is not easy but it is possible, if we are determined, it is also possible to change from one state pessimistic to an optimistic attitude. Usually this only happens when accumulated a sufficient amount of pain that drives us to change. Positive psychology has several tools to make that leap. A very simple and effective exercise is to express gratitude for the good things we have in life, every day.

What other strategies we can adopt to become more optimistic?
It is very important that people pay attention to his speech, internal and external, what they say to themselves and others. We are in a phase of very plaintive. Phrases like "What horror ',' I am able 'or' This is going from bad to worse" have a profoundly negative charge. Our physiology changes instantly. We let down our posture, we lost power or motivation.

How can we eliminate this kind of expressions of our speech?
This is not to deny what is wrong, but to maintain a hopeful attitude, that makes us move forward and find solutions. If I say "I'll do it!" Or "It will be spectacular!", My body reacts and activates all the hormones that are favorable to my action. Even that did not initially believe.

How our thoughts influence the course of events?
Our memory is selective. For example, if I'm pregnant I will notice much in pregnant women pass me in the street. If we are constantly thinking about what is negative is as if we were to inform our minds that this is what is important to us, as such, our memory will focus on problems as if they were to come to us.

In fact, we are we go to them. When we say "I know that today the day I will go wrong ', our brain is responsible for confirming our expectation and day actually goes wrong.

Negative thoughts generate a vicious circle ...
Until the day we decided to change and we begin to observe the beauty, the positive things, what is good in life and for which we are grateful, then, instead of anxiety settles serenity. If I believe that there are solutions to my problems I will find them.

What strategies should take someone who just lost his job?
Must face unemployment not as a problem but as a challenge. Only the fact that we use this word already predisposes us to action. Then, instead of focusing on the negative aspects, think about your skills and abilities and how you can make a difference in relation to other candidates.

Optimists are more successful in job interviews?
If we go to an interview with a negative attitude, closed, already waiting for not being selected, the person who is recruiting feel it perfectly. More than ever companies need motivated teams, enthusiastic, optimistic and this is what will look for in employees.

What would I say to someone who uses pessimism as a strategy not to disappoint?
Many people resort to defensive pessimism. It is true that not became thoroughly disillusioned us if we are waiting for the worst, the problem is also that we will not give our best. Who is going to invest in something if you believe that will not work?

Someone would open a company to believe it would go bankrupt after them? This pessimistic attitude blocks our skills. We are not sufficiently energetic, nor rained all the positive actions that can lead us to success.

What is the line between optimism and unreality?
When we are referring to the optimism we are talking about a realistic optimism, proactive, in which the person continues to trigger actions and choose the strategies that will take it to their goals. The unrealistic optimism, it is often an escape of optimism. It's just a hollow positive thinking. It is thought something like "I know I will be all right so I do not need to act." The person may feel happy, but the results will not be the best.

There are more pessimistic people than others?
Yes. There is a very interesting case is that of Bhutan, a small Himalayan country, very poor, which is in eighth place in the ranking of the world's happiest countries.

What conclusions can we draw from this example?
That happiness and optimism depend on what we value. In Latin American countries where people work hard and earn little, people smile, sing and consider themselves happy. Culturally, in other countries the focus is on the negative, on what does not work and complaints. Depressive literature was through generations, as well as its fate to that one point had a very negative charge, the letters concerned a fateful destiny that nothing could be done for him to escape.

Because often we assume the role of the poor thing?
The role of victim is us instilled in childhood. The child goes to play and it's all great, but if she falls and starts crying interrupt what we are doing to give attention to it. Later, the child becomes ill and apologize all nonsense because, poor thing, is sick. Gradually she learns to reap the negative attention. And as we all like to have attention, even in adulthood, we prolong this strategy.

The negativism of people to our return can infect us?
Yes, but the infection also occurs through positive emotions, since we are persistent. We can all take responsibility for change.

What would I say to someone who says he has no luck in life?
Luck is built with persistence, determination and self-confidence. No use looking back at what went wrong and we can not change. What matters is what we can do today to achieve in the future what we want.

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