Introvert, My World

in personal •  7 years ago  (edited)

albert-einstein-1933340_960_720.jpgI am an introvert, since childhood I knew that I was different from others, instead I was never trying to be their portion but nevertheless I tried I would not enjoy such things, get together, play together, or working in teams. I often spend time on my own, drawing, reading or make something. Many judge Me that I was a shy, however, is not like that. I've performed on stage many times in the race either singing, dancing, athletics, in front of the crowd, a teaching assistant I've even worked as a lecturer.

An introvert is not a group gather, sometimes often the target of bullies in his neighborhood, not because he/she cannot defend himself but because he/she feels these things (make fun of other people for the sake of show ego) is not useful in an ideal society, there may be some who later will give a response back, but he /she will not be person like that. Introverts prefer a small and only consists of a few close friends, being friends with an introvert can be a difficult thing, but an introvert is very loyal to friends and friendship continues forever.

I myself have a deep thinking, and like still and pay attention around and analyzing .This ability ,later helped me in my current job, a consultant and problem solver.

Many people categorize that an introvert is a losers, it is not true. An introvert in fighting for something would weigh the advantages and disadvantages, not based on ego (which is where a lot is an extrovert nature). If Introvert realize that it is not profitable, and a waste of time then he/she will not think twice to release it and look for other opportunities. However, if it is profitable, all kinds of efforts will be made to maintain it.

Introverts are idealists, because in life, most introverts influenced by what he/she read, an introvert nature sometimes can be very idealistic in a world filled with injustice, it is sometimes often leads to a contradiction dominant in the environment and society, Breaking moral that had been there, and the offending party in power.

An introvert prefers psychological thing than physical things. He/she likes reading can be taken meaning and spectacle which implies goodness and can be an inspiration. Wild Parties, or wasting time for fun is not the type of introvert.

Many introverts are an inspiration to the world, one of which was Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, Michael Jordan, Julia Roberts, Nicole Kidman, and JK Rowling

Photo Credit to: Pixabayanthonyzyh.jpg

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This is a very interesting post! Thanks for sharing. I'm also planning on doing a post about introvert and my experience for being one and I just wanted to see what opinions was out there already.