Our Car, The Blurt Ride That Is Saving My Life Right From the Start 🚙

in personal •  4 years ago  (edited)



This is our car, it is called an "AUV" or Asian Utility Vehicle, Toyota Tamaraw FX '95 Model. A Tamaraw is by the way a kind of Water Buffalos because it is smaller and the horns are pointing backward with no curve so it is a different species that is indigenous to one of the islands in the Philippines.

That is why this car I do believe is intended to be sold solely in the Philippine markets. This particular model is very old and is not being made anymore. We are just using it because we couldn't but another second-hand because we are trying to prioritize the more important ones like my daily medicines which is why this car only get fixed and fixed so we could continually use it for our purposes.

Actually this car is not ours but from my brother, it was originally bought as a taxi from the year 2000 if my memory serves me right after our bakery business had flopped.

So the talk about operating a taxi came into mind, we searched into the newspaper classified advertisement and we end up buying this one for $4,166 in dollars equivalent where my brother had loaned the 40% of the price and my aunt financed the rest.


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Then a few years later my father just decided suddenly to sell the rights of the taxi to operate and bought an air compressor with the money. His reason was politics about a group of taxi owners in their organization. So he just quite cold turkey right then and there plus he is always having a lung problem, possibly from the cigarette-smoking drivers that he is conversing with everyday.

So my bother had ended-up paying my Aunt (the sister of my Father) the money which she contributed. So all in all we actually didn't ROI in operating this taxi because my father maybe industrious but is easily giving-up in the things that he does just like the flopped bakery business and his work as a mechanic abroad.

Then after that we just went on using this car as our own utility vehicle. It has been a very important factor in my life as a dialysis patient because without this car then things would have been very difficult for me because I just have to go to the dialysis center twice a week.

There were many instances where if this car was not here I would have been dead already because I did experienced having a seizure when I was just a new dialysis patient and I got transported to the hospital immediately because we have a car already in those years.

Right now my father being a mechanic himself just maintains this car although he took off the A/C system which according to him makes the engine eat more fuel and the turbocharger which eats oil. Which is true in a sense but not enough to cause a very significant fuel consumption.

That is why if I would have an extra money I will not buy any vehicle for that matter because my father will take off the A/C system, he just doesn't like it. So anyway we have this car and it can transport and that is what is important even though people laugh at it plus it is not comfortable to ride into because my father "again" had messed up with the suspension system.

Right now this car is well maintained to run, it is not comfortable and certainly not beautiful but good enough to make us go places. I use it for my dialysis sessions, when my parents and my brother buys from the grocery. It is fast but won't win any races and will roll and and on until maybe rust ate away is chassis. This is my #blurtride, the car of my life.

car rolling.gif


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I like the fans :D