How to deal with Emotions at Work

in personal •  3 years ago 

Ever feel used, unappreciated, put aside, overlooked, betrayal or any number of negative emotions in the workplace?

I go through this when clients hire another firm, ask me to help them but there’s no $ to pay, and when I find out they’ve done an end run around me.

I live alone - so no venting and truth be told - venting may help you feel better but the consequences of telling someone something they can then take out of context - puts you in a bad light and precarious place.

So what do you do?

Go for a walk?
Have a nap?
Work on something else?
Look for a different job?

For one thing you have no idea what their thought process was or why they decided to go one way over another. You may not have been the best choice or there may be a thousand other reasons why something happened like it did.

It is personal but you can’t take it personally. Confused? It is difficult.

Basically - You have to not care, which is easier said than done. Here is one way to get through the emotional storm. - Focus on you.

Have a plan for yourself and work on that plan. Take a course to improve your skill set, read a book to find insight about how to have a better mindset, and build your digital brand by telling the right stories.

You have the opportunity to be seen by other employers, head hunters, and hiring managers by telling your brand story about what you are learning, the courses you are taking, and the skills you have.

How can you do this without sounding like a pompous arsehole? Google Shannon Peel and discover lots of ideas, tips, and tricks.

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