Thoughts on the the year that is almost at its end.

in personal •  7 years ago 

This has been a year of change. I started blogging on Steemit about five months ago and what a trip it has been. In July 2016 my daughter @onetree told me about her journey on Steemit and being a cynical old-timer I waited till September this year before I took the decision to give it a go.

It was a bad decision! I should have started blogging a year earlier! One can't cry over spilt milk but I wish I had started earlier.

It took awhile to find my niche and these last few months have been good to me. Not only was the blogging fun but it has it also has been a journey of self-discovery. When one puts pen to paper as it were, it starts you on a quest into unknown territory. I find myself looking at life with a different eyes, what previously would be glanced at and forgotten now presents a different face. I find myself thinking, "will this be of interest to my Steemit followers?"

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What a great platform this has proved to be. How many people are celebrating Christmas with a few more dollars than they would have had without Steemit? It has helped many to come out of their shells and share experiences that they would never have had the opportunity to do before.

Image - Pixabay

My only regret is that I have not been able to provide more good content. The price of Steem is going up and up. I have high hopes for the future. I feel compelled to spread the message, to break through that veil of scepticism and to let those around me know the wonderful future they could have if they apply themselves to this new paradigm.

Image - Pixabay

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Looking back I think we all know how we should have/would have done things. But life comes as it comes and we make decisions at that moment.

Yes, you are right. We make decisions and have to take whatever life throws at us. All the best for a great 2018.

It's a very hard road indeed

@petruska13, I'm so glad you are a part of the Steem community. It really is all about the journey... who we become in the process... 😊

You are so right. The journey is everything. We need to enjoy every minute.

you're here now :) that's the most important thing!

Glad you are doing good @petruska. I started off in June and then with little payouts for a lot of work, I lost some "steem" and stopped. I should not have done that, I just started again about 2 weeks ago and now I must pick up the pieces, start working on followers again. So I hope I won't lose my "steem" again and hang in there. Happy steeming for you!