Tips Regarding Personal Safety During Disasters

in personal •  6 years ago 

Natural disasters can strike suddenly and violently. When this happens, things tend to become chaotic. Many will stand strong, helping their friends, family, and neighbors to the best of their ability. Unfortunately, many will be unable or unwilling to help in many cases. Some may even want to hurt others. At the end of the day, we must take responsibility for the personal safety of ourselves and our families, no matter what the circumstances.

Although it is not always the case, it seems that many will look for personal gain during times of crisis. This is an unfortunate aspect of human nature, but it is unavoidable. Protecting yourself and your family is key, and many products can aid this cause.

By far, the most useful and important tool for securing your personal safety during a chaotic time is simple common sense. Be sure to stay alert and aware of the situation. Try to stay as up to date as possible by watching the news on the television, and if the power is down, a battery powered radio/flashlight is essential. Do your best to stay in contact with family, friends, and emergency service personnel.

Begin exploring legitimate, effective, and completely legal ways of staying safe during a potentially chaotic and dangerous time period. One of the most effective and non-lethal options is known as pepper spray. This can be an important tool for fending off marauders, looters, and essentially anyone who wishes to cause harm to others. This is a chemical compound that should be sprayed in the eyes. It will cause severe irritation and difficulty breathing. Unfortunately, you must be close to the target, which has the potential to be problematic. A great option is the one pound can of pepper spray, which is ideal for non-lethal home defense and even crowd control. Different products will elicit different effects, but most types will be useful for disabling someone for as much as an hour at a time.

One of the most effective self defense options is a stun gun. A stun gun can deliver an electric shock to the individual, essentially disabling them and causing muscle spasms. This can be important for putting distance between a violent individual and yourself, yet it will not be lethal. They are, however, extremely painful when used correctly. This is a common tactic of police departments across the nation. No matter what option you prefer, be sure that planning and preparation are taken seriously.
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