
in personal •  5 years ago 

What drives me when nothing seem to go right is the faith - really feels like insanity sometimes - in the fact that the work will have its own reward. Even if things don't go as I wished...or even if things don't go in any way I'd envision as "positive", they go. That's all I have to believe in, that every step and photo is taking me closer to a new level.

I know that this new level is hard to understand from my current level and my idea of it, or my modelling it is simply a foolish but unavoidable part of expectations. Still, it is just a bad model as I don't have access to it really until all the dots connect. And they connect by being out there, walking, clicking, getting some goo shots, getting some bad shots.

The only thing that will stop me from going to the next level is stopping.

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Yes definitely keep going 😎

Thanks! I defo try.