Two years and look at what's happened

in personal •  4 years ago  (edited)

I almost forgot about this profile, until I was sitting here on a rainy day in Holland watching a documentary on meth addiction in the USofA and for some reason bitcoin popped into my head. I still grapple with what it is, what it can do for me, how to work with it, buy it, share it, create it. But never mind, it doesn't matter right now. Right now what matters is I managed to find my password and come back to you, to create and write and do what I do best.
I look back and it's been two years since I last posted here, and I don't know where to begin. What has been happening?
Well, two albums later, a music business lost and destroyed by a "global situation" and two puppies, a husband and house renovations. Things could be worse. When one door closes another door opens, and so on...So I adjusted, just as every musician becomes the master of change, I too adapted like a chameleon to my new settings and surroundings. I wonder if I will see my family in Canada again, or if my life will be forever changed by a requirement to give up control of my own medical freedom and health so that I can carry a little vaccine passport around and live "freely" as I once did...As we once all did, or at least thought we did. Did I mention I left social media? Yeah, left it like an empowered woman leaves a toxic man; without guilt, a second thought, or a consideration to look back. These tech giants want to tell me how to live, who to trust, who to believe in, and hope to create an AI version of my personality from their pathetic web of lies? Well, not gonna happen. The Firegirl don't play that way. I am out. And it feels fucking amazing. In fact, I would suggest you do it too. But most people are not strong enough for the silence. The absolute quiet, once you tell others you have switched back to letter writing, or only emails. And it does get quiet. Because people are so caught up in this world they believe to be "connected" and authentic in it's way of giving you "freedom" to express yourself everyday. I understand it. I mean, I was there too. I loved to express and create and carefully post and frame myself in that golden social media light. I can't even imagine what it's like for the young. I am in my 40's and even I saw myself addicted to it. But if the mind thinks about something long enough, it can do anything. And all it took was a quick cut of the noose and I was there gasping for air again, reborn like a baby from some matrix egg bubble. I was alive again and free to think for myself without the AI trying to decide every action and sentiment for me through Crackbook and Instaspam. And the mind is fantastic, because even after years of this garbage online reality, I am healing and my mind is changing everyday that I stay away. Instead now I focus on what's important, like my own heart and mind, my life and the loves of my life, my health and my art, and all the new exciting ways to be alive without the online lie of social media. What does that even mean? Social media. Certainly it is media...Comedia. If you think it can bring something magic into your life that you can't do on your own through commitment to family, friends and self worth. So instead I have only my blog and mailing list and the few hardcore fans following me on Patreon. And I am grateful for those, who are willing to pay to hear my thoughts, and my songs and continue to support me now that the music business is literally gone. It's been so long since I was on stage, able to connect with people in that real god given lightworker way, that I sometimes forget what I am here for, and capable of doing. But let's wait and see, for even winter turns green again. With patience and time, independent thought and faith, anything could happen. I mean, come on...two years, and just look at what's happened...

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