Personal Development on Steemit?

in personaldevelopment •  7 years ago 

I haven’t really noticed a lot of posts about self reflection/personal development on steemit. Being that steemit has a more positive and uplifting type of community, I am curious about how my fellow steemians would react to these types of conversations happening.

Please let me know in the comments about your opinion on self discovery and self reflection.

On a personal note, I am making the decision to post not just content related to photography, but content related to personal development as well.

Hope you all have a happy new year <3

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Thanks @verbaldancing! I know steemit is fairly new, but there seems to be a plethora of bots commenting, and people just posting pictures in contests. Being on the platform for less than a month now, I feel that there really arent that many people using steem as a source of quality content, but rather a "get rich quick" kind of thing. I'd like to think otherwise and I love what I have seen on your blog thus far. I have followed you and am looking forward to seeing more of your work! Have a happy and wonderful new year!

That feeling start to change the more you connect with like-minded people, and put your own message out! If you need support send me a message anytime. I'm also on discord, I can find my ID later

happy new year!

It's a pleasure to hear your voice here. I am looking to post and share in the same way, maybe you will like:

HAPPY NEW YEAR For All - 40 Rules of LOVE - Shams Tabrizi - Spiritual Teacher and Dervish to Rumi

So much LOVE. The Courage, Strength and Beauty of MK Gandhi

glad to have found you and all the best!
